Sunday, November 29, 2009

Athletes - Are You Taking Your Vitamins?

If you are an athlete or live a very active lifestyle you had better be taking high quality vitamins. All world class and Olympic athletes take vitamin supplements on a daily basis to make sure they are getting the proper nutrition to perform their best.

It doesn't matter if you are a golfer, a runner, or a pro football player, as an athlete you need your vitamins for one critical reason above all others; you need them to prevent sickness and injury.

Injuries, such as broken bones, sprains, strains, bruises etc. are often a result of poor nutrition in the body. Vitamins keep all parts of your body in top shape which can help you fend off annoying injuries that keep you sidelined. Also you get sicknesses such as the flu and the common cold because your body's immune system is worn down and susceptible for an attack. Vitamins also ensure that your immune system is functioning at its best.

Don't get me wrong, high quality vitamins aren't going to make you invincible, but they should give you the confidence that your body is at its best. The rest of your athletic ability is then up to you and your training.

What kinds of vitamins athletes take is more important than just taking them because many store bought vitamins and minerals are useless because they are never absorbed by the body. They literally go right through you.

Why Are Most Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Useless for Athletes?

Well, just simply put, they are poorly made. They are more like vitamin bricks than fuel for athletes.

Why would companies do this to athletes? Easy answer, money. They are more concerned with making the cash than how well you perform as an athlete. Don't be too disappointed, however, because there are several different natural nutrition companies that do make exceptional vitamins that are proven to not only be absorbed by your body, but also be absorbed by the correct part of the body.

You see, each vitamin and mineral has its own specific job in a specific part of your body. This is why you need so many different vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. For example:

* Folic acid should be released only into the stomach
* B vitamins and vitamin C should have a sustained release function so they can maintain blood nutrient levels for over 12 hours
* Amino acids should only be released when they reach the upper intestine. Most amino acids are destroyed by stomach acids because they are absorbed in the stomach, not where they should be, in the intestines.
* Vitamin supplements should always be taken with food to ensure proper absorption

As an athlete you may have never heard of some of the great natural vitamin companies because they don't waste tons of money on advertising, they spend it on research and scientists to develop top notch products that actually make a difference for athletes. Then they spread the word through Olympic and world class athletes who actually use their vitamins without being paid to.

Where Can Athletes Find High Quality Vitamins?

Most vitamins for athletes will be found online or at your local health food store. To determine if the vitamins are high quality the company should have:

* Integrity - make sure that they have a track record of success
* Clinical studies published in scientific journals proving that the vitamins are absorbed and used by the body
* Easy customer access to the ingredients and any other info pertaining to the product
* A money back guarantee so you can return them if they don't work
* Proof that real athletes use them

To get published in one of the clinical journals is extremely difficult because the scientific community as a whole has to agree with the findings of the independent clinical study. Most companies hire their own scientists to put out studies that "may suggest this and that," but prove nothing and aren't even reviewed by the independent scientific community as a whole. Athletes can't afford to waste their time, talent, or money on vitamins that aren't "proven" to work.

Athletes should also try to get their vitamins through healthy food like organic fruits and vegetables, as a healthy diet is also necessary for an athlete's body to perform at its best

To Your Health,
Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weight Loss and Your Health

Maintaining a healthy weight is truly vital to keeping yourself in tip-top shape, and not just so you can get in to that little dress for the holiday parties.

Keeping your weight at a healthy level is a huge step toward the prevention a of a large number of diseases that you don't want to find yourself burdened with. These can include: diabetes, sleep apnea, heart disease, and cancer, just to name a few.

If you maintain a healthy weight, it can also help you manage diseases that you may already have such as Paget's disease, Osteoarthritis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). In addition to disease prevention, when you maintain a healthy weight, you will set an excellent example for your children which in turn will make it easier for them to make appropriate choices in the future.

With all the temptation out there though, maintaining that healthy weight and weight loss can be challenging for many people. And really, is there one specific thing that will keep you in perfect shape? The short answer is no; however, moderate exercise and eating right are absolutely vital to any healthy weight loss-maintenance plan.

By instituting even small changes, you will be well on your way. It is amazing what even a short walk after dinner can do for weight loss, not only for the way your body metabolizes the food you just ate, but also for your mood in general.

Diabetes is a disease that is being diagnosed in record numbers, not only in adults, but also in children. This is the most obvious red flag that America is overweight, yet many people have no idea how extra weight and diabetes are connected.

Diabetes is a lifelong disease that is not curable and therefore requires that you take some form of medication for the rest of your life to manage it. Poor eating habits affect your body chemistry; when it is thrown off, it can cause your pancreas to fail in its job of insulin production. The result is diabetes.

Another reason to maintain a healthy weight is your joints. Excess weight carried on your frame puts extra stress on your joints. This will cause aches and pains every day, and really, who wants to live with that?

Later down the road, you may find yourself with Osteoarthritis as a result; this is a chronic disease that causes the cushioning between your joints to wear away which, as you can imagine, can be excruciating. It can also cause bone spurs to grow around the joints. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can lessen the likelihood of getting this disease, and if you already have it, dropping even a few pounds can help ease some of your pain.

Are you always tired? You might be suffering from what's known as Sleep Apnea. A few extra pounds can weigh against the muscles in your throat when you lie down to sleep.

As those muscles relax, they can push against your airway and force it to close; the result is periods of time during the night when you actually stop breathing, followed by gasping for air. Whether you are fully aware of it or not, this disrupts your sleep pattern and can cause you to become increasingly tired, seemingly without reason.

Cancer is a word that no one likes to hear; a common disease, many people worldwide are faced with fighting it. There is no one single thing that causes it, yet there are many possibilities.

One of these causes is being overweight. Several types of cancer are linked with being overweight.

In women, these include cancer of the uterus, gallbladder, cervix, ovaries, breast and colon. Overweight men are faced with an increased risk of developing cancer of the colon, rectum and prostate. High-fat and high-calorie diets have been found to be attributing factors in cancer of the breast and colon; common sense would say that both of these would lead to a less than healthy weight and therefore, also this could also be a contributing factor.

The message is clear: weight loss and health go hand in hand. Maintaining a healthy weight is vital to your health. No matter your age, it is never too late to start practicing a healthy lifestyle. Not only will you feel better and be healthier, your friends and family will thank you for it as they will likely get to spend many extra years with you.

To Your Health,
Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Real Dirt on Cleaning Your House

You know that seemingly good, fresh scent you smell when you are cleaning your home? Sorry to spoil it, but it's not "rain," a "mountain breeze," or "spring." Those cleaners are loaded with harmful chemicals that actually make your home dirtier.

Think of it this way. You wouldn't let your kids play with toxic chemicals, so why would you let the baby crawl over a floor that has just been wiped with them?

That's much more dangerous than the orange juice that was just there. How dangerous? Just take a look at these statistics. Over 90% of poison exposures happen at home. Common chlorine bleach is the #1 household chemical involved in poisoning.

Organic pollutants, found in many common cleaners and even air fresheners, are found at levels 2 to 5 times higher inside your home than out. A person who spends 15 minutes cleaning scale off shower walls could inhale three times the "acute one-hour exposure limit" for glycol ether-containing products set by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment.

Common cleaners give off fumes that can potentially increase the risk of kids developing asthma, the most common chronic childhood disease. One in 13 school-aged children has asthma. Rates in children under five have increased more than 160% from 1980-2004. Children are highly vulnerable to chemical toxicants.

Pound for pound of body weight, children drink more water, eat more food, and breathe more air than adults. The implication of this is that children will have substantially heavier exposures than adults to any toxicants that are present in water, food, or air.

If your home is anything like the average U.S. home, you generate more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste each year (the EPA designates toilet cleaners, tub and tile cleaners, oven cleaners, and bleach as hazardous waste). To find out what's lurking on your shelves, go to the National Institutes of Health Library of Medicine Household Products Database.

You can search almost any brand of cleaner you use, find out what's in it, and uncover its links to health effects. Or search by chemical ingredients (see list below for some examples) and discover what brands contain it. The information may shock you.

Chemical ingredients to look out for:

* Sodium hydroxide
* Hydrochloric acid
* Butyl cello solve (2-Butoxyethanol)
* Formaldehyde
* Bleach (sodium hypochlorite)
* Ammonia
* Sulfamic acid
* Petroleum distillates
* Sulfuric acid
* Lye (potassium hydroxide)
* Morpholine

Here is how to keep your home impeccably clean, and safe. Get the dirt, educate yourself about what you bring into your home. Have a clean-for-all. Put on the gloves and get rid of the nasty stuff in your home. Responsibly, of course.

Your local waste collection service has guidelines for proper household hazardous waste disposal, as well as collection sites for things like paint, batteries, and cleaners. Whatever you do, please don't toss this stuff in the garbage.

Welcome healthy into your home. Commit to carefully considering everything that crosses your doorstep. Here are some safe, healthy things to have in your home:

* Cleaners that are truly cleaner because they are nontoxic, natural, biodegradable, concentrated, and hypoallergenic.
* Fresh air. Open your windows to reduce indoor air pollution.
* Essential oils. Use these instead of air fresheners.
* Plants. Besides being nice to look at, they can absorb harmful gases and help clean the air.
* Organic cotton bedding. Avoid standard bedding treated with chemicals.
* Floors made of recycled and renewable resources.
* Healthier paint. That new paint smell can be as nasty as it smells. Choose low VOC paint instead.

Clean up our collective home. Make the earth healthier for all of us who call it home by using these things in yours: Compact fluorescent lighting. They last a whole lot longer. Energy Star-rated appliances. Save money and energy.

A low-flush toilet. Replace the largest user of water in your house. Ultra low flushers cut water use by one-fifth. Low-flow shower heads. Same pressure. Less water.

Your flicker finger. Turn off lights and appliances when you're not using them. Gray water system. Install one to recycle used household water for your lawn. Tankless water heater. Save money, energy, and space in the broom closet.

Do your research and take action. Get your home as clean and as safe as possible for you, your family, and your planet.

To Your Health,
Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Minerals and Health - They Go Hand in Hand

Minerals are essential for your health and nutrition. Minerals are need for the proper composition of body fluids, the formation of blood and bones, maintaining healthy nerve function, and minerals also function as coenzymes, which enable the body to build and feed cells.They are also partly responsible for your energy levels.

There are two ways for your body to get the essential minerals it needs. The best way for your body to get the minerals it needs is through food, but some people prefer supplements because of the difficulty associated with following a strict diet.

If you decide to take supplements, however, make sure they are of the highest quality and are independently regulated and tested. Most supplements are poorly made and are never broken down within your body.

Listed below are the food sources of the essential minerals your body needs on a daily basis to stay healthy:

* Copper---Soy beans, raisins, legumes, brazil nuts, molasses, and seafood
* Iron---Figs, beets, kelp, soy beans, carrots, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, watercress, raisins, bananas, grapes, and parsley
* Calcium---Figs, beans, almonds, raisins, brown rice, carrots, dates, spinach, cashews, papaya, celery, avocados, sesame seeds, brazil nuts, and garlic
* Chromium--- Clams, whole grains, brewers yeast, corn oil, and cheese
* Iodine---Dulce, lettuce, kelp, grapes, Irish moss, beets, oranges, celery, and mushrooms
* Potassium---Apples, tomatoes, spinach, bananas, strawberries, celery, mushrooms, figs, lemons, pineapple, rice, papaya, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts, pecans, and raisins
* Zinc---Liver, seafood, mushrooms, sunflower, and soy beans
* Sulphur---Eggs, cheese, nuts, onions, turnips, corn, broccoli, fish, wheat germ, and cucumbers
* Manganese---Bananas, beets, celery, egg yolks, walnuts, bran, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables
* Magnesium---Honey, tuna, almonds, pecans, kelp, and green vegetables
* Phosphorus---Cashews, oats, pecans, squash, almonds, carrots, and mushrooms
* Sodium---Raw milk, cucumbers, okra, seafood, lima beans, turnips, wheat germ, and pumpkins

If you have a hard time eating a lot of the foods above, try taking supplements, but remember that you need to be careful and do your research first. Make sure that it is a reputable health company with a proven track record of success. They should have nothing to hide and should be able to provide you with all of the technical information, ingredients, research, and the results of the independent research for every product they sell.

Natural health is becoming a popular and ever growing industry. It is good that more people are becoming pro-active about their health., but you need to watch out for companies who are providing poor quality natural products to make a quick buck in the natural health trend. There are a lot of them. Good natural health companies have been around for more than thirty years--before natural health was ever a cash machine.

A good natural health company should also have clinical studies published in scientific journals. In order to get published in one of these journals, the scientific community as a whole must agree with the findings in the study. It is very difficult to get published and only a few natural health companies have ever done so. Last but not least they should offer you a money back guarantee, just in case their products aren't for you.

Please try and implement as many of the foods listed above into your diet as possible. They are loaded with the essential minerals your body needs for its health. Do your research and find some unique, healthy recipes that include the foods and minerals above.

To Your Health,
Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Iron and Your Health

Iron is good for you for a number of reasons, and it is an essential part of good health. Unfortunately, the intake of this mineral is notoriously low in the American diet and is considered to be the No. 1 nutritional disorder in the world, according to The World Health Organization.

Low iron seems to be especially prevalent in children under the age of two and in women ages 12 to 50. The main role of iron in your body lies within the red blood cells; this is where it combines with protein to form hemoglobin. When you inhale, oxygen is attracted to the iron in your hemoglobin and when these two elements combine, it courses through your body, converting sugar to energy and providing oxygen to your organs that keep you healthy.

A small biology lesson aside, it is easy to see why an iron deficiency can leave you feeling chronically tired and unhealthy. If the lack of iron in your blood becomes serious enough, you may develop anemia. If anemia is present, you may experience dizziness, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath.

If you suspect that you are anemic, you should not self-diagnose your condition; instead, seek advice from your medical professional, who will often suggest supplements to get you back on a more even keel. As you age, a lack of iron may cause even further problems.

One study out of Penn State suggests that a lack of iron can lowers the immune response to attacks of disease and common infections in the elderly; another one from the same school has shown that women with alopecia, or hair loss, have lower iron and hemoglobin levels than women who do not suffer the disease.

Another problem with a lack of iron in your diet may be concentration problems. Irritability, poor concentration, loss of appetite and frequent colds and flu symptoms can all be directly attributed to not getting enough of the nutrient. Current research shows that a lack of iron in ones diet, especially in children, can cause both behavioral and developmental problems.

In fact, children with iron deficiencies have shown poorer academic performance than their peers. Many parents do not recognize the problem might be an iron deficiency and pass it off to plain bad behavior. If your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms, it may be worth taking a second look. During research of the topic, it was found that some intellectual and psychomotor impairment, due to the lack of iron in children's diets, was irreversible.

Iron is easy to get in a balanced daily diet; the problem occurs when individuals vary their diets from the recommended nutritional guidelines that are offered by the USDA. Iron can be found in foods like:

* Beans
* Tofu
* Beef
* Turkey
* Plant foods.

A "good" source of iron is considered any food which provides you with 10% or more of your daily need as published by the USRDA. Many of us can remember Popeye, cranking open a can of spinach in times when he needed to put his muscles to the test. Was he right?

Possibly; spinach is very high in iron, but the problem is, our bodies can only absorb a small amount of what is found in this food. There are two types of iron in foods; haem iron and non-haem iron. The first is found in animal foods, such as beef, chicken and fish, the latter is found in plant foods like bread, beans, vegetables and cereals. Haem iron, found in meat, is much easier for the body to absorb. Hands down, lean red meat is the best natural source of iron.

What about those who are vegetarians? You should definitely seek the advice of a physician when it comes to iron and health as there can be ways to get your recommended daily allowance of iron, but you'll have to be very careful about keeping your diet properly balanced. Or, your physician may tell you that a supplement is the way to go. Either way, make sure you bring it up, as an appropriate amount of iron is absolutely critical to your health.

Overall, the message is resoundingly clear: Get your recommended daily amounts of iron to feel healthy and look your best. With a life full of things to do, you don't have time to be tired, lethargic and unhealthy. If you have young children, make sure they are getting as much as they should, and model healthy behavior and choices for them so that when they are adolescents and adults, they will know the difference between what's healthy and what's not.

To Your Health,
Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, October 26, 2009

What Qualifies As a Natural Organic Product?

What is a natural organic product? These days the answer to that question has become a bit confusing. Although an organic product is "literally" natural, according to regulations on how the food is grown, processed and labeled, the terms, "all-natural" "natural," and "organic" mean three different things.

You, the consumer, should be aware of the differences between products that are labeled as "organic" and others that are labeled "natural." Organic food is obviously the healthiest and purest food for you to eat, but unfortunately many food companies try to fool you by labeling their products with the word(s) natural or all-natural so you think it is as healthy as organic food, when in fact it is not.

I am not saying that natural food is bad for you, it just is not as healthy as certified organic food. Pay attention to the qualifications listed below so you will know what makes a product organic, or natural.

In the production of organic foods:

* Toxic pesticides are not used
* Soil fertility is maintained and replenished using natural methods such as crop rotation, fertilizer crops, composting etc.
* Regular soil and nutrition analysis are done to test soil fertility and food quality
* Natural methods of topsoil management are used to ensure minimal soil erosion
* Organic farmers aim to preserve and protect natural wildlife, vegetation and water systems
* Organic farmers are concerned about the loss of a variety of species
* No genetically modified seeds are used
* Organic growers collect seeds from the plants in order to preserve biodiversity

You will notice when you go food shopping that most organic food has a label on it that says it is a "certified organic product." Each state has an agency that monitors and certifies organic food growers and producers.

The organic farm fields and processing facilities are inspected, and detailed records are kept. Also periodic testing of the soil and water takes place to ensure that strict standards are being met.

Don't buy any organic food unless it is certified organic. If it is not certified it is more likely to be unsanitary or carry disease.

Natural products are similar to organic food in that they:

* Use minimally processed and do not contain artificial preservatives or additives
* Use natural meats and are not typically given antibiotics, hormones, or any growth promoting products
* In most cases do not use genetically modified products

Natural products differ, however, from organic products in that they are not inspected by an independent organization. Although they are usually healthier than regular processed food, there are no guarantees about the health quality of these products. This is the main concern with many natural products.

However, there are some supplement companies that do rigorous testing on their natural products to ensure their quality is equal to that of organic products. They are few and far between, but if it is a reputable natural health company they will usually provide critical information and the results of the independent testing right on the label.

Whatever you do, don't buy into the "all-natural" phrase. It is simply a loop hole the big food companies have found to fool you that their normal (very unhealthy, processed, food) is natural, when it is not. There is hardly anything natural about it and there isn't any regulation as to what that phrase entails so they can put on just about anything.

Pick up a product that claims to be "all-natural." Read the ingredients and see how "all-natural" it really is.

It is shocking that food companies can play with our health like this. The average consumer does not know the difference between "natural," "all-natural," and "organic."

So, as funny as it sounds there is really no such thing as a natural organic product because "natural" and "organic" have taken on two different meanings. If you are wondering why we have so much confusion over this issue, just thank the big food companies that have manipulated phrases and consumers so they can make more money by jumping on the organic bandwagon.

To Your Health,
Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, October 19, 2009

How To Choose Nutritional Supplements

Walk through any supermarket or retail chain store and you will find rows of health supplements; in fact, go to the mall and you will find entire stores dedicated to them. It is absolutely mind boggling how many there are to choose from, and it leaves a person wondering if they should buy several supplements for their health, or go with a once-a-day vitamin to cure all their nutritional ailments.

In theory, a nutritional supplement is supposed to supply nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids, that are missing from a person's diet and are essential for someone's health. Herbal supplements are also included under the umbrella term "supplements."

Most herbs and botanicals that are found in these supplements are naturally occurring in different parts of the world. Somewhere along the way, someone came up with the idea of bottling and selling them. Some Supplements claim to help you reduce your risk of just about everything, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anxiety and fatigue. And there are also supplements that claim to help increase your motivation, concentration, and your metabolism. So, which do you choose?

First, before you buy anything, you should assess exactly what it is that you are trying to accomplish. Choosing supplements that are designed to work to lower your blood pressure are not going to help with your cholesterol problem. Next, talk to your doctor about your health, if for no other reason than to let them know what you are taking. Sometimes naturally occurring substances, no matter how harmless they seem, can have an adverse reaction to your health when mixed with prescribed medication.

So, when searching for supplements specifically to keep your heart healthy, you should look for those that contain ingredients that address the major risk factors that can lead to heart disease. These include: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, stress and physical inactivity.

Without a doubt, there are a lot to choose from, and you must be careful that you don't get caught buying a product that will provide no benefit at all. Make sure that the company producing the vitamins has published clinical trials of their studies related to the product.

In order for one of these studies to get published in a scientific journal the scientific community as a whole must agree upon the findings. There are not very many natural health companies with published studies. Most companies hire their own scientists and do biased testing on their products.

However, within the good natural health companies there are a number of great products that have been designed by nutritionists and researchers to naturally lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels, reduce stress and increase energy levels throughout the day; as a direct result, these also encourage an increase in physical activity. Some supplements that do just that are Green Tea, folic acid, magnesium, and C and B vitamins.

If stress and anxiety seem to plague your health, don't worry, there's a natural supplement for that. For anyone, you know that short-term stress is unavoidable. Sometimes, chronic or long term stress can be caused by your job, financial worries and your personal relationships. This too may be unavoidable.

Without a major life change, it is often impossible to alter these specific situations; luckily, it is possible to change the way you respond to them. Chronic stress can also lead to depression, which often accompanies heart disease.

One of the supplements you can take to help with anxiety is Ginkgo Biloba, combined with ginger. This supplement has been shown to reduce anxiety caused by chronic stress. Individuals in chronic stress situations should also consider taking extra vitamin C because stress quickly zaps the level of vitamin C in your blood stream. A lack of vitamin C can lead to low energy and can mimic the symptoms of iron deficiency, so it may be worth a check with your doctor to rule out anemia.

In addition to all the above, it is also important to note that a recent 2007 study found that regular supplementation with vitamin E, beta carotene, and vitamin A increased mortality by four, seven, and 16 percent respectively. Not only can supplements help you have more energy and feel better, they can help you live longer too! Who can argue with that?

Overall, most agree that supplements are a good way to fill in the health gaps that your not-always-balanced diet leaves behind. In addition, for those times when you are not able to get a good night's sleep, or you are suffering from a bad week at work, these natural products can help ease your anxiety and make you feel as though you are back on a level playing field.

When it comes to your health you just can't neglect your body and what you are putting into it.

To Your Health,
Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Importance of a Wheatgrass Juice Diet

Wheatgrass is not horse or cattle feed, it is one of the healthiest things you can put into your body. With all of the different healthy diets promoted today I know it is difficult to tell which ones really work and what ones are just ploys for your money. However, a wheatgrass juice diet is the real thing. It does not taste the best, but when you are eating to be healthy you need to eat for your body, not your taste buds.

What The Heck Is Wheatgrass Juice?

Wheatgrass is one of the most popular products being sold in health stores today. One pound of wheatgrass is equivalent to over 100 pounds of nutritious vegetables!

This means that consuming even a small amount of wheatgrass juice allows you to reap many health benefits. You can consume wheatgrass by the shot (a few ounces) or by the glass. If you have never taken wheatgrass you should start by consuming a few ounces daily and then build up to a full glass if you wish.

To extract the nutrients from wheatgrass, it is necessary to squeeze it into a juice form.

Wheatgrass juice is rich in:

* Chlorophyll
* Vitamins
* Amino acids
* Enzymes
* Minerals

Normally, when you think of following a diet for any purpose, it is to lose weight. However most fad diets are only temporary and after a few weeks or months you gain the weight right back. If you want to lose weight the right way and stay healthy you need to follow a diet of organic fruits and vegetables and exercise at least five days a week. Wheatgrass juice fits right in as a supplement to this healthy lifestyle.

Wheatgrass is also a quick energy source because it contains so many natural nutrients and protein. While following a wheatgrass juice diet can be helpful in losing or controlling weight, the benefits don't stop there. It is important to understand all of the benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice.

For example, it halts the development and growth of unfriendly bacteria that may be developing in the body. Additionally, it has been shown to reduce the chance of developing certain types of cancer, and anemia as well.

Wheatgrass cleanses the body of harmful toxins and it has the ability to eliminate bad breath and body odors. It has also been shown to be effective in clearing up the sinuses.

As you can see supplementing wheatgrass juice into your healthy lifestyle is a great choice if you want to increase your vitality and overall health. However, wheatgrass is not enough on its own to make you healthy and fit.

You need to follow a healthy diet of organic fruits and vegetables as well as follow and stick to a good exercise routine.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Top Five Self-Motivation Tips

Self motivation is so crucial for success. You can have all the goals and imagination you want, but without the drive or ambition to take action to achieve those goals you will end up like a lot of people; sitting on the couch filling the void by eating and drinking.

Self Motivation Tip Number One: Involve Others

This self motivation tip deals with pride and making yourself accountable. If you don't have enough motivation to get yourself going everyday tell your co-workers, friends, and family about the tasks that you are setting out to do. Tell them your time frame for achieving those goals. This will make you accountable. Sometimes the sheer will of not failing in front of others is the push you need.

Motivation Tip Number Two: Strive on Time Limits

Procrastination is a huge motivation killer. Put time limits on the project you are doing. Always be very specific with your time limits.

The feeling that there is a time crunch will motivate you to get your project done. Use this self motivation tip on anything you need to get done, whether it is a small or large project. Be careful though and make your time frame realistic, it is not healthy to create unnecessary stress from a goal you set for yourself.

For example, if you need to clean the house, give yourself a reason why it has to be done at a certain time, like: "I have to clean the house before the kids get home from school because it is good for them to have a clean home." Then start as soon as possible, don't wait until 30 minutes before they get home to start, that will create stress and anxiety.

Self Motivating Tip Number Three: Treat Yourself

Just like Pavlov's dog, you need to be rewarded when you finish a goal so that you get satisfaction from it and so you have something to look forward to as a reward for finishing. This self motivation tip is pretty easy.

Just don't wallow in your own pride forever. Always set new goals when one is accomplished. Successful people are always looking for new ways to improve themselves and their lives.

Motivating Tip Number Four: Create a Positive Mindset

Of all the tips this is probably the most important. It's hard to stay motivated when you are giving yourself a hard time. Try to stay positive, even when you really don't want to finish the task or things aren't working out as planned.

For example, instead of thinking of all the reasons why you don't want to exercise think of how great you will feel and how good you will continue to look if you stick to your workout routine. Associate positive feelings with exercising and negative ones to not exercising.

Tip Number Five: Give Yourself a Break And Stay Healthy

You may have problems implementing the other four self motivation tips if you are just trying to hoist too many goals and objectives upon yourself. Your lack of motivation may be due to burnout. If this is the case, then just take a break. You probably deserve it.

Learn to relax and be able to take your mind off of your goal for a while to refresh your mind and body. Work on staying healthy and fit. You will have a hard time thinking of and achieving noteworthy goals if your mind and body aren't healthy. I am not saying you have to push around weights all day, but do the proper amount of exercise that is right for you to feel healthy, fit, and full of vitality.

Also follow a healthy diet to ensure your body is getting the nutrition it needs. You will be surprised at how much your diet and exercise play a role in your overall motivation.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Wine Bottle Needs A Rack

As people are discovering the health benefits of drinking wine, such as reduced cholesterol and anti-aging benefits, more and more people are bringing wine bottles into their homes. And they are not just buying one wine bottle at a time, some people stock up and buy many bottles of wine. As this happens, people begin to look for ways to make the wine fit in nicely with their interior decor.

The result has been the search for the perfect wine bottle rack, placed thoughtfully within your home. This accessory can add a whole new feature that showcases your personal selection of wines.

Important Reasons For Having a Wine Bottle Rack

A wine bottle rack will also enable your wine collection to age "properly." While it used to take decades for wine to age, the process can now take place in just a few years. Unfortunately, the aging process can be stifled by leaving it either inside of or on top of your refrigerator. For this reason special wine bottle storage furniture has been made for proper aging.

Wine bottle racks come in a wide variety of materials and styles so that they can be used in a variety of settings, such as in your basement, kitchen and living room. Some racks simply sit on other pieces of furniture while many others are separate pieces of furniture altogether. So you should easily be able to find a way to store your wine bottles and match your interior decorating style.

Wine Bottle Racks Come in Different Styles

There are also many different materials that wine bottle racks are made from. You can select from:

* Shiny chrome
* Stained wood
* Wrought iron and many others

Without a doubt, you will be able to find the look you want. You will find that wine bottle racks come in a variety of sizes as well. Of course, you can also purchase a cabinet so that you can hide your wine if you prefer to do so. As you can see, you really can showcase your wine collection in any way that you want to, since it mainly depends on how many wine bottles you want to have.

To purchase a wine bottle rack simply look around online or in any local wine or home decor shops in your area. Take your time to make sure that you find one you like and one that will compliment your decorating taste.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Importance of Yoga For Back Pain Relief

More and more people are starting to understand how important a role yoga plays in living a pain free and healthy life. Yoga has been practiced for centuries to promote both physical and mental well being through exercises, stretches, and meditation. The meditative, or spiritual side, of yoga also has components that are not always practiced by westerners.

Some more trendy "types" of yoga, have emerged that leave out the traditional spiritual components. To really grasp the full benefits that yoga has to offer, however, it is best to follow a traditional method from India.

But from beginners to professionals the results are extraordinary when yoga is used regularly to improve flexibility, increase strength, reduce stress, center the mind and even relieve physical pain.

Of all types of pain, back pain is the most common ailment reported. Chronic or acute back pain, in general, can be very difficult to treat and ease. Using yoga for back pain can be very effective, but it does require special and professional instruction. Yoga poses may appear to be easy, but if done incorrectly can aggravate physical maladies.

Check With Your Doctor First If Your Pain Is Chronic

If you suffer from chronic back pain you should check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. Specifically tell your doctor you plan to practice yoga for your back pain so he can tell you about any movements you need to avoid and any safety modifications you need to make.

Other things to find out from your doctor include the degree to which you can exercise and do yoga. Can you do it for four hours straight? Or only for twenty or thirty minutes at a time?

It all depends on your specific condition. For some people suffering with back pain, yoga is not recommended at all, because the pain is so severe it needs to be treated in other ways, such as surgery. However, yoga can be used as an excellent physical therapy tool for some patients after they have undergone surgery.

After you consult with your doctor find a qualified yoga instructor. Getting a referral from someone you trust would be helpful. Make sure that they practice traditional forms of yoga brought out of India that will teach you meditation as well as physical poses.

Discuss with the instructor that you plan to use yoga for your back pain and share the information given to you by your doctor. An experienced yoga instructor will be invaluable in ensuring that you receive the most relief for your back pain by practicing yoga, without causing further complications.

The practice of yoga focuses on body alignment and awareness, in the belief that every part of the body has an effect on every other part, as well as the body as a whole. Practicing the poses teaches balance, patience and perseverance while toning and strengthening the muscles.

Relaxation techniques are used to refresh the body and clear the mind at regular intervals during a yoga session. Yoga, when practiced regularly can affect positive changes in your health, both physical and mental, that you will see in just a few weeks and can last a lifetime.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How To Use Motivation Techniques Effectively

Motivation techniques are essential for success in anything. Any goal or aspiration requires a lot of effort and the ability to overcome adversity. Motivation is the driving force that keeps you going towards your goal no matter how hard it is or how long it takes to succeed.

If your desire is to succeed in life, then motivation techniques can help you to increase your potential. However, there are certain steps to follow.

When you first set a goal to achieve make sure that what you want is very specific, realistic, and is able to be your main focus. Make sure you have also written a specific vision or plan of the steps you need to take to get to your goals.

You must write your goals down as well as the actions you plan to take to achieve them. That is the only way to affirm them to yourself and make a commitment to achieve your goal.

Try different motivation techniques that will work best for your schedule and plan. Try breaking down your plan into segments so that you can realistically reach your daily goals. If you are not a person who is used to managing huge tasks, it may get overwhelming.

The Best of the Motivation Techniques

One of the greatest motivation techniques almost all successful people use is to make a "to do" list every day. Put the five most important things for you to do that day at the top of your list. Spend most of your time on those. Each day if you complete your top five you will be getting closer and closer to your goal.

Keys to Productivity

Don't be afraid to reward yourself from time to time for what you have done so far. If you are trying hard and taking action, that is all you can do. Be proud of yourself just for that. This motivation technique will keep you positive and prevent you from obsessing or getting anxiety about progress.

Another way to motivate yourself is to talk to your inner-self. In other words, encourage yourself and believe in yourself. Talking to yourself helps to wake up the brain and hearing your voice awakens your senses. It gives you a means of relying on your own instinct.

Give yourself time. Did you know that it takes approximately twenty-one days to establish a habit? It will take time for you to get used to being disciplined in goal setting and actually get things done.

Keep Yourself Accountable For Motivation

Be accountable to someone who will help to keep you on track. Get a reliable person to be your mentor or someone who you can report to with your progress. This motivation technique is not to micro-manage you, but to assist you with sticking to your goals.

Learn From The Best In Motivation

There are many motivational coaches that can help you in the path to your success. It may cost you thousands of dollars, but it may be worth it if they teach you the techniques you need to reach your goals. Most successful people have mentors they meet with regularly who coach them.

If you are someone who is not currently motivated just understand that motivation techniques can be learned over time. Don't lose focus because you aren't achieving your goals fast enough.

We all want immediate success, but the truth is that it will not be easy. Quitting on their dreams too early is the main reason most people are not very successful.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Secrets of a Healthy Brain

How can you function properly and be productive in society if your brain is not healthy? Please follow these recommendations on how to get and keep your brain in top condition. This information can also be very helpful for those with any mental disorders.

First of all, you need to avoid any and all toxic exposures. They can kill and harm brain cells and their function.

This toxic exposure can come from poor air quality, toxic materials, and toxins we ingest into our body. I will tell you how to look out for these toxins that we ingest later in the article.

You need to pay close attention to your brain's reaction after eating or drinking certain things. Ingest something and wait about twenty minutes. See if you feel anxious, depressed, or fatigued.

These could be signs that those types of food do not agree with your brain chemistry, and you should avoid them. Food or drink that is right for you should give you sustained energy and should allow you to think clearly.

You also need to be careful if you work on or around a construction site because of all of the toxins and exposure to heavy metals. Make sure your hobbies and recreational activities don't involve toxic materials.

Stay away from sugar, white flour products, dairy, wheat products(gluten), chemical additives, and preservatives. Don't eat junk food, they have similar effect on your brain as recreational drugs, they rev you up for a short time, which is then followed by a longer period of crashing. They can also become addictive and cause massive weight gain.

Stay away from Aspartame, the chemical ingredient in most diet sodas and many diet products. This was developed in a lab to have no calories and be able replace sugar as a sweetener in most drinks. Well that is great except for the fact that aspartame is addicting.

Why? Because aspartame is 180 times sweeter than sugar! It has also been shown to lead to weight gain and, in lab experiments, it put holes in the brains of mice and rats. Yes, holes in the brains of mice and rats.

Since they can make so much money fooling people into thinking they are dieting from drinking soda, then I guess they figured the aspartame wouldn't put holes in our brains and is perfectly fine for us to consume. Oh yeah, I forgot one thing, although it is not proven yet, aspartame is being considered as a possible cause of many types of cancer.

How do I know this stuff? I used to be addicted to a particular diet soda, which I won't name. I had to have at least four or five a day, everyday, if I did not have it I was depressed and very tired.

The problem got worse and worse. Finally I kicked the habit and did my research to find out why diet soda was so addicting. The results are stated above. Now I mostly drink only purified water. Boy do I feel better.

I just gave you the results of what I have found. I am not trying to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but if you really do your research on what most of these major food and beverage companies are feeding us because it is scary. If you want to avoid ingesting the toxins I was talking about in the second paragraph, you need to be reading the ingredients of each product you buy before you buy them.

You will be surprised, most of them sound like a tenth grade chemistry experiment. Now you need to seriously ask yourself, is food meant to have tons of chemicals and preservatives in it? What are they doing to my brain and to my body when I ingest them?

Why aren't people more educated about this? Because they believe everything they hear and say on television and in advertisements.

Here are some pro-active things you can try to implement into your daily lifestyle to help the health of your brain. You should drink plenty of purified water everyday, at least eight cups. 90% of our body is made up of water, so you need a lot of it to be healthy.

Strive to increase your consumption of essential fats, such as olive oil and omega 3 oils. Try to eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible.

Quite simply put this stuff is "brain food." This is where you get most of your vitamins and minerals. If you can't eat at least twelve servings of raw fruits and vegetables everyday, you should consider taking high quality natural vitamin supplements.

Maintain a healthy exercise regimen. If you need help figuring out what and how much exercise is right for you, just go see your local certified medical provider. They will be able to assist you.

Increase your pure oxygen intake by taking deeper breaths, meditation classes, Yoga, or Tai Chi. Engage in mental activities to keep your brain sharp. This can come from activities like puzzles, card games, reading, sports, and good conversation.

If you can follow this advice I believe that your brain will be much healthier for it. You only have one brain in this lifetime so you better treat it properly to ensure it is functioning at its best. A healthy brain will also lead to a healthy body.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Revealed - Soy Protein Increases Energy and Aids in Weight Loss!

Are you concerned about the nutritional content of your food? If so, you're not alone. Many people are becoming concerned with their health and wellness. A 1999 survey indicated that 87% of consumers reported changing their eating habits due to specific health concerns.

Among the greatest worries were heart health and dietary cholesterol intake. The major dietary concern (reported by almost half of those surveyed) was reducing fat. Animal protein is a major contributor to the fat in the average American diet.

Americans eat plenty of protein, but it is mostly from meat, eggs, and dairy sources, which are usually high in saturated fat and cholesterol. In contrast, many soy products are high in protein, naturally low in fat, and naturally lactose and cholesterol free.

Soy also provides all the amino acids, including the nine essential ones your body needs but cannot manufacture itself. Using the newest methods for assessing the quality of protein, soy protein was given the score of 1.0, the highest rating possible and equal to that given animal proteins such as those from eggs and milk.

Soy products are also good sources of calcium and iron. In addition, soy protein provides naturally occurring beneficial plant compounds that are being extensively studied. Soy contains isoflavones, especially genistein and daidzein.

These are intriguing to researchers because they are phytoestrogens and may be related to soy's ability to regulate hormonal balance and deliver long-term health benefits. Some soy protein products are alcohol-processed, which removes isoflavones.

High quality soy protein is water washed to retain naturally occurring isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein and uses only non-genetically modified (GMO) soy protein certified through an Identity Preservation Program (IPP). This program assures that the soy we use is tightly monitored and controlled from planting and harvesting to processing.

The tremendous benefits of soy protein include sustained energy, vitality, and stamina, plus the benefits of naturally occurring isoflavones compounds not present in meat or dairy foods.

Who might benefit from taking a soy protein supplement? Anybody concerned about heart health. People interested in reducing their intake of the typically high-fat, high-cholesterol animal sources of protein and supplementing their diet with a plant-based protein source that is naturally low in fat and lactose and cholesterol free.

Vegetarians or vegans looking for a high-quality protein source that contains no animal products. People interested in the health benefits associated with consuming soy Anyone interested in supporting the body's natural ability to ward off hunger and maintain energy for hours.

How does a soy protein supplement work to sustain energy? The key to any good soy protein supplement is glycemic response. Glycemic response describes the effect a food has on blood sugar. Foods like a hot-fudge sundae can cause your blood sugar to spike and then plummet rapidly.

A short time after you have finished the last spoonful, you feel tired, irritable, and surprisingly hungry considering the number of calories you have just consumed. This is exactly the opposite of how you feel after a serving of high quality soy protein.

In a clinical study, subjects consumed 110 calories from carbohydrates alone and their blood sugar was measured every half hour. As expected, blood sugar shot up immediately and then quickly crashed. It is this rollercoaster response that can lead to feelings of jitteriness, irritability, and hunger.

However, when subjects consumed 110 calories of high quality soy protein, the results were significantly different. Blood sugar did not spike, nor did it plummet. Instead, it remained essentially level. The body's natural metabolic balance was undisturbed.

When choosing a soy protein supplement it should be made of or include the following: it should have at least 12 grams of protein per serving, and the protein itself should come from a natural vegetarian protein source, it should be naturally cholesterol free, it should not contain any saturated fat, and it should only contain 1 gram of total fat per serving.

Your high quality soy protein supplement should meet 50% of your daily needs for calcium and your soy protein supplement should not have any artificial flavors, sweeteners, colors, or preservatives added to it. And finally your soy protein supplement should also be kosher certified and come with a money-back guarantee.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Secrets of Effective Weight Loss Plans

65% of adults in the United States are overweight or obese. If you are like most people, you have struggled to lose weight at one time or another.

You have been on every fad weight loss plan diet. Initially your weight loss is quick, but then you gain it back and find yourself heavier than before.

This is the dreaded cycle of yo-yo dieting. Yes, in the short term you can lose weight, but every time you do this you may be doing more damage than good because your body thinks it's experiencing a famine.

In response to that famine, your body goes into survival mode and conserves energy by slowing down your metabolism. Your body does its best to hold on to the fat you have for as long as it can.

So, with many diets the weight you initially lose is from fat and muscle. And that loss of muscle slows down your metabolism even further because muscle burns calories. Muscle=Metabolism.

There are also common challenges, emotional and other physical ones that come along with dieting. Many diets or weight loss programs are too restrictive or monotonous, or leave you feeling deprived and don't teach you how to permanently change your eating and exercise habits. They leave you feeling hungry, tired, and craving the foods you miss most.

You've about had it, so you return to your old eating habits and gain the weight back. And the sad part is, the weight you put back on is fat weight.

If you really want to lose weight you need a weight loss plan that is powered by leucine to help preserve muscle while you lose weight from fat. Leucine is an amino acid that heads straight to the muscle where it initiates protein synthesis (the process of building muscle). That is why many professional and Olympic athletes take it as a supplement. Preserving muscle mass also prevents your metabolism from dropping.

But how do you know which weight loss plans with leucine are the best? A good weight loss program that contains leucine should be scientifically formulated to help you lose weight, lose inches, and break the cycle of perpetual dieting. That means they should have scientific studies and tests that are published in scientific journals to show the effectiveness of their product.

To get published in a scientific journal, your findings must be agreed upon by the scientific community as a whole. Many companies hire their own scientists to perform tests on their weight loss products, come up with bogus results that they release themselves.

A good weight loss plan is designed for real life, so it should also addresses the physical and emotional challenges that come along with your weight control efforts. Proprietary formulas, should also be provided with your weight loss products so you can control your hunger, boost your energy, and keep you feeling satisfied. Plus, you should also get healthy personalized menus, specific to your body's needs and your individual preferences.

Along with any diet or weight loss plan that includes leucine, you should also exercise regularly, and eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible. If you follow these recommendations, you should be able to naturally, and safely lose weight and keep it off.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, August 17, 2009

Discover The Medicinal Benefits of Acai Juice

Although it is hard to pronounce and only found in the amazon rain forest, the juice of the acai berry is renowned as being the healthiest on the planet. The acai berry is very small and purple colored, resembling a blueberry or grape. It is now most commonly consumed as acai juice, which can be found at your local health food store or online.

Acai juice is the best way to get the health benefits from the acai berry. The acai berry is a concentrated source of a type of flavonoids that is known as anthocyanins. These anthocyanins are a phytochemical that is found in red wine. The French have the lowest occurrence of heart problems in the western world.

This is attributed to these anthocyanins that are in the red wine that they drink so heartily. The good part about acai juice, however, is there is no alcohol content and it gives you energy instead of make you tired like wine can.

Medicinal Properties Of Acai

Acai juice has shown to have many medicinal qualities. One of these amazing potential effects is treating fibrocystic disease of the breast and diabetic retinopathy.

The fatty acid proportion of the acai berry is very similar to olive oil which many explain the low occurrence of heart problems in the Mediterranean regions. Acai juice also possesses phytosterols.

These sterols are the parts of plant cell membranes that deliver many benefits to the human body and decreases blood plasma cholesterol. Sterols are currently being used to treat symptoms connected to BP.

Acai juice has been used for generations by the natives of Brazil and many researchers feel their longevity and strong immune systems are attributed to the Acai berry. Acai juice has 10 Times the antioxidant benefits of grapes and 2 times that of blueberries

More health benefits of Acai juice include:

* Improves digestive function
* Improves mental clarity
* Promotes sound sleep
* Boosts natural energy levels
* Provides all of our vital vitamins
* Contains many important minerals that are needed in our bodies
* Cleanses and detoxifies the body of infectious toxins
* Strengthens the immune system
* Enhances your sexual desire and performance

Acai juice also fights cancerous cells and slows down the aging process. It promotes healthier and more youthful looking skin and will alleviate diabetes and regulates cholesterol levels. This juice will minimize inflammation and improve circulation.

Acai juice can prevent arthrosclerosis and help you to maintain a healthy heart function. Acai juice is not widely known, however, it is one of the most important berries found to enhance our health.

As you can see the health benefits of the acai berry are worth making it part of your diet. Try taking acai juice every morning for one month and you should notice a difference in your energy levels and overall health.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, August 10, 2009

Secrets Bottled Water Companies Don't Want You To Know About

As a rule of thumb you should drink at least eight cups of natural or purified water daily. 90% of our body is made of water. Water is the key ingredient to life, without it we will perish in a very short time span. Yet most of the time people drink soda, alcohol, and fruit juice, instead.

Unfortunately, all of the drinks I just listed are incredibly dehydrating, so if you are drinking those you need to be drinking even more purified water than someone who is not drinking soda, alcohol, or fruit juice.

You should not drink tap water because most tap water, other than a few select places, is loaded with flouride and chlorine in order to kill off many harmful types of bacteria caused by environmental pollution.

Flouride, even though they use it at the dentists office, is horrible for you to ingest, and can lead to certain cancers. Chlorine ingestion can also lead to cancer, and weight gain, both chemicals are dangerous toxins to have in your body.

The problem does not stop at tap water, however. Most bottled water is a scam and is awful for you to drink.

Why? Because there are hardly any regulations on the bottled water industry. Almost all of the bottled waters are merely acidic tap water from one region, barely filtered, then bottled and shipped somewhere else.

Ever wonder why some bottled waters are more expensive than the others? There is a reason. Did you think that your local grocery store has a natural spring out back so they can produce their own brand of great spring water for $3.00 a case? It's tap water.

Why should you believe me? I have a very close friend who worked for a reverse osmosis water filtration company, which performed independent tests on all of the kinds of bottled water to find out which were the healthiest and which were not.

So what water can you drink?

Dasani and Aquafina, although ironically made by soda companies, are the least expensive of the safe bottled waters. They are still made with tap water, but the tap water is filtered using a reverse osmosis filtration system, which removes harmful chemicals, such as flouride and chlorine and makes it less acidic. Reverse Osmosis is hands down the best way to purify tap water.

Better still is completely natural spring, or artesian water. Why? Because it is untouched and pure, right from the source and requires no filtration. This water is also loaded with essential minerals to keep your body healthy and naturally has an alkaline pH.

Here are the top bottled water contenders; Fiji, Evian, Voss, Volvic, Penta, Evamor, and Poland Spring. There are also several smaller bottled water companies that produce very healthy bottled water as well. You can usually find them at your local health food store. If you have any more questions on what bottled water you should buy, I am sure someone at your local health food store can help you.

Why is most fruit juice bad to drink? Because most fruit juice that is sold is anything but fresh juice that is healthy for you. The stuff you think is healthy juice is basically soda. Pick up a soda and pick up a sports drink, or a bottle of juice and compare the ingredients. Usually the only difference between them is the carbonated water and the flavoring.

Fresh juice goes bad in about two or three days. Compare that with most juice you can buy at the grocery store, which can last up to a month after you buy it.

Basically the only way to drink really healthy juice is to make the juice yourself at home with a juicer, or go to your local health food store, they usually make fresh juice daily.

Even though fresh juice can provide you with essential vitamins and minerals, it still it not enough to hydrate your body on its own. Most fruit juice is loaded with sugar, which is dehydrating, so you don't want to consume too much juice anyway.

Water, water, water, is really all you need to drink. It will give you more energy, make you more tolerant to exercise, make your mind clearer, and can reduce hunger cravings. Water reduces hunger pangs by 98%, so if you are dieting or trying to lose weight, drink more water. I think that you will be surprised by the results.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, August 3, 2009

Do Americans Know What Nutrition Is?

The state of your health depends largely on your lifestyle and the food that you eat. If you do not eat well, your body will not be able to function perfectly and you can easily become sick.

According to studies, more than 50% of the people in the United States do not eat a balanced diet. It's not that Americans do not know what nutrition is, it's that most Americans choose junk food and processed foods because they are cheaper and more convenient than healthy food.

In other words, knowing about nutrition is not really the problem, but rather the way we choose our food. What people need to realize is that your health is the most important thing in your life.

Life is not meant to be lived at the frantic pace many people follow. An important aspect to getting the right nutrition and being healthy is trying to find ways, such as yoga or meditation, to slow yourself down and reduce stress.

How To Learn About Nutrition

Eating right is very important if your want to stay healthy and strong. Your understanding of nutrition should start with getting acquainted with the difference between whole foods and processed foods.

Then learn about the nutrition benefits of organic food as opposed to "grocery store" food as well. You will be able to find all of this information at a book store or online by looking the info up on Google or yahoo.

Plan Your Meals

Having a good grasp of what nutrition is all about will help you plan out your meals. If you are one of those people who is always on the go, than you need to take the time to plan your meals in advance. You will not be able to find healthy food at the mini-mart or the drive-thru so plan ahead.

When planning your meals, make sure that your diet consists of primarily organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, and/or meat if you choose. You can find these at your local health food store. Some chain grocery stores are also starting to carry organic food so keep an eye out for them there too.

Our society has become so out of touch with health and the importance of proper nutrition. Most of the processed food people eat on a daily basis has no nutritional content whatsoever and is contributing to the absurd rates of disease, obesity, and sickness in this country. It needs to stop. Start making the right choices when it comes to your health and nutrition.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How To Get Vitamins From Eating

If you struggle with things like fatigue, obesity, stress, or anxiety one of the main reasons is because your body is not getting the essential daily intake of vitamins that it needs. There are two ways to get vitamins in your body: food and/or supplements.

Food is obviously the best way for your body to get the vitamins it needs, but if you don't have the self discipline or the time to stick to the list below then you might want to consider supplements.

Vitamin supplements can get you what your body needs, but you need to make sure they are of the highest quality. Most vitamins that you can buy are poorly made and do not get broken down by your body. They simply pass right through you. Even high quality supplements should be taken along with food or a meal, this helps ensure their absorption by the body.

Whether you take supplements or not you should try to implement as many of the foods below into your diet as possible. Here are the food sources of your most important vitamins:

* Vitamin A - Fish oils, butter, egg yolks, liver, whole milk, goat's cheese, and dark green leafy vegetables, such as kale.

* Vitamin B1 - Brown rice, wild fish(not farmed), nuts, organic poultry, wheat germ, molasses, legumes(peas, beans etc.), sunflower seeds, soybeans, asparagus, oatmeal, plums, raisins, brussel sprouts, and broccoli.

* Vitamin B2 - Whole grains, nuts, molasses, almonds, spinach, brussel sprouts and brewer's yeast.

* Vitamin B3 - Organic poultry, wild fish, peanuts, eggs, molasses, and legumes.

* Vitamin B5 - Legumes, whole grain cereal, wild fish, organic poultry, goat's cheese, eggs, avacados, nuts, dates, orange juice, cooked mushrooms, and orange juice.

* Vitamin B6 -Wild fish, eggs, peas, organic poultry, spinach, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, and walnuts.

* Vitamin B12 - Wild seafood, liver, eggs, dairy products, sea vegetables (kelp etc.) and goat's cheese.

*Vitamin C - Oranges, lemons, green peppers, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, potatoes, bananas, cantaloupe, grapefruit, papaya, tomatoes, and strawberries.

* Vitamin D - Egg yolk, fish oils, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, spinach, and the sun, from exposure of naked skin. To ensure the proper amount of vitamin D everyday stand in the sun for 10-15 minutes. Do not where sunglasses (most of the Vitamin D you get from the sun is taken in through your eyes), but don't stare at the sun either.

* Vitamin E - Dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, oatmeal, peanuts, tomatoes, raw fuits, watercress, and whole grain cereals.

Well, there you have it, those are the foods that carry the important vitamins your body needs everyday to be healthy and function properly. Hopefully you can make an effort to eat all of these different foods on a regular basis.

If you can you should feel better, have more energy, feel less stress, lose weight and notice a difference in your overall health and wellness.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, July 20, 2009

Who Else Wants to Know the Story On Caffeine?

What's the Story on Caffeine? An astonishing four out of five Americans consume caffeine every day, causing the Center for Science in the Public Interest to label caffeine as America's "most popular stimulant," and the "drug" most frequently and casually consumed.

And our national caffeine consumption may be higher than reported. Sales of "energy pills" are on the rise, yet a look at the ingredient list of many popular products often reveals guarana, mate, bissy nut, or cola nut, which are all simply herbal sources of caffeine. Ma huang and Chinese ephedra are herbal sources of ephedrine, another central nervous system stimulant.

The effects of caffeine in the body are linked to our "hardwired" biological stress-response mechanisms. Because life has always presented hazards, the human body is designed to react quickly and decisively to dangerous situations.

When triggered by "watch out!" signals such as loud noises, rapid movement, strong odors, and more, the body automatically produces both physical and chemical responses.

Surges of adrenaline heighten your mental awareness and sensitivity and prime your muscles for demanding movement such as jumping or running. Your pupils dilate, your breathing quickens, and eventually your natural cooling system kicks in and you start to sweat.

A single 250-milligram serving of caffeine (the equivalent of about 2.5 six-ounce cups of coffee) has been shown to increase levels of adrenaline by more than 200 percent. Caffeine also stimulates the production of norepinephrine, another stress chemical that acts directly on the brain and nervous system.

With daily use, caffeine can elevate levels of another stress chemical known as cortisol. Together, these bio-chemicals can increase heart rate and blood pressure and produce that "emergency" feeling. In a real-life emergency, all these survival mechanisms would help you get out of the way of a charging elephant or the 5:05 commuter train.

But what happens to the body when you are triggering a full-blown "fight or flight" response at regular intervals throughout the day, every day? The fact is that caffeine doesn't produce energy.

It stimulates your nervous system and adrenals, which is actually a form of stress on the body. Caffeine intake has been linked to increased blood pressure.

Research shows that people who consume more than 250 milligrams of caffeine per day (remember, that's what you'd get in 15 ounces of coffee) tend to have poor sleep quality. One study showed that 250 milligrams of caffeine decreased whole-brain cerebral blood flow by 30%. Other studies have found that caffeine reduces the oxygen level of brain tissue.

Research also shows that caffeine may be more damaging to women, producing adverse effects at lower intake levels. Women eliminate caffeine from their bodies more slowly than men, and this rate also changes significantly with the menstrual cycle. Other compounds,found in unfiltered coffee, have been linked to elevated cholesterol levels.

If you boil your coffee or drink espresso, which isn't filtered, you may want to limit how much you drink. Caffeine intake may also trigger a negative cycle of unhealthy behavior. Research shows that heavy coffee-drinkers also tend to smoke more, drink more alcohol, and eat more fatty foods than non coffee drinkers.

I like the taste of coffee just as much as anyone else, so it was hard to do, but when I finally cut down on my caffeine intake, I did see a very positive increase in my health, I lost weight, and found that, overall, I had increased and more constant energy levels.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, July 13, 2009

Secrets Natural Health Companies Don't Want You To Know About

Many natural health companies claim to have scientific, clinical studies that back the effectiveness of their products. You need to be aware that these studies and tests, once examined more closely, prove little to nothing at all.

First of all, the only clinical studies that prove anything are printed in referred or peer reviewed professional scientific and medical journals. To get published in one of these is extremely difficult.

The scientific community, at large, has to review and agree with the validity and accuracy of your findings. Although many natural health companies claim to do many scientific studies, haven't even had one of their studies professionally published.

Why? Because most of their studies don't prove anything and the scientific community as a whole does not accept them as accurate or valid. Also most of their studies are done and performed by people who work for that company. Somebody needs to explain to me how that study is going to be independent and not biased?

You need to look out for the following red flags when reading a "scientific study." Be wary of studies or tests done only in test tubes, on animals, or in culture dishes etc. Trials, studies, and tests for natural health supplements need to be done on real people. The supplements are for people, not animals and test tubes.

You also should look for independent clinical studies done by researchers from leading universities. As I said before, if a natural supplement company has something to prove then other people, without any interest in the company, should be testing the products and releasing the results.

Studies and tests performed must also be done on the particular finished product you are considering buying. Sometimes companies like to try to trick you by quoting other studies, done on products other than the one you are considering.

Always beware of comments like "our scientists have shown," again this means that the company's own staff have found something, but basically no one in the scientific community agrees with them. It's Garbage.

Also watch out for statements such as, "this product contains nutrient xyz, which has been shown to." This statement again proves nothing, because it is only saying that a particular nutrient within a product has been shown to do something, not the product itself.

For all we know there is something else within the product that counteracts the effectiveness of that nutrient they are boasting about. You could pick an orange out of the local landfill and say that if you eat it you will get the benefits of vitamin C, which has been shown to strengthen your immune system, but that orange would be disgusting, and not healthy to eat.

Also watch out for advertising journals, anybody can pay money to have someone else publish a study about their product. Also watch out for any articles you read about natural supplements in newspapers, magazines, and books.

You need to ask yourself, who is writing it? Why are they writing it? What do they know about natural health supplements? Are they even healthy? Who is paying for the article to be written? Who is benefiting from it? Does it help sell the paper, magazine, book etc.?

Last, but not least watch out for companies that base their credibility on only one product. This means that the other products they have probably aren't as effective. Always remember, any natural supplement company is going to tell you anything positive they can about their product or company.

You should pay more attention to what they DON'T say because that is the information they are hiding from you. A great natural health company should be able to give you full disclosure and provide you with all of the info you need to make your own decision on whether or not their product is for you.

They should have absolutely nothing to hide and, at the very least, should offer you a money back guarantee.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, July 6, 2009

Soy - For Bone, Heart, Breast and Prostate Health

Soy is an excellent source of plant-based protein that can benefit those concerned about their heart and bone health, as well as their breast and prostate health.

Heart health benefits of soy: A meta-analysis of 38 studies indicates that consuming protein from soy foods is linked to retaining normal cholesterol levels. Another study suggests that soy protein may have antioxidant properties that helps protect bad(LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing.

Beyond the potential of soy protein to positively impact the cholesterol that travels through arteries, soy isoflavones may also support the healthy function of the arteries themselves. One study showed that menopausal women taking soy protein supplements (rich in isoflavones) experienced a significant improvement in elasticity of their arteries.

This elasticity has been shown to decline with age, a change that is viewed as a risk factor for cardiovascular health. Some scientists are predicting that these isoflavone effects may prove to be as valuable in supporting heart-healthy aging as their potential to retain normal cholesterol levels.

The American Cancer Society has created guidelines for a healthy diet: Choose most of the foods you eat from plant sources. Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Eat other foods from plant sources, such as breads, cereals, grain products, rice, pasta, or beans several times each day.

Limit your intake of high-fat foods, particularly from animal sources. Choose foods low in fat. Limit consumption of meats, especially those high in fat. Be physically active: achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Be at least moderately active for 30 minutes or more each day. Stay within your healthy weight range. Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages, if you drink at all. For people who already drink alcoholic beverages, limit intake to two drinks a day for men and one drink per day for women. Soy foods fit guidelines 1 and 2 for a health-promoting diet.

Soy and bone health: Americans typically think of dairy products as the best source of calcium, but there are many other good sources of calcium. In fact, soy protein is an excellent source of dietary calcium, providing 50% of the daily value of this important nutrient per serving.

Soy protein may also offer bone-health advantages by replacing sources of animal protein in the diet. For long-term bone health, calcium intake is only part of the story. Urinary calcium loss is another factor that contributes to a negative calcium balance. High consumption of animal proteins, which are high in sulfur amino acids, appear to be responsible for this effect.

Soy protein, which has less sulfur amino acids relative to meat and other animal protein sources, may result in less calcium being lost in the urine and help keep calcium in the skeleton. In one study, calcium excretion was found to be 30% lower when dietary protein from soy sources was compared to equal amounts of protein from beef, fish, and chicken in healthy adults consuming a constant amount of calcium.

The isoflavones in soy foods may also help support healthy bones. A recent study showed that dietary intake of soy products containing isoflavones had a significant positive impact on bone turnover in healthy postmenopausal women.

Soy and breast and prostate health: It has long been known that many soy-consuming Asian populations have better rates of breast and prostate health than do Western populations. There are many factors involved in prostate health, but a recent, large-scale population-health study suggests soy intake as one of those factors.

In this study, men who reported frequently consuming soy milk (which contains isoflavones) were 70% more likely to maintain prostate health during a follow-up period, compared to the men who had little or no soy in their diet. A recent population-health study conducted in China investigated the relationship between soy intake during adolescence and breast health later in life.

After adjustments for known risk factors, higher soy food intakes reported during the teen years were associated with significantly better breast health when these women reached their pre-and post-menopausal adult years. Researchers believe that soy intake starting at a young age and continued throughout life is linked to maintaining breast health.

Another way that soy may promote heart, breast, and prostate health is by providing protection against oxidation damage. The soy isoflavone, genistein, has been shown to have antioxidant properties.

NOTE: While the totality of evidence suggests health benefits for soy protein , scientific opinion is not uniform on the appropriate use of soy by women with a history of breast cancer. I recommend that women with this history discuss the option of soy intake with their physician.

Soy protein and menopause: Cross-cultural studies of menopausal women have found that women in Japan experience a smoother transitional period than women in the West. Eleven soy foods are commonly consumed in Asian countries, providing an estimated 45 mg of isoflavones per day for the average person.

For the menopausal woman, soy protein has particular interest, as it is studied for both its apparent beneficial effect during menopause as well as for bone-building and helping to retain normal cholesterol levels.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Who Else is Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired?

It's morning, at least according the alarm clock, since the sun isn't up yet. There's no more time on the snooze button, so you drag yourself out of bed and prop yourself upright until your coffee is ready.

Your morning shower helps you feel slightly more awake and alive, just in time to get you through preparing breakfasts and lunches for your family members without stopping to eat something yourself. The "rush hour" never ends: commute traffic, barely-met work deadlines, lunch-hour meeting over soda and cookies, behind schedule all afternoon.

After racing to meet your daughter at soccer practice, you do errands on the way home (dry cleaners, post office, last-minute groceries). The checklist continues: make dinner, eat dinner, wash up after dinner, help kids with homework, do laundry, take out the trash, sew on a button, change the hamster bedding and pay bills.

Then you toss and turn with worry half the night. And then the alarm goes off. Sound familiar? You are doing what you can to eat better, cut back on the caffeine, slow down, exercise more, and just take a deep breath. But isn't there something else that would help you fight back against the fatigue that often accompanies the never-ending "to-do" list?

The modern energy crisis: Everyday fatigue is a common complaint in our fast-paced society, ranking among the top five health problems reported by adults. Four out of 10 adults across all age groups experience fatigue, and it affects women far more than men.

Working women are particularly likely to be exhausted from the day-to-day challenge of juggling the many demands of modern life, including long work hours, care of children and aging family members, and the ever-growing burden of errands, chores, shopping trips, and more that are required just to keep a household going.

What's more, lack of energy becomes a vicious cycle. More adults today report only fair to poor or very poor quality of sleep. The problem is further compounded by the fact that the majority of adults who report everyday fatigue and loss of energy admit they don't get the minimum Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals from their diet even one day per week!

Stressful lifestyles and jobs produce eating patterns that are rushed and nutritionally inadequate. The long-term negative health effects of this type of nutrient shortfall are potentially devastating. And some lifestyle patterns are more difficult to control.

Over one-third of menopausal women say they suffer from tiredness and loss of energy. Interestingly, less than half of people who feel stressed and exhausted consider this to be a health problem! Of those who admit they may need help, only half have tried any treatment.

Some people consider taking energy, or vitality supplements to naturally give them sustained energy all day long. Based on centuries of use in Asia, clinical use in Europe, and recent scientific studies, scientists have formulated a uniquely comprehensive formula for sustained vitality.

This formula is a natural, concentrated source of herbal ingredients and antioxidant phytonutrients shown to support your body's natural ability to maintain energy and resist everyday fatigue. This formula is used to make high quality energy supplements.

A natural energy supplement made with this formula should contain standardized extracts of cordyceps (a mushroom), Asian ginseng, and green tea which is specifically teamed to promote vitality. Cordyceps is clinically proven to help fight everyday fatigue, ginseng is traditionally used as an energizer, and the antioxidant properties of polyphenols in green tea promote sustained vitality.

People with a lack of energy need to consider getting more protein, vitamins and minerals in their diet. If you don't have a lot of energy it is simply because you are not healthy. Get healthy, lose those extra pounds and you will feel a tremendous difference in your energy levels.

High quality supplements can help, but ultimately it is YOUR choices that make the difference. Make time to get healthy, if you do you will have more energy and will be able to do everything else more efficiently. If you are considering a natural energy supplement, do your research and make sure it is one made with the natural formula listed above.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Secret Internal Defenses of Your Immune System

The immune system can protect our body from injury and different invasions as long as they are not too serious, overwhelming, or the immune system is already weakened due to poor health.

The immune system has its own internal monitoring system that always knows when we are cut or sick. It even knows how to produce its own soldiers, called antibodies that fight harmful bacteria.

Sometimes the body needs the aid of the medical world, like in the instance of a deep gash that requires stitches. Even after the stitches, however, the immune system is really what takes care of the wound.

Even if you take antibiotics, it is your immune system that eventually deals with the bacteria and helps the body heal itself. There is a catch, however. For your immune system to be able to do all of these things, it has to be strong and healthy.

The easiest way to do this is to keep your body healthy, if your overall diet and health are good, you exercise, and you don't drink too much alcohol or do drugs you should have a strong immune system.

The immune system has four major lines of defense. The first is a barricade system. This is made up primarily of your skin, which is the largest organ in the body.

The skin's job, in terms of immune defense, is to protect our internal body from viruses, bacteria, chemicals, pollutants, ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, cuts, etc. The skin also contains nerve endings, which warn us when something is too hot, cold, or if something is painful. The skin also releases harmful toxins when we sweat.

The second line of defense within the human body literally "traps" invaders, such as harmful bacteria, in mucous saliva which is the equivalent of them getting wrapped I a spider web. The body excretes the toxic mucous through sneezing, coughing, or a runny nose.

Each internal body part that is susceptible to invaders has its own way of trapping and disposing of them. We also have traps on the outside of our body, such as our nose hair, and eyelashes.

The third line of immune defense is our many body fluids that contain protective elements. For example: our stomach produces hydrochloric acid to neutralize invaders that got into our body through what we ate, the eyes produce tears to protect themselves.

What is the fourth line of defense that is used as an immune booster to help fight AIDS and Cancer? It is a protein called interferon.

Interferon has been used to help the body naturally fend off colds and fight illness. Interferon is produced by cells in our body when viruses invade them and is then released into the bloodstream to get healthy cells to manufacture an enzyme that counters the infection.

AIDS and Cancer patients can take an interferon production stimulator as a dietary supplement to help their immune system fight off invaders.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Top Ten Healthy Eating Habits

Here are ten steps that you can follow to lose weight, keep it off, and explode your energy levels.

1. Eat in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Be very thankful for the food you are given to eat. In most cases something that was living was sacrificed so you could eat. Taste and enjoy every bite you take.

2. Don't over-eat. Only eat until you are 80% full. You will notice that about ten minutes later you will feel full.

There is a slight time delay between eating the food and your body registering itself as full. That is usually why you feel tired weighted down after eating everything on your plate at a restaurant.

Your brain and taste buds are satisfied, but your body has to pay the price. Once you get used to this you should also see an increase in energy levels because the body is getting the right amount of food.

3. Chew all of your food thoroughly. You also should limit how much you chew gum, it stimulates your digestive juices unnecessarily.

4. Drink at least 8 cups of purified water every day. You should drink water between meals only. I know it may seem crazy that I have to mention this, but: soda, juice, and coffee are not water.

I have had many of my clients tell me that they don't need water because the drinks I just listed usually have water within the ingredients. Every time I respond, "are you kidding me!"

5. Do not consume large amounts of liquid right before, during, or after any meal. This diluted your digestive juices. That also goes for frozen drinks with meals because they freeze digestive enzyme cells, which interrupts the digestive process.

6. Do not eat fruit and meat together. This can give you an upset stomach.

7. Allow your digestive system some rest time. This means that you should try not to eat within at least two hours of your bedtime. Your body requires a fasting period (not eating) of usually ten to twelve hours in order to cleanse and rejuvenate itself properly. Try it, you will wake up with more energy.

8. Include raw(uncooked) vegetables with each meal, that way you provide your body with enzymes that break down the food particles you eat.

9. Please choose healthy food choices. The above recommendations will do little to no good if you eat a lot of fast food, and other junk food. Remember you are as healthy as what you put into your body.

10. Eat spicy! It helps cleanse the body and it increases your metabolism. Pay attention next time you eat something spicy, as long as you don't eat too much food, you should feel a lot of energy afterward.

I am not asking you to burn your tongue off or go into convulsions, but you should eat as much spicy food as you can tolerate. If it does get to hot, drink milk or something creamy, not water. Water makes the burn worse.

I have followed these healthy eating habits for the past two years and have been able to lose weight, keep it off, my energy levels have sky-rocketed (now I want to exercise every day instead of forcing myself), and my mind is clearer. Follow these same rules and you should see the same results!

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

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