Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How To Keep a Normal Blood Pressure

The dangerous thing about most medical conditions that relate to the heart, such as high blood pressure, are that there are often no symptoms that indicate a problem. The only way to know if your heart is healthy is to see a doctor once a year for a checkup.

Getting a blood pressure reading is imperative in diagnosing high blood pressure. If you haven't had your blood pressure taken before the procedure is painless, non-invasive, and easy.

Basically, the nurse on hand will wrap a cuff around your arm, inflate it and then deflate it, while listening to your heartbeat. What they are looking to determine is the force of the blood circulating through the blood vessels.

There are two numbers in a blood pressure reading and these numbers indicate the force of the blood upon entry and exit from your heart. These numbers are termed systolic and diastolic.

When the nurse or your doctor writes the down the reading it will look like a fraction. The systolic number will be on top while the diastolic number will be on the bottom.

What Is A Normal Blood Pressure Reading?

A normal blood pressure reading is below 120/80. There is a condition that is called pre-hypertensive and it has readings that range from 120/80 up to 139/89. Stage one hypertension is will have a blood pressure reading of 140/90 up to 159/99. Stage two hypertension will show a reading over 160/100.

How To Maintain Normal Blood Pressure

There are many ways to maintain normal blood pressure, but most importantly you need to get regular exercise (30 min. - 1hr a day). Regular exercise will help keep you fit and will give your heart the workout that it needs. Exercising regularly also maintains the flow of your circulatory system thus eliminating any artery clogging or build up that can cause heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

To maintain a normal blood pressure level you also want to eat a diet of organic food (mostly fruit, vegetables and nuts). Minimize the amount of processed food that you eat.

Not only is processed food fattening and addictive it is also made with chemicals (read the ingredients) that are foreign to the human body. These foods leave you at high risk for things like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Stop Smoking And Lower Your Stress

Smoking can also contribute to high blood pressure so stop. Stress is also a big contributor to high blood pressure, and most medical conditions for that matter, so you need to learn how to lower the amount of stress in your life if you want to be healthy.

Take up yoga or tai chi, exercise regularly, learn to meditate, eat right, and you will conquer stress. This is very important as to lower your susceptibility to hypertension; you must learn to handle stress properly.

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Who Else Wants A Bad Breath Remedy?

Have you ever had someone lean over to talk to you, only to find that the smell of their breath is so bad it makes you sick to your stomach? Have you ever worried that you may be the one making people nauseous? Maybe people are telling bad breath jokes about you.

Bad breath, or halitosis, is an affliction that affects many people, both old and young. Most people think that gum or mints are a bad breath remedy, but gum is and mints are merely a temporary solution to the problem.

In order to effectively cure bad breath you need to know the causes.

What Are The Causes of Bad Breath?

In order to find a bad breath remedy you need to know the causes. A common cause of most bad breath cases are the waste products known as volatile sulfur compounds. These compounds are created by anaerobic bacteria in your mouth, which comes from the food that gets stuck between your teeth after eating. That is why it is so important to brush your teeth and floss after every meal.

Brushing and flossing can go a long way as a bad breath remedy just by themselves. You should also use antibacterial mouthwash in the morning and evening.

When you have leftover food stuck in your teeth it increases the amount of food available for the bacteria to grow. It also adds to the attractiveness of the environment where bacteria prefer to live.

Fruits And Vegetables Are a Bad Breath Remedy

When you eat fruits and vegetables the amount of bacteria in your mouth is diminished. That is why people who are on a vegetarian style diet have less to worry about when it comes to bad breath.

The proteins that are in meat cause much of the bacteria that flourish in your mouth. So another natural bad breath remedy is to eat less meat and more fruit and vegetables.

What About A Chronic Bad Breath Remedy?

Chronic bad breath is a condition where you constantly have bad breath due to the presence of oral bacteria that sits on the back of your tongue, a side effect of medication, or some underlying medical condition, such as ketosis. If you have chronic bad breath, it is probably affecting your interactions with other people at work and in your personal life.

If you need a chronic bad breath remedy don't worry as there are medications and natural solutions for your chronic breath condition. Simply follow the above dietary and hygiene advice, see your dentist, or look around online for natural bad breath solutions.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Allergic Reaction - Your Bodies' Natural Response

An allergic reaction is your bodies' natural response to substances that your body is highly sensitive to. Some people's bodies react differently to different substances, which is why everyone is not allergic to the same thing(s). There are also varying degrees of allergic reactions that vary from mild reactions, such as a small rash, to severe reactions that can be fatal.

If you have ever had an allergic reaction it was caused by your exposure to an allergen. Allergens are substances that can promote the production of histamine in our bodies. This histamine is what causes the uncomfortable symptoms that come about when we encounter allergens.

The most common symptoms of an allergic reaction include:

* Severe nasal congestion
* Sneezing
* Runny nose
* Rashes
* Red and itchy eyes
* Clear nasal discharge
* Hives
* Slight swelling

There are many different kinds of allergens that trigger mild allergic reactions in many people, but the most common allergens include:

* Dust
* Pollen
* Mold spores
* Animal dander

The symptoms the above allergens illicit are the usual sneezing, watery eyes and runny noses that occur during seasonal allergies.

What About Severe Allergic Reactions?

There are also common symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. If you or someone you know experiences any of the following symptoms seek medical attention right away:

* Severe swelling
* Abdominal pain
* Difficulty breathing
* Difficulty swallowing
* Vomiting
* Lightheadedness
* Loss of Conciousness

The following things are the most common cause of severe allergic reactions:

* Insect bites
* Insect Stings
* Animal bites
* Food allergies
* Allergies to medication

The allergic reaction triggered by one of these causes can lead to potential death or debilitation of the individual. Some asthmatic patients who suffer other kinds of allergies need to be monitored carefully or have easy access to immediate medical help.

As you can see allergic reactions should be taken very seriously. While most people only have mild reactions the fact that people can have fatal reactions should make you pay close attention to your bodies' reaction to certain substances.

If you are a parent it is important that you pay attention to what your child comes in contact with. That way if your child has an allergic reaction you will be able to pinpoint what caused it and help them avoid that substance in the future. Knowing what your child is allergic to could save their life.

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Who Else Wants a Natural Cellulite Solution?

You are getting ready to go to the beach. You put your swimsuit on, look down and are horrified by the unsightly cellulite that seems to have taken over your thighs. You may have just noticed the cellulite or it might be something you have been self conscious about for a long time.

Either way, beating yourself up about it and feeling bad about the way you look is not a good cellulite solution. What is good is that there are natural cellulite solutions that work, but it takes more than just creams and wraps.

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite is caused by little overfilled fat pockets right under the skin. This causes the cells to take up more space than normal between the skin's connective tissues. The fat then expands these spaces resulting in the overlying skin dimples.

Natural Cellulite Solution #1: Change Your Diet

If you have cellulite then you probably understand at this point that it is not going to go away on its own. It is going to take consistent effort on your part to change your diet as that is the first natural cellulite solution. If you don't take action your cellulite problem will only get worse with age.

Stop making excuses why you can't eat right. All the education you need to learn about eating right and living a healthy lifestyle is on this website. Your fist cellulite solution is to stop eating processed, or "fake" food, and sugar.

Your diet should consist of mainly organic fruits, vegetables and nuts. These foods are "real" foods that are grown naturally in the ground, they way they were intended to be. These foods are also what your body was intended to ingest. Believe me your body was not designed to eat cheetos, microwave dinners, canned food, or soda.

Notice that we are not suggesting that you go on a diet temporarily, we are saying that you must change your diet and lifestyle for good. Yes you can eat your favorite junk foods occasionally, but you need to understand that you have to cut processed food out of your diet as much as you can if you are looking for a natural cellulite solution that works.

A healthy lifestyle isn't something you should be dreading anyway. Once you begin to live a healthy lifestyle you will feel the best you have ever felt in your whole life and will not want to go back to your old ways.

Natural Cellulite Solution #2: Strength Training

I hardly see any cellulite on the people that work out at my gym. It is time to get honest with yourself about your cellulite problem and understand that wishing it away is not the solution. People with cellulite don't have enough muscle in their legs, or areas where the cellulite is appearing. The only way to change that, along with changing your diet, is to do strength and cardio training.

You can use dumbbells, exercise machines, go walking, running, biking, etc. What is important is that you set aside that one hour a day for hard exercise. Not only is exercise a great natural cellulite solution, but it will also give you more energy, motivation, and it will make you feel great about yourself and your body.

Natural Cellulite Solution #3: The Synergie Treatment

Synergie cellulite solution treatment is a relaxing procedure that reduces the appearance of cellulite through a patented vacuum massage technology. It smooths and tightens the skin while improving circulation.

This treatment provides optimal stimulation, stretching and pressure to subcutaneous tissues offering a type of sub-dermal tissue massage not possible through traditional massage techniques. With the vacuum massage, it physically manipulates the collagen fibers and connective tissue, and increases metabolism to the treated area through increased blood circulation. This is how synergie treatment works as a cellulite solution as the result smooths skin texture and reduces the appearance of dimples.

The Real Cellulite Solution

I think that you should get rid of the useless creams, wraps, and poor mental image of yourself. You now have the answers for your cellulite solution. The question is are you going to work at it? Or are you going to continue to be lazy and just wish the cellulite wasn't there?

It is time to be honest with yourself and get that body you have always wanted. Just give the above recommendations a try for three weeks and you will see that a natural cellulite solution does work.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, December 4, 2008

America is in Desperate Need of Some Fitness Motivation

Let's face it. People's health and fitness in the United States has gotten out of hand. Over 60% of the adult population is overweight or obese. Most people take better care of their cars than their own bodies. That is so pathetic, but it is true.

People need to get a grip on their life if they want it to last. The first place people need to look if they want to get healthy and lose weight is fitness motivation. Without good self-motivation techniques all of their fitness efforts will be short lived and they will quickly jump into old habits.

Studies show that people who are highly motivated are more proactive and enthusiastic in what they do that they end up reaching their goal well ahead of the others. If you need help with your fitness motivation hire a personal trainer. Sometimes having someone who keeps you accountable can elevate your motivation.

Why Is Fitness Motivation So Important?

If you can harness the power of fitness motivation, you will be able to achieve a lot in just a short period of time. The key here is to find exercises that you actually enjoy. You don't have to walk or run on a treadmill at the gym in order to work on your fitness. Go for a walk on the beach, hike a mountain, play with your kids outside, ride a bike, play golf, swim, etc. If you have fun, the motivation will be secondary.

The Mental Side Of Fitness Motivation

A big part of fitness motivation and sticking to your goals is having the right mindset and focus. If you are overweight, for example, when you look in the mirror instead of seeing fat and feeling bad, picture the exact body you want to end up with after all of your hard work. Only focus on that image.

Then picture yourself eating right and doing the exercises necessary to achieve that body that you see. If you can do this mental exercise daily it will keep your fitness motivation strong enough for you to reach your goals.

Another way to help your mental focus and to keep your spirits up is to treat yourself every once in a while. Create little goals on the way to your big goal. Every ten pounds you lose, for example, go buy some new clothes to enjoy. Be happy about your progress as you go.

There is simply no excuse for what has happened to the health of our society. People need to wake up and tackle the emotional issues that make them eat and learn the fitness motivation techniques laid out above to get their life back, so it will last. The most important thing is that people make a consistent effort to improve themselves and their life.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Stop Hair Loss Solution

Both men and women tend to be affected by hair loss as they age. However, hair loss affects many more men than women. Roughly 25% of men start to have hair loss by the time they are 30 years old. About two-thirds of men are either bald or have a bald spots by the age of 60.

Hair loss is actually caused by the inability of your hair to re-grow itself, rather than your hair falling out. Male baldness usually starts as a receding hairline and thinning of the hair with eventual bald spots.

What Can I Do To Stop Hair Loss?

Well, there are several treatment options for men wanting to stop hair loss. You can go the medical route and take prescription drugs or opt for surgery, but keep in mind that those are expensive options that come with risks and side effects. Or you can stop hair loss naturally.

If you would like more information about the medical options to stop hair loss; the risks, the costs, and the side effects simply consult with your doctor. If you would like to stop hair loss naturally there are a few things listed below that you can do to help. You can also use the natural methods to stop hair loss in conjunction with medical treatments if you choose.

Did You Know There Are Foods That Help Stop Hair Loss?

Remember that your hair is made of protein; therefore protein-rich foods and organic fruits and vegetables should make up most of your diet if you want to stop hair loss and promote hair growth. You can take a protein supplement if you don't like to eat a lot of meat.

Each of the foods and nutrients below helps stop hair loss:
* Protein: red meat, liver, brewer's yeast, fish, eggs, beans, yogurt, tofu, protein supplements
* Iron: liver, eggs, whole grain cereals, dates, dark green leafy vegetables, raisins, iron supplements
* B Vitamins: meat, eggs, poultry, B vitamin supplements
* Vitamin E: avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds
* Sulfur: onions, meats, fish, nuts, legumes

What To Watch Out For

There are also a few things that you should avoid eating or consuming if you want to promote hair growth. They are:

* Caffeine
* Soda
* Sugar
* Processed Food
* Foods high in fat

Hair loss, especially when it occurs in men at a young age, can be an embarrassing problem that leaves people self-conscious about their appearance. It doesn't have to be that way.

Follow the above recommendations and do some more research online as you will find other natural hair loss remedies and solutions that can help you solve your problem.

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Truth About Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Everyone knows that having acne is an embarrassing problem. Now imagine having chronic acne. People with chronic acne problems will often try every face cream and treatment method known to man to try to get rid of those ugly pimples and acne scars. Yet nothing seems to work.

While I often recommend that people with acne try to solve the problem naturally by watching their diet, exercising, and using some type of natural acne face cream, in cases of chronic acne it often takes a more serious type of treatment to solve the problem.

Laser treatment for acne has proven to be one of the most effective types of acne treatment available. Laser treatment for acne uses a combination of laser carbon dioxide and a YAG laser.

Laser treatment for acne removes the top layers of your skin, in order to remove as much as the scarring caused by acne as possible, as well as to smooth and tighten your skin. Laser acne treatment is a quick, painless, outpatient procedure, which makes the procedure less inconvenient to your everyday life.

What's The Downside To The Treatment?

There are two downsides to getting the laser treatment for acne procedure. For one, it is more expensive than treating your acne naturally. Actually it is one of the most expensive acne treatment methods out there.

Secondly, you won't see any results until about one and a half years later. However, if you suffer from chronic acne the wait is usually well worth it. People who have sensitive skin may also opt not to do the procedure as it can cause permanent damage to sensitive skin.

What Everyone With Acne Needs To Understand

With the chronic acne cases aside, people need to understand that the majority of acne cases are simply caused by a poor diet, stress, and lack of exercise. When you eat processed food, junk food, fast food, etc. your body becomes full of harmful toxins (from the chemical ingredients in the food). Those toxins are slowly released through your skin.

These toxins then appear on your skin as acne, blemishes, rashes, and other skin conditions. If you want your skin to be shiny, smooth, and radiant you need to eat a diet of organic food, mostly fruit and vegetables. These are real foods that don't have any toxins and contain all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs everyday.

Exercise is the next most important step as sweating is your body's natural way of getting rid of toxins (quickly). Exercise also helps you cope with and lower stress, another one of the major causes of acne.

With a combination of exercise, a healthy diet, and using your favorite natural skin products you should be able to keep your skin looking beautiful. Just remember, what you put "inside" your body shows on the "outside" of your body.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Symptoms of Graves Disease - Eye Problem

Graves disease, otherwise known as the thyroid eye disease, is a rather unknown, but serious condition. In order to explain what the graves disease eye problem is you must first get familiar with the thyroid gland and what it does.

There is more to your thyroid gland than what I will explain to you here, I just want to keep it simple so you can understand graves disease. Your thyroid gland is in your neck and produces two types of thyroid hormones.

These hormones are vital for your metabolism running properly and your growth. Graves disease comes into play when your thyroid doesn't produce enough or it produces too much of thyroid hormones your body needs. When your body doesn't produce enough of the hormones it is called hypothyroidism.

When your thyroid doesn't produce enough of the thyroid hormones then you may:

* Feel depressed
* Feel Anxious
* Have a slower then usual heartbeat
* Feel sluggish

What if Your Thyroid Produces Too Much of the Hormones?

On the other end of the spectrum your thyroid can also produce too much of the thyroid hormones. This is known as hyperthyroidism. This type of graves disease occurs most often.

There are also symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism. Someone starting to suffer from this type of graves disease will experience:

* Hot flashes
* A faster then usual heartbeat
* Nervousness

How is This All Related To My Eyes?

Graves disease becomes a serious eye problem because of the painful symptoms it can cause. While the conditions and symptoms can vary in intensity, one of the most noticeable and the most common symptoms of the graves disease eye problem is the protrusion of your eye(s).

When your eye is protruded, your eyelid is pulled back and all the muscles and the tissues that are around the eye area swell up. This is what causes the pain and the eye problem.

Is This Disease Treatable?

Although the graves disease eye problem is a serious condition that can cause a lot of pain, stress, embarrassment, and suffering it is treatable. There are many ways to treat this condition. The most common methods are:

* Lubricants
* Steroids
* Eye surgery
* Radiation to the eye

The only downside to treating the graves disease eye problem is that it can take anywhere from six months to a year for the treatment to work. The exact amount of time needed to get rid of the problem depends upon the specific person and their case.

If you think you may have graves disease or would like more information talk to your local doctor.

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Top 5 Skin Care Tips

In an attempt to get shiny and radiant skin many people will spend tons of money and time using the latest skin products. But often they don't see permanent results, or any results for that matter. Yet they still believe that the latest skin cream on the market is going to solve all of their skin problems.

When you follow the following skin care tips you won't need all those skin care products, all you will need is one or two organic skin creams to enhance your beautiful skin. The main thing you need to understand is that if your skin is not healthy and shiny right now if you follow these tips you can get results.

But understand it takes time, effort, and in the short-term your skin may even get worse before it gets better as you cleanse your body of harmful toxins.

Skin Care Tips - Work Out

You need to get fit and healthy if you want your skin to shine. If you look at most people who take care of their body by working out and eating healthy food (organic fruits vegetables, and nuts) they have excellent skin.

This is because when you work out you naturally expel harmful toxins from your body. Your body gets these toxins mainly from your environment, processed food, and chemicals. And they are released through your skin.

Your body gets rid of toxins quickly when you are sweating, for example, but if you live a sedentary lifestyle and don't work out toxins take longer to get out of the body and therefore they will show up on your skin as acne, blemishes, rashes, discoloration etc.

Skin Care Tips - Eat Organic

Basically, your skin reflects how you are treating your body and what you are putting into it. So, you need to eat right in order to get that radiant skin you have always wanted.

You need to eat organic food as much as you can afford to because it is not filled with the chemicals (toxins) that processed food is. Next time you go food shopping think of it this way, pretty much everything in the aisles is all junk full of chemicals that give you bad skin. Everything around the outside of the store is pretty much okay to eat and won't show up on your skin.

If you are unsure if a food is healthy just read the ingredients. Ingredients should be other kinds of food not chemicals.

Skin Care Tips - Watch The Sun and The Sunscreen

The third skin care tip is that you need to watch how much time you spend in the sun. You do want to spend 10 - 15 minutes a day in the sun if you can so your body can get the vitamin D it needs.

Also get your sunscreen at your local health food store so it is natural. Commercial sunscreens contain chemicals that harm your skin.

Skin Care Tips - Stress

It is well documented that stress causes much harm to the human body. Another of the skin care tips for maintaining healthy skin is to reduce or avoid stress. While all stress is not possible to eliminate, learning to deal with it can remove some of the worry lines that are carved into many foreheads and around the eyes. Learn yoga, tai chi, meditation techniques, or just exercise for stress management.

Skin Care Tips - Clean Hands

Ask any health expert and they will tell you that the hands are one of the biggest enemies of facial skin. Washing your hands frequently and refraining from touching your face will prevent the transfer of germs and bacteria to the skin on your face.

Once you follow the above skin care tips you can use your favorite natural skin cream to enhance the appearance of your skin even further. That is really what skin creams are meant for anyway. The companies won't tell you that because they want you buy a lot of their product, but the truth is that you need "good skin to have good skin," not good creams.

Having good skin comes from being healthy and fit. Don't think that having great skin is easy though, it takes work, determination and motivation to get healthy.

Give the above skin care tips a try and you will see results.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Monday, November 3, 2008

Discover the Benefits of Meditation

There are many benefits to meditation, which is why it has been practiced by people all over the world for thousands of years. The benefits of meditation affect your:

* Overall health
* Your emotions
* Your well-being
* Your powers of self-determination

Benefits of Meditation: Less Stress

One of the main benefits of meditation is that it helps you learn how to manage your stress and anxiety. Constant fear and worry does nothing but cause you pain and suffering, it makes your immune system weak, and it can cause virtually any disease.

Meditation will teach you to be still, or in the present moment, which will allow your mind to free itself of any thinking. When you learn the benefits of meditation you will also discover that you can be open and accepting to whatever happens in your life, whether it be positive or negative.

Benefits Of Meditation: Lose Weight

Having too much stress can cause weight gain and compulsive behaviors such as overeating, smoking, drinking, etc. When the human body is under stress, it puts out certain hormones to get the body ready to fight or flee at a moment's notice.

These hormones make the body unable to metabolize food at a normal rate. One of the benefits of meditation is that as you begin to reduce or even eliminate the stress in your life you will notice a decrease in your waist line and an increase in your overall energy levels.

Although most western medicine doctors used to laugh at the benefits of meditation, many doctors are finally admitting that there definitely is a mind-body connection in regards to health. Doctors have found that people who are generally happy, calm and don't overreact to every little event in their life, are healthier than people that are completely stressed out.

Benefits of Meditation: Get a Handle On Your Emotions

The benefits of meditation also include getting a handle on your emotions. A lot of the time we let our emotions run our lives, but we need to realize that most of these negative emotions are coming from obsessive thoughts about the future or the past. The past is over and we have no immediate control of the future so people need to learn to be present to get conscious, or in touch with their inner, true self.

Meditation will not only help you get healthy, they will provide a foundation to help you improve in every area of your life. Start by giving ten minutes a day to practicing daily meditation and you will see the benefits I am talking about.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How To Improve Indoor Air Quality

Ask most people about air quality problems, and they'll look to the outdoors. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) called indoor air pollution one of the United States' top environmental health concerns and has also recognized the need to improve indoor air quality.

The World Health Organization is investigating air pollution, too. In fact, the World Health Organization states that 40% of all buildings pose a serious threat to health because of poor indoor air quality.

Why Do We Need To Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Starting with the energy crisis in the 1970s, we began sealing our homes, offices, and other indoor environments to reduce energy consumption. This has worked except for the fact that most of our indoor environments just re-circulate stale air without ever cleaning it.

The problem is that our homes, cars, offices, hotel rooms, college dorms, and other indoor environments are filled with things we never want to breathe in.

The Three "Hidden" threats To Indoor Air Quality:

Particulates: Indoor air contains solid particles and tiny liquid droplets, up to
20 million per cubic foot in untreated rooms. More than 99% can't be seen, and many particles are small enough to enter your lungs.

Pollen, ash, and dust come indoors from the outside. Pets give off dander. Dust mites thrive in mattresses. And cigarette smoke lingers. Second-hand smoke has been identified as a major health risk.

Microbials: Microscopically small living health hazards, bacteria, fungi, and mold-thrive in moist indoor environments. Mold grows to some degree in almost every man-made structure.

What's worse, mold loves heating and cooling ducts. Every time someone turns on heat, air-conditioning, or ventilation, a variety of microbes may blow into rooms serviced by the ducts. This happens in cars, trucks, office buildings, and hotels, too.

Gases: A variety of gases escape from our carpets, drapes, and furniture. Cleaning
products, copy machines, paints, insect spray, hair spray, and insulation emit gases as well. Many are chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are easy to breathe in. We can't always smell indoor gases, which pose a hidden danger.

Commercial Air Fresheners Don't Improve Indoor Air Quality

Whatever you do don't go plug those air fresheners you bought at the store in the wall thinking they will improve indoor air quality. They actually make the quality of the air worse.

Most household cleaners and air fresheners are made out of chemicals that smell good, but are harmful for you to breathe in. That goes for the car air fresheners too.

Houseplants Improve Indoor Air Quality

Plants take in carbon dioxide and give off pure oxygen so having a healthy plant in each room of your house or office will improve indoor air quality. If you want to improve indoor air quality and the smell of your home or office simply buy flowers.

The Best Way To Improve Indoor Air Quality

The best way you can improve indoor air quality in your home or office is to have a high quality air purifier that gets rid of the particulates, microbials, and gases that are harmful to breathe. There are many different air purifiers out there, some are better than others, but what is important is that you find one that removes the three harmful elements listed above.

The size of the air purifier is also something to consider when you are looking to improve indoor air quality because each square foot of the house, room, or building needs to be treated.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How To Find the Best Treatments For Acne

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, acne is one of the most embarrassing and frustrating skin conditions one can have because it affects your face. If you suffer from acne, you have most likely spent countless hours searching for the best treatments for acne prone skin.

Finding the right treatments for acne isn't easy, because if you use the wrong products on your skin, you can actually cause more breakouts to occur, and even other skin conditions such as eczema. The best treatments for acne are those that use a simple three step process which includes cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing your skin.

Skip Treatments For Acne That Don't Exfoliate

Your skin is made up of several layers and each of those layers were meant to shed. Skin is amazing in its ability to regenerate, so when you exfoliate, you are simply helping to remove the dead skin cells from the surface of your skin to let the new skin underneath shine through. If you suffer from acne, using treatments for acne that include exfoliation is a must.

When you gently scrape off the dead cells on the surface of your skin, you lose the barriers that keep your cleansing products from giving you a deep clean. Once those dead cells are gone from the surface of your skin, your cleanser can really penetrate to the layers where acne actually begins.

Only Use Treatments For Acne That Gently Cleanse

Acne prone skin tends to be more sensitive than normal skin types. When you choose a product to cleanse your skin, make sure that it is a gentle cleanser.
Using a product that is too harsh or a chemical filled, drying, soap can actually make your acne worse.

Using strong cleansing treatments for acne can also cause irritation that is far worse and harder to get rid of than the pimples you are already trying to treat. Look for products that say they are gentle or even all natural.

Choose Treatments For Acne That Also Moisturize

Most people think that the way to treat acne is to dry up your oily skin. While oily skin and acne often go hand in hand, treating your oily skin with super drying treatments for acne can actually increase your problems. When you use a product to dry out your skin and pores, your oil glands react by going into production overdrive.

They tend to produce even more oil, which in turn leads to more clogged pores and even more breakouts. Healthy skin has a balance of moisture in it, so if you are prone to breakouts don't forget to moisturize your skin. Make sure that you choose oil free moisturizers and apply them lightly to your skin after you cleanse it.

Diet - One Of The Best Natural Treatments For Acne

Diet is also a major factor of acne. Why? Well, acne is actually toxins that are released through the skin. You get those toxins primarily from the food you ingest and anything you put onto your skin.

Stay away from fast food, processed food, and foods that contain a lot of oils, such as peanuts. You should eat as many fresh, raw, organic fruits and vegetables as possible.

Exercise - One Of The Best Natural Treatments For Acne

You also need to exercise regularly as a treatment for acne. Sweating is the best natural way for your body to rid of toxins, like the ones that cause acne. Otherwise toxins are forced out of your skin slowly, through zits and pimples.

If you have or are worried about getting acne I recommend that you eat healthy, exercise and find treatments for acne that use a three step process as described above. If you follow these recommendations you should be able to get rid of those unsightly blemishes without having to use lasers, surgery, or prescription medication.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Benefits of a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is essential because it's difficult to feel good without eating nutritious food. If you aren't healthy what do you really have in life?

People usually will not follow a healthy diet because they either don't value their health or they are uneducated about what "real" food actually is.

When you consider the benefits of a healthy diet you may be surprised to learn that an estimated 61% percent of the population of the United States is over weight. What's more, there are an estimated 50% of adults that have so many pounds of weight on their bodies that they are considered obese.

This has gotten out of hand. People need to start to look at their lifestyles and make some serious changes. Be true to yourself and ask:

Do I look good?
Do I feel my best?

Isn't there something you can do, starting right now, to change your health and your diet?

A Healthy Diet Isn't Found At The Drive Thru Window

Giving up on fast food intake is essential to a healthy diet. Processed and fast food is literally "expanding the waist lines of people all over the world," most noticeably in the United States. This unhealthy food is filled with fat, sugar, preservatives and harmful chemicals that cause massive weight gain.

A healthy diet of "real" food is organic or natural food that is free of chemicals, preservatives, or additives. A healthy diet is full of organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and meat (optional) that is freshly bought or prepared. A healthy diet should become a very important value to you if you want to consistently get the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Keep in mind that following a healthy diet doesn't have to taste bad either. There are plenty of helpful organic cook books out there to help you make the same foods you have always loved.

If you want to feel the benefits of a healthy diet replace as much of your processed food as you can with the "real" food listed above. Your body will thank you for it.

After three weeks of following a healthy diet you should see an increase in energy levels, feel better, lose weight, have less stress and anxiety, be motivated, have a healthier complexion, and be committed to following a healthy diet for the rest of your life.

I feel that today more than ever before people are abusing their bodies by not following a healthy diet. Obesity, disease and illness have become ever increasing problems.

People need to wake up, get motivated, and start following a healthy diet today.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Causes and Treatments for Recurrent Sinus Infections

You probably have some idea of what a sinus infection is because almost everyone has had at least one or more in their life. It usually starts off as a simple cold which progressively gets worse with headaches and pains in the sinus cavities of your face.
Most people see their doctor and a course of antibiotics is prescribed as well as a decongestant to help clear the problem. However, what if you have recurrent sinus infections that seem to never go away?

Potential Causes of Recurrent Sinus Infections

Well, let's look at it like this, you know you have recurrent sinus infections if you get three or more per year. Most of the time, a sinus infection may seem repetitive because a previous infection never really cleared itself up. Many people believe that if you have allergies, you are more apt to sinus infections but the fact of the matter is that anyone can develop them.

Other than an infection that has never really cleared up, structural abnormalities are another reason why you may suffer recurrent sinus infections. A deviated septum (the bony protrusion inside the nose that separates the nasal passages) is a cause as well as deformities such as bone spurs inside the sinus cavities. A CT scan is the most common way to find out if these structural issues are the likely cause of your recurrent sinus infections. Enlarged adenoids, polyps in the nasal passageways and even tumors and cleft palate are all possibilities too.

A faulty immune system is another reason why your sinus infections may be recurring. Immunodeficiency issues with such illnesses like cystic fibrosis, AIDS, myeloma, hypothyrodism and even diabetes can contribute to recurrent sinus infections. Gastroesophogeal reflux disease (GERD) can also contribute to repeated infections as can allergies to fungus.

Treatment Options for Recurrent Sinus Infections

When it comes to structural deformities of the nose, surgery is the best way to help put a stop to those recurrent sinus infections. A deviated septum can be straightened and bone spurs can be ground down so there is nothing impeding the drainage of the sinus cavities during an illness. Plus, when a person has recurrent sinus infections, the drainage hole in the sinus cavities is often damaged. To correct this problem, surgery to remove the polyps, adenoids and tumors may be the way to go.

If you have a disease which affects your immune system, you will have a harder time dealing with recurrent sinus infections. An alternative treatment option that we highly recommend is an immune booster that can be found online that works absolute wonders.

Through personal experience, I have enjoyed clear nasal passages and have avoided getting sick for over 4 years and counting because of Nutriferon. Want to watch a quick video on how interferon helps protect your immune system? Go here now.

With GERD, if you can find a treatment plan to keep your reflux problems at a minimum, you can also likely lessen your chances of another sinus infection.

When you have exhausted all possibilities like structural deformities and other health issues contributing to your recurrent sinus infections, you just might have an allergy to fungus. In about 10 per cent of recurrent sinus infection cases, some types of fungal infection are the culprit and guess what? When you take antibiotics like amoxicillin, which is made from a mold, you are actually exacerbating the problem!

With anti-fungal treatment in conjunction with a saline flush of the nasal passages, you will likely see relief from recurrent sinus infections. Of course, only a doctor can make this diagnosis but you can definitely suggest the possibility during your next appointment.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Symptoms and Treatment of Pan Sinusitis

For those of you who are confused by a diagnosis of pan sinusitis, it might help to understand exactly what this means. It is the swelling and irritation of all para-nasal sinuses on one or both sides of your sinus cavities, which are in your head.

Para-nasal sinuses are the spaces filled with air operating in conjunction with the nasal cavities and are located in the facial areas as well as parts of the skull. There are four main para-nasal sinus cavities which could become inflamed, causing the pan sinusitis condition. Typically, when someone gets a sinus infection, maybe one or two sinus cavities are affected instead of all of them like with pan sinusitis.

An In-Depth Look at Pan Sinusitis

To understand why pan sinusitis may be more serious, you have to understand where all of those para-nasal sinuses are located. There are four basic groups of these para-nasal sinuses: frontal, ethmoid, maxillary and sphenoid. With the frontal sinuses, these are typically over the eyes behind the forehead. The maxillary sinuses are located under the eyes and behind the cheek bones.

The ethmoid sinuses encompass a very small area between the nose and eyes and are located in the ethmoid bone. The sphenoid sinuses are housed within the sphenoid bone which is located in the middle of the base of the skull and right under the pituitary gland. As these four main locations encompass quite a bit of the head, having an infection in all of these areas can account for why pan sinusitis can be miserable for you if you are suffering from it.

Symptoms and Treatment

With pan sinusitis, you will likely experience quite a few symptoms such as, fatigue, headache, sinus pressure and pain, bad breath, fever, toothaches, tenderness in the facial areas, loss of smell, sore throat due to post nasal drip and even coughing. While taking over the counter pain reliever of decongestants may help ease some symptoms, prescription medications such as antibiotics or anti-fungal treatments are necessary.

In uncommon cases, abnormalities in the sinus cavity structures or even the presence of polyps or tumors could be causing pan sinusitis. In these instances, surgery is needed to remove these obstructions. A CT scan is the only way usually to identify if growths or other abnormalities are the cause of your sinus problems.

Speak with your doctor and talk with them about your diagnosis of pan sinusitis and what it means for you in terms of treatment. Only with all the facts such as causes and surgical recovery time can you make the best educated decision on your treatment options.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Nutrition Chart Changes The Way You Think About Food

The old Food Guide Pyramid that we know and love has been reorganized, both visually and in content.

Based on new information and research provided by nutrition experts, the new My Pyramid establishes guidelines based on the most recent nutrition knowledge. Check out the new nutrition chart to find out if you still meet guidelines!

Good Grains—Some Are Gone

Do you remember how the old nutrition chart began with grains at the bottom? This indicated that consumers should get more daily servings of bread compared with any other food. However, the new food chart dictates that about three ounces of grains—rice, cereal, crackers, or bread—should be eaten every day.

However, you should not just eat any old grains—the new food guide recommends whole grains as opposed to refined grains. Examples of whole grains include whole-wheat flour, bulgur (cracked wheat), oatmeal, whole cornmeal, and brown rice. Subsequently, try to avoid eating white flour, degermed cornmeal, white bread, and white rice.

Fun Fruits And Varied Veggies

The next change in the new nutrition chart has to do with the amount of fruits and vegetables that should be consumed on a daily basis. On the old food chart, these foods were second only to grains. However, now they have become the first priority. Though the exact amount of recommended fruits and veggies you should consume depends on your age and sex, these foods should comprise the bulk of your diet.

What types of fruits and veggies are the best for you? Well, it is recommended that you consume vegetables that are dark green or orange in color. Additionally, eating more beans and dry peas is another recommendation. For fruits, any or all fruits are acceptable, but it is important to stay away from sugary fruit juices.

Dairy Desires And Meat Madness

The next section of the new nutrition chart deals with dairy and meat. It is important to drink lots of milk every day in order to obtain the recommended amount of calcium. People who can’t drink milk for health reasons should get their calcium from other low fat dairy sources, such as cheese and yogurt or find a good calcium supplement.

When it comes to meat and protein, stick to lean meats and poultry. Also, remember that you can get your daily serving of protein from items such as fish, nuts, and beans.

Change Is Good—But What Stayed The Same?

Despite all the changes to the nutrition chart, one aspect has remained the same. The recommendation to limit fat and oil consumption is one consistency throughout both food charts. Some things will never change!

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, August 21, 2008

American Academy Anti Aging Medicine – What Do They Do?

The American Academy Anti Aging Medicine group primarily consists of medical professionals who are interested in utilizing technology for the detection, the prevention as well as the treatment of diseases related to the aging process.

They are advocates of research projects designed to learn effective ways to slow down the aging process. The organization was created in 1992 with doctor Ronald Klatz and doctor Robert Goldman playing important roles in its creation.

A few years after the creation of the organization, they created the American Board of Anti Aging Medicine also known as ABAAM which recognized anti aging as a medical specialty and provided educational credits to attendees of their various conferences.

The American Academy Anti Aging Medicine group also known as A4M has been on a campaign to have anti aging medicine recognized by the medical community as a specialty of medicine. The A4M has about 18,000 members including doctors, scientists and a variety of health professionals in over eighty countries throughout the world. The American Academy Anti Aging Medicine group over the years has trained over 30,000 doctors regarding anti aging medicine.

Education Sources

They claim to have provided information concerning anti aging concepts to over 100,000 health professionals by way of seminars, training programs, videos, textbooks and other education sources. The American Academy Anti Aging Medicine group has provided a significant influence in bringing about an awareness of the problems associated with aging as well as the role medicine can play in dealing with aging.

Health Problems

The American Academy Anti Aging Medicine group has suggested that the diseases associated with aging are perhaps the greatest challenges that man is dealing with. They are quite concerned about the early deaths as well as the disabilities people are confronted with as they go through the aging process. They are highly concerned with health problems such as cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and Alzheimer's disease. They are dedicated to preventing these and other diseases from lowering the quality of peoples' lives and ending their lives prematurely.

They constantly encourage the medical community to come up with innovative diagnostics and medical interventions that can prevent age related diseases from interfering with peoples' lives. The American Academy Anti Aging Medicine group claims to be the worldwide authority on age related diseases. A spokesperson for the group has stated that with advancements in anti aging biomedical and advancements in technology the world can expect to see an increase in the life span of people. The organization is definitely a good source for the new innovations that are occurring in the field of anti aging.

Looking for the 'fountain of youth?" Wish there was a product that could help you fight the signs of aging? Take a look at this patented product from the #1 Natural Nutrition Company in the U.S. - Click Here

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

An Alternative, Natural Treatment for Sinus Problems - Mangosteen

If your sinuses plague you often enough to cause headaches and infection, you should know that you can turn to natural, alternative options for treatment. This is great news for those of you who might have already “been there and done that” in terms of antibiotics, steroid nasal sprays, anti-histamines and decongestants.

Becoming a walking pharmacy is no fun, so why not consider a natural alternative like mangosteen for sinus problems?

Just as herbal remedies are growing by leaps and bounds for many health problems, there have been some remarkable discoveries about certain foods which could greatly help sinus sufferers. Lo and behold - Mangosteen.

While still in the preliminary stages of study, there have been some great results when using mangosteen not only for sinus problems but also a number of other respiratory .

What is Mangosteen?

Before you rush off to buy mangosteen for sinus problems, you should probably learn a little more about it. The mangosteen is a fruit native to Asia that grows on a tropical evergreen plant. Because this plant needs very specific growing conditions, you will not likely see it growing elsewhere other than certain Asian areas. While the natives have been consuming this fruit for years, only recently have its beneficial properties have been brought to light.

Mangosteen, about the size of a medium orange or apple, is almost purple when fully ripe. The fruit itself is bright white and similar in shape to a tangerine. The outer casing or rind of the mangosteen is rich in xanthones, a powerful nutrient rich in antioxidant properties and very similar to flavonoids. These xanthones are the reason why mangosteen for sinus problems is growing in popularity.

Trying Mangosteen for Sinus Problems

Antioxidants are important for healthy body function and the mangosteen fruit holds 40 of the almost 200 types of natural occurring antioxidants known to man. That is one powerful fruit and the fact that it can help destroy free radicals and improve your health at the cellular level is remarkable.

The important reason for trying mangosteen for sinus problems is the fact that this fruit has some amazing anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Which is great news if you have recurrent sinus issues that just don't seem to go away with prescription medications.

Of course, you will find that many doctors and researchers are saying that there is no definitive proof that mangosteen for sinus problems is a solution. However, with thousands of people drinking juice from the mangosteen reporting notable improvement on a variety of health issues including sinus trouble, there is certainly no harm in consuming mangosteen for sinus problems. In fact, you may experience an improvement in your overall health as well.

Want to know where to find Mangosteen? Click Here

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Herbal Nutrition Supplements - Providing Essential Nutrients To Your Body

If you are one of those people who is always exposed to stress, taking a daily vitamin, like an herbal nutrition supplement is very important. According to numerous studies, it has been found that stress can weaken your immune system and eventually lead to poor health. By taking an herbal nutrition supplement, you can strengthen your immune system and avoid day to day health problems.

Choosing The Right Herbal Nutrition Supplement

Since there are many types of herbal nutrition supplements sold in the market today, there are also a lot of fake herbal nutrition supplements being sold as well, and if you're not very careful about what you're choosing, you might not really be getting what you need never mind what you paid for. In fact, there are many food supplements that are sold in the market today that can cause a lot of side effects.

Many of these herbal supplements can provide you with the essential nutrients you need, boost your immune system, enhance your memory and help you sleep better.

Before you take any herbal supplement, make sure that you do some research about the product and the company first. Check out the benefits and possible side effects that each type of supplement has. A credible supplement company will provide the information about the benefits and side effects of their products right on their website.

Moreover, you need to find out the proper usage of the different types of herbal nutrition supplements before you take any of them. The cardinal rules therefore is that you should do some research first, find a good herbal nutrition supplement that is made up of the best ingredients, follow the instructions for its usage properly and avoid taking anything in excess of what it says on the label. If you follow these rules, you will absolutely benefit from the herbal nutrition supplement you choose.

Should Pregnant Women Take Herbal Nutrition Supplements?

Pregnant women should always be cautious when it comes to the food they eat and the supplements that they take. To be on the safe side of things, a pregnant woman should first consult her doctor before she takes any nutritional supplements. Pregnant women should never take any over the counter herbal medicines or food supplements without their doctor’s consent to avoid causing damage to the fetus.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Friday, July 11, 2008

Check Your Pantry: Home Remedy For A Severe Sinus Infection

Have you ever had a sinus infection that was so disturbing to your day that it literally stopped you from getting around and doing your regular activities? When sinus infections begin, usually with the sniffles, most people often feel they are bound to come down with the flu or a bad cold.

If you're sick and tired of all the medications you normally take when you have sinus infections and want to avoid the side effects, here are some home remedies for severe sinus infections that you can use. These home remedies for severe sinus infections are much easier to take than drugs and you will feel a whole lot better once you've used them.

Home Humidifier

One of the best home remedies that you could use when you have a severe sinus infection is the home humidifier. You can purchase one of these for a minimum investment and love yourself for it down the road. If you want to go the homemade route, you can try this...using a teapot (or any pot or pan to emanate a clean vapor after you boil water in it), place your face near the teapot where the vapor is coming out from and it would serve as your humidifier to open up your sinuses. Place a towel over your head while inhaling the warm air and hopefully, in no time, you'll enjoy better breathing and fewer headaches.

Hot Lemonade

Making hot lemonade with fresh lemons, which you can easily do at home, is another great home remedy for a severe sinus infection. All you have to do is follow the instructions of regular lemonade, but use hot water instead of cold. This is a great home remedy for a severe sinus infection in the sense that it protects you from fevers, colds or the flu because of the lemon’s antibacterial and anti-virus properties. Within a few minutes you'll feel calmer and have soothed the sinuses, which is very comforting during that time.

Go Dairy Free

Do you consume dairy products such as milk, cheese, eggs and butter on a regular basis? Sometimes, especially if you are prone to frequent sinus problems, the need to go dairy-free is extremely important to give your respiratory system time to clear and strengthen. Instead of the dairy, you should consume plenty of water to hydrate your body, thin the mucous and flush the remaining toxins from your body.

If you're wondering how to prevent sinus infections in the first place, you may want to check this short video out...Go here to learn more now.

Want to build your body's natural immune response, the natural way? Check this site out...I personally take this immune booster everyday, never mind a cold, I haven't even had the sniffles in over 4 years.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some Critical Factors About Acne and Anti-Aging Skin Care

When you talk about acne and anti aging skin care you are actually talking about two different things – one is pertaining to the cleaning of your skin and keeping it moisturized well enough to prevent acne from forming and the other is preventing and fighting off the signs of aging.

Most of the time, these two different parts are combined to form one treatment because they overlap in a way. The importance of keeping the skin clean and free of dead cells and excess oil formation while having the skin properly moisturized so it can breathe and fight the dryness that aging causes.

Acne Treatment and Anti-Aging

Acne treatment involves a series of maneuvers that basically keep the skin free from dirt. You'll notice that people who have oily skin are more prone to acne than those who have dry skin types. Basically because the oiliness of the skin attracts dust and dirt, which along with the skin's own dead cells block the sweat pores on the skin, people with oily skin have more blackheads and whiteheads to deal with. Therefore, the first basic requirement is to keep the skin clean and free of excess oil.

This is where it crosses over to anti aging skin care – for the skin to be clean it needs to be washed with a mild exfoliation agent, deeply cleansed and lastly toned with the help of an astringent. Anti-aging skin care too needs all these steps before applying any serum or cream that would fight against the signs of aging on the skin. This is why the treatment is sometimes referred to as the acne anti-aging skin care – since it tackles both the problems at the same time.

Is Acne Anti-Aging Skin Care Really Working?

Most people find that it does. However, the results with the acne control would be visible much sooner than the reversal of aging signs and hence you should be prepared to wait for this. The earliest you can see a difference in the skin texture and its suppleness would be somewhere around four weeks after you started the treatment.

The acne anti-aging skin care is usually best adopted when the skin just started showing signs of aging – such as dryness, fine wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, enlargement of pores, pigmentation and so on. When you apply the acne anti-aging skin care treatment at this time – say at about 35-40 years of age; the results would be dramatically obvious and at the same time it would prevent further deterioration.

The best acne anti-aging skin care should start around 25 plus years of age, when the skin has started experiencing internal damage, though not yet visible from the outside. The collagen layer, the pores, and the texture of the skin – everything starts to change about this time. However, the impact would be seen only some five to ten years later.

Looking for healthier, more luminous skin?
Nutrition Therapy Skin Care System

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Food Guide Pyramid Offers Better Nutritional Guidance

For those of you who haven't been paying attention, the United States Department of Agriculture updated its decades old food guide pyramid back in 2005.

They did this to try and offer consumers a better guide to healthy eating by not only listing the food groups but also offering guidance about how much of each food group is required to form a healthy, balanced diet. They even took the step to color-code the food guide pyramid to help children have a better understanding of nutrition.

The new food guide pyramid expands on the original one of four food groups and now suggests there should be six. The color rainbow is included on the food guide pyramid with the size of the color stripes showing how much of a particular food group should be consumed in a given day. Not so much the quantity of each group, but the amount in relation to the entire balanced meal plan.

As you can see, the colors of the food group include orange for grains, green for vegetables and red for fruits. Yellow, representing fats and oils, has been added to the new food guide pyramid and milk and dairy products are represented by blue with purple for meat, beans, nuts and fish.

Helping Kids Understand Need For Balance

The widths of the colors on the food guide pyramid are designed to offer a visual idea on how much of each food group should be included in a balanced nutritional diet.

For example, the color yellow is the thinnest stripe indicating fats and oils should represent the smallest amount of the daily diet. Purple is the next thinnest and shows that meat, beans and fish should be limited as well.

Additionally, the new food guide pyramid offers information about how much you need of each group for different reasons. Whether you want to lose weight, maintain your weight or just eat the right foods for better health, the food guide pyramid offers advice on how to do this.

While including regular exercise, to maintain your weight you're advised to eat as many calories as you burn and to lose weight you'll have to burn more calories than you consume.

Eating for health will vary depending on the health issue you're striving to overcome, but the overall guidance offered by the food guide pyramid will benefit just about everyone seeking to eat healthier and more nutritionally balanced meals.

Are you looking for more ideas on eating better, taking vitamins and minerals or staying in shape? Click Here

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Sinus Infections

If you have ever suffered from a sinus infection, you know that the pain, pressure and fatigue can be severe enough to get in the way of daily activities. Most sinus infection sufferers will find relief in a matter of days or weeks, but imagine dealing with those uncomfortable symptoms for twelve weeks or more at a time.

That is precisely what happens when you have a chronic sinus infection. Because these symptoms linger for very long periods of time, a chronic sinus infection can affect your quality of life. Because of this, it's important to understand how to recognize a chronic sinus infection, so that you can work with your doctor in finding the most effective treatment option for you.

Symptoms of Chronic Sinus Infections

The symptoms of a chronic sinus infection are similar to those of an acute infection, except that the symptoms tend to last longer and do not respond to treatments as easily. It is also rare to run a fever with a chronic sinus infection, although many people do with the acute variety of infection.

Other common symptoms include pain and pressure in the face around the sinus cavities, a thick yellow or green discharge from the nose, difficulty breathing through the nasal passages and fatigue. You might also suffer from less common symptoms, like bad breath, teeth or jaw pain and an earache. These symptoms can vary based on the particular sinuses that are involved, so it is a good idea to check with your doctor even if you don’t have all of the classic symptoms of an infection.

Treatment of a Chronic Sinus Infection

In order to properly treat a chronic sinus infection, it will probably be necessary to make an appointment with your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and prescription treatment choices.

The first course of action is often a round of antibiotics that may be taken for as long as twelve weeks or until you are symptom free for at least seven days. You may also receive a prescription for a corticosteroid that will help to bring down the inflammation and swelling inside of the nasal passages and sinus cavities.

Decongestants, antihistamines and expectorants can also provide temporary relief from the congestion and promote drainage. Moisture can also bring relief, in the form of a humidifier, hot packs applied to the face or steam treatments to open airways. If allergies are the cause of the chronic sinus infection, allergy treatment may be part of the remedy as well.

A chronic sinus infection can be severe enough to keep you from many of the activities that you love. The good news is that there are plenty of treatment options available that will effectively kick that infection out for good.

Check this product out - Nutriferon - it worked wonders for me and I can now say I haven't gotten sick in over 4 years!

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What Ingredients To Avoid When Reading Food Labels

If you are a person that is conscious about what you eat, you will no doubt have come across a lot of nutrition information that is displayed on most of the favorite foods that you buy. Hopefully, this nutrition information is helping you make informed decisions about what to buy and what to leave there on the shelf.

I believe that as we move into the future, more and more Americans will begin to pay attention to the labels and begin to understand what ingredients are good and which ones are to be avoided. This will be a MUST for the people who seem to be hoovering on the obesity line and dangling between wanting to be healthy and actually making an effort to get there.

Suits All Kinds Of People

Where can you get good nutrition information online? There are a bunch of great websites but one that you might want to look at first would be www.nutrition.gov. This site brings information to you from the US Department of Agriculture as well as the National Agricultural Library and is designed to give you resources on all facets of human nutrition for consumers.

You can learn about the latest news with regard to dietary guidelines for different ages, daily recommended servings, the Food Guide Pyramid and the best methods to get the required foods into your daily diet.

The best part is that it's not all that difficult to include the proper foods into your diet and there is nothing complicated about it. A big part of being healthy is that you must have the required nutrition information from a reliable source.

At Diet Health and Fitness, we recommend you look for a nutritionist in your area and speak with them as well. The only way you're going to get on the track to health is if you reach out and find the needed information to get your diet in order. Sometimes the internet can be helpful with providing sites and information on creating a healthy diet and sometimes it may be better to grab an actual hardcover book from a bookstore instead.

If you are serious about learning about the food you're eating and how to live healthier, change your diet and find more resources to living a natural, healthy life we recommend you grab this book Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau. This book will 'wake' you up to the truth about the food in our country, I guarantee it.

Since there is a lot to learn about when it comes to great health, including the benefits of certain herbs, taking multi-vitamins and even daily supplements, we realize you can't learn everything overnight.

We would recommend that you should, whenever possible, consume your nutrients from natural foods instead of consuming those that are manufactured. (Pretty much stay away food that is made by publicly traded companies because the processing of the food by these companies is actually what's creating health problems for so many Americans. It stems from the chemicals and preservatives they add - it's not good for your body. It's not natural. These chemicals are what's causing weight gain and a multitude of other health issues in more and more people every single day.)

As of now, nutrition information is a federal requirement that must be displayed on the food labels which can then be used by consumers to plan their diets. This is important because many people are generally ignorant about what is contained in the foods that we consume, and even though there are also many that do not care to check the nutrition information, it is still the best means of planning a healthy diet.

Being conscious about eating healthy is something that we should all take seriously and it pays to check the nutrition information to weed out those foods from our diet that contain too many additives or whose food preparation process is detrimental to good health.

With that in mind, here are a few ingredients you need to STAY AWAY FROM when you're reading the food labels in the grocery store...

* Aspartame (NutraSweet and Splenda) - these are artificial sweeteners found in sodas and diet sodas which actually make people gain weight. Aspartame (Nutrasweet and Splenda) is also chemically addicting and should have been banned by the FDA years ago and never allowed in the production of food in this country. Click this link to find out the Truth About Splenda.

* High Fructose Corn Syrup - is used by manufacturers for two reasons. First, it is very inexpensive. Secondly, it makes you fatter than the other sweeteners they could use. (If you didn't figure it out yet, food companies make money by selling more food. Chemicals and preservatives make people physically addicted to the foods and therefore come back to buy more week in and week out. The food industry is like every other industry in the world - it's all about money.) Needless to say, stay away from high fructose corn syrup and don't get hooked. Take a peek at this book The Sugar Fix.

* MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) - is a form of rat poison and can be found in Chinese food and many canned foods such as soups and sauces. MSG causes headaches, asthma, heart irregularities, depression and ADD/ADHD. Please grab a copy of this book In Bad Taste, The MSG Complex and get the facts.

You can also use the Food Guide Pyramid found at www.nutrition.gov as a good starting point to plan your diet. It states the basics of what we should consume on a regular basis and you can use it to make necessary adjustments to your diet so that you meet your weight goals and also keep to the proper levels of calorie intake.

Well, there you have it, keep a watchful eye on the food labels at the grocery store from now on and keep learning about the way food is produced in this country and we promise you the benefits of great health will be worth the effort.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Best Anti Aging Cream

It could be said that there is no one on the face of earth who doesn't want to look younger. Every single day, millions of people make a great effort to look younger. Which is exactly why more and more anti aging products have hit the market.

Not all of the available anti aging options are within reach for everyone, so many people do not prefer to undergo any kind of expensive surgery or routine Botox injections. In fact, a majority of people depend on anti aging products that can be used topically, spread onto the skin and absorbed.

The first line of topical treatment comes along with anti aging cream and gel. With so many options now a days, the current market is over saturated with a wide range of products from different cosmetic companies. Needless to say, this can make people confused when selecting the best anti aging cream for them. In this article, we will explore guidelines to help you find the best anti aging cream for you.

How To Choose

Obviously, the best anti aging cream is the one that works best for you. As different people have different skin types, some may have more sensitive skin than others. It 's quite possible that your skin may have an allergic reaction to some products on the market today. So, you should always read the ingredients of the anti aging cream before you buy it, just in case there is something in there you might be allergic to.

Other Factors

The primary attraction of anti aging cream is its price. It's much cheaper compared to surgery or regular Botox injections. In most cases, it offers minimal to no side effects which are common for surgery and Botox.

The best anti aging creams can fight against the unavoidable deterioration of your aging skin. These products are useful for restoring the damaged skin cells over the facial area. The best anti aging cream must function like an active agent that helps weakened cells to become rejuvenated once again, making the skin look younger and more radiant.

In addition, the best anti aging cream is made with natural ingredients which will allow your skin to breath naturally. Ideally, the best anti aging cream must incorporate all in one; it will be rich with antioxidants, moisturizers, collagen protectors and deep wrinkle remover properties.

All cosmetics manufacturers claim that their products will turn back the clock, however, no one has come with such effectiveness and reliability. Often, finding the best product for you is a case of trial and error.

Keep searching for the product that fits your skin type and when you find it, stick with it. Want to know where to find some? Click Here

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Monday, May 19, 2008

Problems with Sinus Surgery

Having a chronic sinus infection can impact your quality of life for a very long time if you don't do something about it. With a chronic sinus infection, you have difficulty sleeping, breathing, interacting in public, and the food you eat always seems to taste funny. Now, depending on your sinus infection you might even have chronic nausea from the amount of mucus in your digestive system, no matter how many times you blow your nose.

If you're feeling nauseous, the last thing you want to do is get out of bed, let alone go to work or school, raise kids, pay the bills and anything else you have to do. This is when surgery will be offered as an option. You might not have much of a choice but to go under the knife, but you should still be aware of the problems with sinus surgery.

The Band Aid Effect

One of the biggest problems with sinus surgery is that it's often just an incredibly elaborate band aid (plaster) for your overall sinus infection problem. If it's not known why your sinuses are so infected, then the relief of the surgery will only be temporary.
You need to discover the source of your sinus infection with your doctor and attack that issue first. But if you are having trouble getting a firm diagnosis, then temporary relief may be better than no relief. Just realize that it is usually not a cure-all.

Surgery In General

There are three main kinds of sinus surgery, but each requires your sinuses to be exposed to what is ever in the outer environment. One of the problems with sinus surgery is the problem with any kind of surgery – the risk of a post operative infection, a botched operation or any other problems you might encounter when recuperating from surgery in general. Most of the time, your doctor will not suggest surgery lightly because of the risks involved. Now, if you have a strange growth or malformed sinuses, then surgery will actually be of great benefit to you.

What You Still Need To Do

Another problem with sinus surgery is that you'll still have to do regular nose maintenance. What does that mean? You just can’t ever get the attitude that the sinus infection will never come back because you’ve had surgery. You still need to keep your nose clean, literally and figuratively. Air purification would be recommended, nasal washes and doing your best to stay as healthy as possible.

Also, you'll need to boost your immune system after your surgery to help your body fight and defend against pathogens, poor indoor air quality and the like.

If you smoke, guess what? You better knock it off. Plain and simple. If you're regularly hanging out with your friends who smoke, you need to seriously ask them to not smoke around you. Ironically for some people, this may be one of the biggest problems with sinus surgery.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How Important is it to Choose an Organic Anti Aging Skin Care Product?

Women know just how important it is to try and maintain that healthy, youthful glow especially with the countless skin care products that are available today. But with so many to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start in our search for the best anti aging skin product.

If you're really concerned about the health of your skin, then it is vital that you choose an organic anti aging skin care product. By choosing an organic anti aging skin care product, you are not only helping your skin to keep its youthful appearance, but you are also doing your best to ensure that you are giving your skin only the very best!

Why Organic?

The reason you should choose an organic anti aging skin care product is because of the many harmful chemicals that so many other skin care products contain. These chemicals can dry out your skin, and even cause allergic reactions with painful consequences. By choosing an organic anti aging skin care product, you are making certain that the only ingredients that come into contact with your delicate skin are 100 per cent natural.

Choosing an organic anti aging skin care product is also especially important if you have any sort of dermatological allergies. These allergies can lead to painful rashes and lesions on the skin, which must then be treated with antibiotics, steroids, and even possibly painful derma-abrasion. An organic anti aging skin care product is specially formulated to prevent these types of allergic reactions, and is considered safe for all skin types.

The ingredients contained in an organic anti aging skin care product are also the most beneficial to the anti aging process. Natural ingredients work best with our skin to provide the youthful appearance we so desperately crave. By choosing an organic anti aging skin care product, you can replenish your skin with only the finest ingredients in nature, giving back the vitamins and minerals that your skin needs to be able to stay wrinkle free. These vitamins and nutrients will also help to reduce the fine lines and spots that come with the aging process.

So, now that you can see the importance of choosing an organic anti aging skin care product, you can see why choosing anything else can be so damaging. With so many different organic skin care products available on the market today, you should have no difficulty finding an organic anti aging skin care product that will work for you.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Food and Nutrition: Getting Back on Track with Healthy Choices

We all know that food and nutrition should go hand in hand. Right?

But what we don't plan for so to speak, is the meeting that runs late which leaves you heading for the drive-thru for dinner. Or how about the day when you're stressed out after dealing with the kids and after everyone goes to bed you reach for the ice cream container and tell yourself everything is OK.

Sure, we all know that healthy eating is an important component for a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes it is just so easy to get off track. The good news is that it's never too late to return to a more nutritious diet.

Here are some quick, easy ways to reintroduce food and nutrition back into your life again.

Try Something New

There is no law that says you can’t munch on cold vegetable pizza for breakfast, or combine any type of tropical fruit with a bit of peanut butter or honey. Sometimes it’s fun to just browse the produce section of your grocery store to see what unusual fruits and veggies might tickle your fancy.

How about baking a plantain and adding it to a dish of low-fat yogurt for dessert?

Sometimes the best fresh produce is the stuff that we have never tried before, so get adventurous and taste something new and different. Food and nutrition have never tasted so good.

Spice it Up

Perhaps some of the dishes that your family has become bored with eating simply need a little extra pizzazz to rekindle the interest and keep food and nutrition a tasty combination in your household.

Fresh herbs can do much to bring out the flavor of many of your dishes. Rosemary tastes great on many meats and poultry, and cilantro can be the perfect addition to a bean dish. Try tossing a few fresh selections, like chives and parsley, into your next salad for some additional zing. You may be pleasantly surprised at your family’s reaction.

Make it Easy

Despite what the fast food chains have taught us, food on the go does not have to be stuffed full of fat, calories and sodium. For a quick breakfast that combines fast food and nutrition, grab a bag of your favorite dry cereal for munching in the car. You can add a drinkable yogurt to the mix for a well-rounded and filling meal.

Wash and chop up a few fresh fruits and vegetables after you bring them home from the store, and keep them in airtight containers in the fridge for a quick and easy snack. Baked tortilla chips and salsa are not only fast, they taste so good that you might forget you’re eating healthy.

Food and nutrition combinations don’t have to mean tasteless or complex dishes when it comes to changing your diet or feeding your family. With a few tips and tricks, you can start on the path toward a healthy life once again.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Monday, April 28, 2008

Three Great Homemade Anti Aging Remedies

If you have crossed 30 years of age and you are a woman, you are likely to be worried about aging and sometimes even have some signs of it, such as fine lines around your eyes, faint laugh lines etc.

In the present day, even men have become conscious about their looks – especially aging of the skin – though basically, they have Mother Nature on their side! While women look old, men look dignified and full of character when they cross into middle age.

Don't Wait until You Can See Your Wrinkles across the Road

You'd be surprised with what you can do at home, without spending too much time, effort or money on reversing the effects of aging. Anti aging does not always mean to have thousands of dollars spent on different medical and cosmetic interventions. Rather it would mean that you lead a disciplined life both with regards to your daily habits as well as with the food you consume. In fact, some of the most effective anti aging products are found right in your kitchen.


Did you know that the humble potato has exceptional anti aging effects? The potato can give you an instant face lift as well as can wipe off the tan and fine wrinkles from your skin? Just cut two slices (as the beauty salons do with cucumber slice when they give a facial) and put these on your eyes for 10 minutes.

For the face you take one medium size potato and about two tablespoons of apple sauce and grind together until it's very smooth. Apply on the face for 15-25 minutes and then wash away with warm water. This will make your skin literally glow from inside.


You must have heard that vitamin supplements can improve the texture of your skin. It would be a great idea to include these into your diet. You can also expose the skin to some topical applications for boosting the result – mix tomato puree and lentil flour in equal proportions. Subsequently add half a teaspoon of lemon juice, and about half an inch of turmeric paste. You can apply this simple anti aging remedy to the face twice or three times a week for best results.


Mash ripe papaya and apply to your face for about 20-30 minutes. Wash away with warm water and add a little moisturizer to experience one of the most luxuriant anti aging facials ever. Papaya can be substituted with ripe (not over ripe) banana for similar results.

We hope these tips will help you stay looking younger and feeling better than ever.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
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