Friday, November 28, 2008

The Stop Hair Loss Solution

Both men and women tend to be affected by hair loss as they age. However, hair loss affects many more men than women. Roughly 25% of men start to have hair loss by the time they are 30 years old. About two-thirds of men are either bald or have a bald spots by the age of 60.

Hair loss is actually caused by the inability of your hair to re-grow itself, rather than your hair falling out. Male baldness usually starts as a receding hairline and thinning of the hair with eventual bald spots.

What Can I Do To Stop Hair Loss?

Well, there are several treatment options for men wanting to stop hair loss. You can go the medical route and take prescription drugs or opt for surgery, but keep in mind that those are expensive options that come with risks and side effects. Or you can stop hair loss naturally.

If you would like more information about the medical options to stop hair loss; the risks, the costs, and the side effects simply consult with your doctor. If you would like to stop hair loss naturally there are a few things listed below that you can do to help. You can also use the natural methods to stop hair loss in conjunction with medical treatments if you choose.

Did You Know There Are Foods That Help Stop Hair Loss?

Remember that your hair is made of protein; therefore protein-rich foods and organic fruits and vegetables should make up most of your diet if you want to stop hair loss and promote hair growth. You can take a protein supplement if you don't like to eat a lot of meat.

Each of the foods and nutrients below helps stop hair loss:
* Protein: red meat, liver, brewer's yeast, fish, eggs, beans, yogurt, tofu, protein supplements
* Iron: liver, eggs, whole grain cereals, dates, dark green leafy vegetables, raisins, iron supplements
* B Vitamins: meat, eggs, poultry, B vitamin supplements
* Vitamin E: avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds
* Sulfur: onions, meats, fish, nuts, legumes

What To Watch Out For

There are also a few things that you should avoid eating or consuming if you want to promote hair growth. They are:

* Caffeine
* Soda
* Sugar
* Processed Food
* Foods high in fat

Hair loss, especially when it occurs in men at a young age, can be an embarrassing problem that leaves people self-conscious about their appearance. It doesn't have to be that way.

Follow the above recommendations and do some more research online as you will find other natural hair loss remedies and solutions that can help you solve your problem.

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Truth About Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Everyone knows that having acne is an embarrassing problem. Now imagine having chronic acne. People with chronic acne problems will often try every face cream and treatment method known to man to try to get rid of those ugly pimples and acne scars. Yet nothing seems to work.

While I often recommend that people with acne try to solve the problem naturally by watching their diet, exercising, and using some type of natural acne face cream, in cases of chronic acne it often takes a more serious type of treatment to solve the problem.

Laser treatment for acne has proven to be one of the most effective types of acne treatment available. Laser treatment for acne uses a combination of laser carbon dioxide and a YAG laser.

Laser treatment for acne removes the top layers of your skin, in order to remove as much as the scarring caused by acne as possible, as well as to smooth and tighten your skin. Laser acne treatment is a quick, painless, outpatient procedure, which makes the procedure less inconvenient to your everyday life.

What's The Downside To The Treatment?

There are two downsides to getting the laser treatment for acne procedure. For one, it is more expensive than treating your acne naturally. Actually it is one of the most expensive acne treatment methods out there.

Secondly, you won't see any results until about one and a half years later. However, if you suffer from chronic acne the wait is usually well worth it. People who have sensitive skin may also opt not to do the procedure as it can cause permanent damage to sensitive skin.

What Everyone With Acne Needs To Understand

With the chronic acne cases aside, people need to understand that the majority of acne cases are simply caused by a poor diet, stress, and lack of exercise. When you eat processed food, junk food, fast food, etc. your body becomes full of harmful toxins (from the chemical ingredients in the food). Those toxins are slowly released through your skin.

These toxins then appear on your skin as acne, blemishes, rashes, and other skin conditions. If you want your skin to be shiny, smooth, and radiant you need to eat a diet of organic food, mostly fruit and vegetables. These are real foods that don't have any toxins and contain all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs everyday.

Exercise is the next most important step as sweating is your body's natural way of getting rid of toxins (quickly). Exercise also helps you cope with and lower stress, another one of the major causes of acne.

With a combination of exercise, a healthy diet, and using your favorite natural skin products you should be able to keep your skin looking beautiful. Just remember, what you put "inside" your body shows on the "outside" of your body.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Symptoms of Graves Disease - Eye Problem

Graves disease, otherwise known as the thyroid eye disease, is a rather unknown, but serious condition. In order to explain what the graves disease eye problem is you must first get familiar with the thyroid gland and what it does.

There is more to your thyroid gland than what I will explain to you here, I just want to keep it simple so you can understand graves disease. Your thyroid gland is in your neck and produces two types of thyroid hormones.

These hormones are vital for your metabolism running properly and your growth. Graves disease comes into play when your thyroid doesn't produce enough or it produces too much of thyroid hormones your body needs. When your body doesn't produce enough of the hormones it is called hypothyroidism.

When your thyroid doesn't produce enough of the thyroid hormones then you may:

* Feel depressed
* Feel Anxious
* Have a slower then usual heartbeat
* Feel sluggish

What if Your Thyroid Produces Too Much of the Hormones?

On the other end of the spectrum your thyroid can also produce too much of the thyroid hormones. This is known as hyperthyroidism. This type of graves disease occurs most often.

There are also symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism. Someone starting to suffer from this type of graves disease will experience:

* Hot flashes
* A faster then usual heartbeat
* Nervousness

How is This All Related To My Eyes?

Graves disease becomes a serious eye problem because of the painful symptoms it can cause. While the conditions and symptoms can vary in intensity, one of the most noticeable and the most common symptoms of the graves disease eye problem is the protrusion of your eye(s).

When your eye is protruded, your eyelid is pulled back and all the muscles and the tissues that are around the eye area swell up. This is what causes the pain and the eye problem.

Is This Disease Treatable?

Although the graves disease eye problem is a serious condition that can cause a lot of pain, stress, embarrassment, and suffering it is treatable. There are many ways to treat this condition. The most common methods are:

* Lubricants
* Steroids
* Eye surgery
* Radiation to the eye

The only downside to treating the graves disease eye problem is that it can take anywhere from six months to a year for the treatment to work. The exact amount of time needed to get rid of the problem depends upon the specific person and their case.

If you think you may have graves disease or would like more information talk to your local doctor.

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Top 5 Skin Care Tips

In an attempt to get shiny and radiant skin many people will spend tons of money and time using the latest skin products. But often they don't see permanent results, or any results for that matter. Yet they still believe that the latest skin cream on the market is going to solve all of their skin problems.

When you follow the following skin care tips you won't need all those skin care products, all you will need is one or two organic skin creams to enhance your beautiful skin. The main thing you need to understand is that if your skin is not healthy and shiny right now if you follow these tips you can get results.

But understand it takes time, effort, and in the short-term your skin may even get worse before it gets better as you cleanse your body of harmful toxins.

Skin Care Tips - Work Out

You need to get fit and healthy if you want your skin to shine. If you look at most people who take care of their body by working out and eating healthy food (organic fruits vegetables, and nuts) they have excellent skin.

This is because when you work out you naturally expel harmful toxins from your body. Your body gets these toxins mainly from your environment, processed food, and chemicals. And they are released through your skin.

Your body gets rid of toxins quickly when you are sweating, for example, but if you live a sedentary lifestyle and don't work out toxins take longer to get out of the body and therefore they will show up on your skin as acne, blemishes, rashes, discoloration etc.

Skin Care Tips - Eat Organic

Basically, your skin reflects how you are treating your body and what you are putting into it. So, you need to eat right in order to get that radiant skin you have always wanted.

You need to eat organic food as much as you can afford to because it is not filled with the chemicals (toxins) that processed food is. Next time you go food shopping think of it this way, pretty much everything in the aisles is all junk full of chemicals that give you bad skin. Everything around the outside of the store is pretty much okay to eat and won't show up on your skin.

If you are unsure if a food is healthy just read the ingredients. Ingredients should be other kinds of food not chemicals.

Skin Care Tips - Watch The Sun and The Sunscreen

The third skin care tip is that you need to watch how much time you spend in the sun. You do want to spend 10 - 15 minutes a day in the sun if you can so your body can get the vitamin D it needs.

Also get your sunscreen at your local health food store so it is natural. Commercial sunscreens contain chemicals that harm your skin.

Skin Care Tips - Stress

It is well documented that stress causes much harm to the human body. Another of the skin care tips for maintaining healthy skin is to reduce or avoid stress. While all stress is not possible to eliminate, learning to deal with it can remove some of the worry lines that are carved into many foreheads and around the eyes. Learn yoga, tai chi, meditation techniques, or just exercise for stress management.

Skin Care Tips - Clean Hands

Ask any health expert and they will tell you that the hands are one of the biggest enemies of facial skin. Washing your hands frequently and refraining from touching your face will prevent the transfer of germs and bacteria to the skin on your face.

Once you follow the above skin care tips you can use your favorite natural skin cream to enhance the appearance of your skin even further. That is really what skin creams are meant for anyway. The companies won't tell you that because they want you buy a lot of their product, but the truth is that you need "good skin to have good skin," not good creams.

Having good skin comes from being healthy and fit. Don't think that having great skin is easy though, it takes work, determination and motivation to get healthy.

Give the above skin care tips a try and you will see results.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Monday, November 3, 2008

Discover the Benefits of Meditation

There are many benefits to meditation, which is why it has been practiced by people all over the world for thousands of years. The benefits of meditation affect your:

* Overall health
* Your emotions
* Your well-being
* Your powers of self-determination

Benefits of Meditation: Less Stress

One of the main benefits of meditation is that it helps you learn how to manage your stress and anxiety. Constant fear and worry does nothing but cause you pain and suffering, it makes your immune system weak, and it can cause virtually any disease.

Meditation will teach you to be still, or in the present moment, which will allow your mind to free itself of any thinking. When you learn the benefits of meditation you will also discover that you can be open and accepting to whatever happens in your life, whether it be positive or negative.

Benefits Of Meditation: Lose Weight

Having too much stress can cause weight gain and compulsive behaviors such as overeating, smoking, drinking, etc. When the human body is under stress, it puts out certain hormones to get the body ready to fight or flee at a moment's notice.

These hormones make the body unable to metabolize food at a normal rate. One of the benefits of meditation is that as you begin to reduce or even eliminate the stress in your life you will notice a decrease in your waist line and an increase in your overall energy levels.

Although most western medicine doctors used to laugh at the benefits of meditation, many doctors are finally admitting that there definitely is a mind-body connection in regards to health. Doctors have found that people who are generally happy, calm and don't overreact to every little event in their life, are healthier than people that are completely stressed out.

Benefits of Meditation: Get a Handle On Your Emotions

The benefits of meditation also include getting a handle on your emotions. A lot of the time we let our emotions run our lives, but we need to realize that most of these negative emotions are coming from obsessive thoughts about the future or the past. The past is over and we have no immediate control of the future so people need to learn to be present to get conscious, or in touch with their inner, true self.

Meditation will not only help you get healthy, they will provide a foundation to help you improve in every area of your life. Start by giving ten minutes a day to practicing daily meditation and you will see the benefits I am talking about.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
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