Tuesday, January 20, 2009

At Last! The Truth About Processed Foods

Eat a good, balanced diet. This is vital to good health. Our food does not just provide the energy we need for daily living, it also provides the raw materials for healthy cell turnover and fuels our natural repair system.

Fruit and vegetables are nature's anti-aging remedy, protecting us from many of the diseases we associate with later life. I cannot stress how vital this is; being overweight will seriously reduce the chances of a healthy older age as there is a greater risk of heart disease, stroke, arthritis and diabetes.

There are a handful of vitamins and minerals that will help you in various ways, and many of these can be found in fruits and vegetables. In the last 30 years, studies have uncovered that nutrient deficiencies (even when the deficiencies are mild) do, in fact, impair the immune response and lead to frequent, severe infections.

Which nutrients am I talking about? These are the nutrients that have important influences on your immune system and your body as a whole: Vitamin B-6 - poultry, lean meats, fish, nuts and seeds, and fruits (bananas, avocados, mangos, prune juice, and grapes)

Folic acid -- beans, nuts, all types of dark-green vegetables, and many fruits (orange juice, papaya, banana, mango, kiwi, cantaloupe, and berries). Folic acid-fortified rice, pasta and breads, baked goods, and breakfast cereals are also now excellent sources.

Vitamin C -- Citrus fruits, papaya, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, mango, red peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, dark-green vegetables of all kinds, tomatoes, and potatoes.

Vitamin A -- All dark-green vegetables and yellow-orange vegetables and fruits are excellent sources of carotenoid forms of vitamin A.

Vitamin E -- wheat germ oil, peanuts, almonds, cod liver oil, soybean oil, canola oil, wheat germ, other nuts, selected fruits and vegetables (mango, Swiss chard, papaya, pumpkin, prunes, grapes, broccoli, spinach, pear, blueberries)

Zinc -- beef, poultry, seafood, nuts and seeds, whole grain breads and cereals, tofu, beans, and milk.

Iron -- shellfish (clams and oysters), pistachios, lean beef, dried beans and peas, eggs, nuts and seeds, dark chicken/turkey meat, dark molasses, prune juice, breads and pasta, and green vegetables.

Selenium -- Brazil nuts, oysters, clams, lean pork and ham, whole grain and regular pasta, chicken and turkey, sunflower seeds, lean beef, breads, oatmeal, soy nuts, eggs, nuts and seeds, and low-fat dairy products.

Processed foods, formulated or manipulated for ease in processing, storage, and to assure an extended shelf life are one of the greatest problems facing the ability to lose weight. Did you know that the majority of processed foods have had their nutritive value reduced or eliminated.

Even worse, to make them easy to process, easy to preserve, easy to retain freshness and easy to deliver, processed foods have many additives, which attack rather than support your general health.

The problem with food is that the majority of processed food is contaminated with poisonous ingredients or is actually a form of poison in one way or another. Many of the additives in processed foods are known or suspected carcinogens and known poisons.

Under the best circumstances these and similar products are very bad for the human body: (In other words stay away from these chemicals).

MSG, (MSG is actually rat poison). Sulfites, Petroleum-petrochemical flavors and colors,
Certain irons, nitrates, most sweetening agents (including white and brown sugar) which at a minimum interfere with the normal operations of the immune system. And, of course, the notorious and omniscient and very dangerous hydrogenated oils.

Hydrogenated oils are highly advertised to help reduce cholesterol but recent studies clearly indicate their general action is to suppress good cholesterol and boost bad cholesterol which in turn slowly destroys your immune system.

Margarine and many other foods have a very high content of dangerous hydrogenated oils that are considered to be and that help suppress or exhaust the immune system. These ingredients and additives put an excessive burden on the liver, kidneys, and the stomach. (Margarine, in my opinion, should be labeled as poison).

Think about this: hydrogenated oils are considered by many health care professionals to be a direct cause of cancer. The human body has no idea of how to process a hydrogenated oil, whether in margarine or crackers, and must process it like an invader, it taxes the already limited resources of a sick body.

Watch out for phrases, such as, fat free, sugar free, low calorie, heart healthy, low cholesterol, no cholesterol and similar buzz words. When you see these buzzwords, don't buy the product, these phrases only mean that the food is loaded with harmful chemicals to replace the fat, cholesterol etc.

Believe me fat is better for you than chemicals. Go ahead and read the ingredients on the back of these products it will look like a 7th grade chemistry experiment. That will give you an idea of how immoral the food industry has become.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Monday, January 12, 2009

What Muscle, Fat and Water Have To Do With Your Weight

Have you ever wondered how long and how intensely you would have to athletically train to turn all that loose body fat into toned muscle? When you stop training, how long will it take before the muscle turns back into fat? It is essential to clarify that it is a complete myth that you can turn fat into muscle with training.

Body fat and muscle are two completely different tissues. They have different structures and functions, they react to training in different ways and, simply put, one does not have the capability to turn into the other.

Body fat is completely related to calories, and the amount that we have is directly influenced by the number of calories consumed versus calories expended. Calories consumed obviously come from the foods we eat. It is important to recognize that when we consume any type of food in excess, whether it is carbohydrates, protein or dietary fat, it will be converted to body fat.

Muscle is very different from fat. Each muscle is made up of thousands of individual cells, also called muscle fibers. While the number of a muscle's cells/fibers can not increase, each individual muscle fiber has the potential to increase in size, density and efficiency. These changes may occur together but not necessarily to the same degree, however, all will translate to an increase in strength.

This is important because one of the key problems with the so-called "yo-yo diet" is that people lose weight rapidly from muscle and fat stores by following a strict or crash diet. When they return to more normal eating habits, weight is re-gained, but it is always fat gain and never muscle.

This often means that while they can be back to their pre-diet weight, it's all fat, which is unhealthier than the original starting point.

Quick Summary of Fat

Fat can not become muscle and muscle can not become fat. Fat can only be reduced if the number of calories expended in a day exceeds the number of calories consumed in a day. Fat will be gained if the opposite occurs.

If you stop training, and compensate for this with a slight reduction in diet, your body fat will not increase. If you begin training but also increase your dietary intake, you can gain fat. Fat cells act as one, meaning you can not choose where you lose it or gain it.

Quick Summary of Muscle

Changes in muscle size, density and/or efficiency cause an increase in strength; however, these changes only result if the muscle is stimulated beyond what it is accustomed to. Weight training is the easiest way to control and monitor the changes in your muscle physiology.

Because of this, it is possible to increase your strength without adding bulk, and it is also possible to increase both. When you stop stimulating the muscle, your muscle composition may return to normal or, depending on your regular routine, it may simply stay as is.

Unlike fat, each muscle can be specifically targeted, so you can choose the specific area you would like to improve. With that said, realize that while you can work your abdominal muscles, for example, you may not see the enhanced shape and form if you have a thick layer of fat covering them up.

Over-exercising is not the answer though, particularly if you are not used to physical activity. The best way to approach your weight loss is to change the way you eat, so that you are beginning to lose weight at safe levels. Your goal for a successful diet is to make sure that you are eating the right foods for your body.

Controlling what you eat, along with moderate physical activity will help you to see how you can make your eating habits, weight loss and weight maintenance a positive part of your life.

The Importance of Water to Your Body

Since we are mostly made up of water, true health cannot occur without proper hydration of the body. We need to drink a minimum of half our body weight, in ounces, of water each day. (For example, if you weigh 200 lbs, you should consume 100 ounces of water.)

Every organ in the body heavily depends on water to function properly and to its capacity. Did you know that the human body is 60-75 percent water? The brain is 85% water, bones are 35 percent water, blood is 83 percent water and the liver is 90 percent water?

Water serves as the body's transportation system which therefore is used to energize every cell and organ in the body. It is crucial to every bodily operation and when we become dehydrated, the body instinctively begins to ration water to each organ. The brain, being the most important organ, gets the most water.

The skin, being the least important, is rationed the least amount of water. Chronically dry skin and/or dandruff are signs of advanced bodily dehydration, as are asthma and hyperventilation.

The body will do what it has to do to survive, which in this case means the most important organs get served first. If the body didn't do that we would suffer the ill effects of dehydration much more rapidly.

Check out these statistics: seventy-five percent of Americans are dehydrated. One glass of water deters hunger pangs for ninety-eight percent of dieters. Even mild dehydration can slow down someones metabolism by three percent. The biggest trigger of daytime fatigue is lack of water. Drinking five glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by forty-five percent, breast cancer by fifty percent.

So what does staying hydrated mean when it comes to losing weight? Well, since you body is loaded with toxins, it is a must that you get these toxins out of your body immediately. By taking in enough water each day you allow your body to flush out these toxins which in turn will increase your energy levels, eliminate depression and anxiety and best of all help you lose weight.

Here is a helpful tip to keep energy levels and metabolism up. Drink a glass of water immediately upon rising in the morning. This will start the your body's metabolism and cleansing process.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Importance of Daily Vitamins

We all know that vitamins are vital to our overall health. Your body cannot function properly without receiving the necessary vitamins and minerals every day. Sometimes called "micronutrients" by doctors and nutritionists, vitamins and minerals work in conjunction with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to keep us healthy.

In our fast-paced world, many of us have problems meeting all of our nutritional requirements each day from diet alone. We are on the run and do not always have time to eat healthy meals. To make up for some of the vital vitamins and minerals we may be missing, many doctors recommend that everyone take a multivitamin each day.

Since vitamins and minerals help your body function properly, you cannot afford to miss out on the daily requirements. Sure, you may not notice health problems immediately, but over time, missing out on essential vitamins and minerals can really take a toll on your body.

Moreover, studies have shown their importance in combating certain diseases, such as cancer. Vitamins and minerals help in many ways. For instance, they keep your organs functioning properly, aid in healing fractures, and help your eyesight remain clear and sharp.

Take vitamin A as an example. Among other things, this vitamin helps your immune system. To get the required amount of this vitamin each day, you need to eat four or more servings of vegetables and fruits.

Also found in vegetables and fruits is vitamin C. Chances are, you may not be getting enough of this essential vitamin, especially if you smoke. Smokers often do not get enough because they need more than non-smokers.

Other people need additional vitamins and minerals as well. For instance, pregnant women need vitamins rich in folic acid. Some people need additional iron in their diets. Your lifestyle may necessitate that you need more of certain vitamins.

In addition to a multivitamin, many doctors recommend that some patients take omega-3 supplements. Heart patients, for instance, routinely are told to take additional omega-3 supplement pills to help maintain a healthy heart.

Just as not getting enough vitamins is bad for you, taking too many vitamins is equally bad. Your body has trouble eliminating certain vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K. You want to take the correct amount of these vitamins to optimize the healthful benefits.

Taking a multivitamin is one way to insure you are getting all the valuable vitamins and minerals you need. But which one should you take? The marketplace is flooded with vitamin supplements.

The best way to choose a multivitamin is to look for ones that contain 100 percent of the recommended daily allowance of most vitamins and minerals. Also, buy from a reputable brand name that has been around for years.

It's important that your supplement not contain hazardous materials, and the manufacturer of your multivitamin should have research information available on their website.

You can find most major brands of vitamins at your local drug or grocery store. In addition, many companies sell vitamins on the Internet. Like the companies at your grocery store, online companies offer multivitamins that helps you meet your daily requirements.

When deciding what vitamins you need and how you can stay healthy, do your research. Visit the websites of several companies and see what their products have to offer.

More important, read about what testing they do to ensure that their products are safe and meet your nutritional needs. A company that is sure of its products will have performed testing and will have a proven record of success.

Although supplement manufacturers have had to meet certain requirements for years, in June 2007, the FDA augmented existing laws. Now companies that sell vitamin and herbal supplements must test their products for impurities and contaminates.

Moreover, all companies must prove their claims. Some companies have been testing their products for years and publish this information on their websites.

When choosing vitamin supplements, always look for a company that strives to make the safest and most effective supplements on the market. After all, when it comes to your health, you can't afford to take any risks.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
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