Monday, February 23, 2009

Are Supplements a Scam - Or Are They Necessary?

In today's world I believe that taking high quality supplements is of utmost importance. More than twenty or thirty years ago, it was probably not necessary to take supplements because the food everyone ate was natural, not altered and not full of toxic chemicals like much of the food today.

Your body gets its much needed vitamins and minerals from the food we eat, and/or any supplements we take. That is it. Obviously the best way for your body to get its daily vitamins and minerals is through a healthy food source, such as an organic orange or apple.

But today most of our food sources no longer contain the nutrient content they once did and are supposed to. In order to make sure that your body is getting the vital nutrients it needs you should take high quality supplements, try to pay close attention to your diet, and the rest of this article.

The problem with the nutrient content in food today is that most of the fruits, vegetables, and meat we consume is loaded with toxic chemicals like pesticides, fertilizers, growth hormones, antibiotics, and chemical food additives and preservatives. There are literally thousands of chemicals that food manufacturers use on , in and around the products they sell. Over the past 50 years there has been an ever increasing amount of chemicals in our food.

Why are they using these chemicals on our food? Well, it is so they can produce goods faster, and in increasing quantity, therefore they can make more money. In the process they are either unaware of or don't care about the health ramifications of such actions.

Why isn't the government stepping in and doing something about this? Since there is no immediate, direct health threat from consuming these products it is easy for the companies to justify that their products are perfectly fine to eat.

Since their actions cause long-term health problems, it is very hard to prove, without reasonable doubt, that the chemicals in vegetables and meat you ate ten years ago is causing your obesity and illness today.

This is a debate the food manufacturers will probably continue to win, so you need to educate and take the right actions to eat as much organic food as possible because it is natural and not contaminated and take high quality supplements to ensure that your body is getting what it needs.

I am not trying to win the debate, I just want you to know what I have learned through my experience, and what others have gained from applying this information to their lives.

When I ate toxic food as described above I was depressed a lot, was overweight, got sick all of the time and just did not feel good. Since taking control of my food choices and becoming educated on the subject of natural health and what supplements to take I have noticed a huge turn-around in all aspects of my life.

If, as you read this post, you are wondering if you are happy and healthy, you are not. When I talk about being healthy I am talking about feeling so good that you will not question it. You will want to burst out of bed and start exercising. You will feel great and you will not feel guilty about what you eat.

Most importantly, you will be happy because I am a firm believer that your mind can only be at ease when it is atop a healthy body. Feeling good won't be a question, it will be a reality.

One of the biggest problems associated with chemically contaminated food and us eating it is that the actual nutrient food content of the food is reduced or depleted. An apple from the grocery store, for example, is not as good for you an does not contain as many nutrients as an organic apple from the health food store.

Also, most food products today also lose nutritional content when they are shipped, handled, stored, weighed, inspected, thrown, dropped, picked up, packaged, unpackaged, cooked, and frozen.

After the apple tree is given steroids to grow abnormally large apples, the apples on the tree are sprayed with pesticides, so the farmer can harvest more apples. When you eat an apple you ingest those chemicals.

Would you be healthy if you took steroids and sprayed your skin with pesticides every day? Probably not, and if a fruit or vegetable, or animal, for that matter, can't grow in a healthy state the meat, or product it produces, will not be of the highest quality either.

When growing plants, trees etc, the most important factor is the quality of the soil. For trees and plants to thrive they need very natural, nutrient rich soil.

The nutrients from the healthy soil are what provides the plants with the nutrients they need to be healthy and produce healthy fruit and vegetables. If the soil is not rich with nutrients the plant that grows in it will never be healthy and full of nutrients.

This is why a wild blueberry, for example, can be loaded with pure antioxidants, while a farm-grown blueberry will not be as antioxidant rich because of all of the chemicals and fertilizers put in the soil to grow it bigger and faster. So if you are eating regular blueberries thinking that your are getting all these great antioxidants to help your body you are being misled.

You are probably not getting all of the nutrients that you need. That is why you should consider doing more research on the subject to find out for yourself, eat organic as much as possible, and take high quality supplements to ensure that your body is getting what it needs.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

P.S. Get a FREE Body Profile Analysis - Click Here now.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How To Be Perfectly Healthy Without Taking Supplements

Many people feel that they do not need nutritional supplements to be healthy or that supplements are useless. Even though high quality supplements have been shown to improve overall health you don't have to take them. If you don't you want to take supplements just make sure that you follow these guidelines.

First, you need to provide your body with an adequate daily amount of high quality protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. This ensures your energy levels and muscle health. Then you need to stay away from all white flour products such as pasta, bagels, and different breads.

You should also stay away from all foods and oils containing hydrogenated and/or trans fats, as well as all fast food, including pizza. These contain toxins that weaken your immune system, make us fat, and lethargic.

You also need to make sure that you drink six to eight cups of purified water every day, otherwise you will get dehydrated. You need to eat a minimum of ten to twelve servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, that is how you will be getting most of your vitamins and minerals.

At least fifty percent of your diet should be raw, organic food, that means natural and uncooked. Vegetables, for example, lose most of their nutritious content when they are exposed to high heat (cooking).

You also can't eat any refined, processed, packaged, or instant foods. Don't even think about consuming sugar, (that means all junk food). Sugar causes weight gain, immune weakness and will weaken your bones and teeth.

If you still don't want to consider taking supplements to help your body get the vitamins and minerals it needs to maintain proper health then you also can't consume any coffee, it dehydrates you. Also no recreational drugs, alcohol, nicotine, or medications.

These all contain harmful toxins that weaken your immune system and literally "poison" your body. Don't forget about exercising for at least thirty minutes every day.

Toxins also come from eating non-organic food that has been fertilized, sprayed with pesticides, loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics. The toxins that get onto our body come from cosmetics, sun tan lotion, and chlorine from tap and pool water. Those should be avoided as well if you don't want to take supplements and remain in optimal health.

You also should not breathe in any toxic chemicals that might be in the air. These could come from paint, construction materials, indoor cleaners, which are loaded with chemicals, and outdoor pollution.

To remain healthy without high quality supplements you also need to have a healthy family history and do not suffer from any conditions, illness, or health challenges. As you can see maintaining optimal health without taking supplements is difficult, but it can be done.

In my opinion, the best way to achieve optimal health is to follow as many of the above guidelines as possible, but to also take high quality supplements, that way you can live a little and don't have to be obsessed with what you are putting into and onto your body everyday.

In today's world it is almost impossible to live a lifestyle catered to all of the above restrictions so do your body a favor and take natural supplements. You will notice a difference.

There are a lot of natural supplement companies out there, so do your own research and don't believe everything you hear or read. To ensure the supplements you buy are of highest quality, the nutrition company should release all of the research and ingredients that goes into each product before you have to buy it.

That way you can be sure of what you are putting into your body and that it has been rigorously tested for potency and purity. The supplements you decide to buy should also come with a money back guarantee, that way you can try the supplements, risk free, and send them back if they are not making a difference.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

P.S. Get a FREE Body Profile Analysis - Click Here now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What in The World is Acid and Alkaline Body Chemistry?

Acidic and alkaline body chemistry refer to the pH, or potential hydrogen, balance within the body. If we have the optimal acid/alkaline balance, we have blood chemistry balance, or homeostasis.

This subject can be confusing, but it is an important one to try to understand, so I will do my best to explain it to you in a way that can be easily understood.

Have you ever wondered why certain environments attract different things? A field of flowers attracts beautiful butterflies and bees, while a swamp attracts mosquitoes and other insects. Well that is because one environment is alkaline, while the latter is acidic.

Science has found that organisms that carry disease, such as mosquitoes, prefer an acidic environment. It is easiest to think of it this way: acidic attracts disease, while alkaline protects health.

Our body acidity or alkalinity predicts our environment. Just like a swamp or a field of fresh flowers it can either harbor disease or flourish. Although it is debatable, many experts believe that disease cannot live in an alkaline environment, yet it thrives and grows in an acidic environment.

Again, it is debatable, but I do believe that your body functions best when it is in an alkaline state because until two years ago, I was someone who used to be out of shape and overweight. I was not following a healthy natural diet and I was not exercising. I felt awful and got sick all the time.

I got the flu or the common cold six to ten times a year. I was depressed and had little to no energy. Since discovering the difference between alkaline and acid body chemistry I have made an active effort to make my body healthier and more alkaline.

Since then I rarely have gotten sick, I have more energy, and have had more tolerance to exercise. Most importantly I have been able to maintain the proper body weight, which is something I have always battled with.

Well how did I get my body more alkaline? I ate more organic fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. I made sure that I cut down on the acidic influences in my diet: red meat, dairy products, pasta sauce, coffee, alcohol, processed foods (fast food), deep fried foods, and chemical pollutants (pesticides, hormones etc.).

If you would like to find out your body's acid/alkaline chemistry go to your local health food store. They should have pH test strips you can buy that test your saliva. They are cheap, easy, accurate, and the roles of the strips allow you to test yourself many times. I test myself once a month or so.

If your body is acidic and you would like to try to make it more alkaline to see if you notice a difference in your overall health, you should maintain a dietary ratio of 75% alkaline to 25% acidic, this is what worked for me. Also exercise, or sweat a lot, this is your body's natural way of getting rid of toxic chemicals and pollutants that can make your body acidic.

It should also be noted that one way the body naturally protects against really high acidic levels is by using calcium as a natural buffer. If your body is highly acidic and you are not getting enough calcium through your diet or supplements your body will naturally pull calcium from your teeth, bones, to buffer the acidity. This is not good because it can make your bones and teeth brittle.

Some people's bodies are naturally more acidic or alkaline than others. You may or may not be able to get away with eating more acidic foods than other people. Always remember that everybody is different and you need to be as educated as you can on YOUR body and what makes YOU feel good and healthy.

Pay attention to how often you get sick in relation to certain foods, or toxins you are putting into your body. Make an active effort to test yourself and put good healthy food and supplements into your body, you will feel healthier.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

P.S. Get a FREE Body Profile Analysis - Click Here now.

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