Monday, February 4, 2008

How To Consume Food With Proper Food Nutrition Value

In recent times, there have been many changes to the four basic food groups that we know of: Dairy, Fruits, Vegetables and Meat.

The reason why these groupings have blurred, and some might even say disappeared from the food nutrition scene is that the healthy food diets we can choose from today have many more options than in the past.

Nowadays, you can choose to include legumes, whole grains, fish, seeds, nuts as well as plant oils that all add up to making for better food nutrition. In addition, the many different ethnic, cultural and even religious preferences give us more options than any other time in history.

Create A Healthy Food Plan

To stay healthy, you have to keep in mind the proper food nutrition when you're creating a healthy plan for your meals. A good idea is to create a pyramid plan, which will show you which foods are your best choices.

Since there's a lot of variety in even these food pyramids, you might wonder which one is most suitable for you even though they're more or less based on the same principles.

Good food nutrition, as outlined by the various food pyramids, will mean eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You'll want to cut back on the foods heavy in saturated fats, cholesterol and trans fats in the process. Other than that, to benefit from proper food nutrition you need to also limit or eliminate sweets and excess salt.

As far as alcohol goes, discretion is certainly your best option and you should really moderate the amount of alcohol you consume.

In addition, you need to be careful about the size of the portions of your meals. Keeping a close eye on the number of calories you consume will only benefit you in the long run. And of course, working in some time throughout the day to exercise wouldn't hurt.

Another good option to help you maintain proper food nutrition is to make use of vegetables, not as side dishes; rather, they can be used as main meals which means there are a number of vegetables to consider.

Some choices to consider would be Portobello mushroom burgers, spring greens with butternut squash, asparagus and tomato as well as red pepper French bread pizza, grilled vegetable kebobs, asparagus with almonds, Italian vegetables with pasta and honey-glazed sweet potatoes as ideal vegetable dishes that are sure to be rich in terms of food nutrition value.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker


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