Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some Critical Factors About Acne and Anti-Aging Skin Care

When you talk about acne and anti aging skin care you are actually talking about two different things – one is pertaining to the cleaning of your skin and keeping it moisturized well enough to prevent acne from forming and the other is preventing and fighting off the signs of aging.

Most of the time, these two different parts are combined to form one treatment because they overlap in a way. The importance of keeping the skin clean and free of dead cells and excess oil formation while having the skin properly moisturized so it can breathe and fight the dryness that aging causes.

Acne Treatment and Anti-Aging

Acne treatment involves a series of maneuvers that basically keep the skin free from dirt. You'll notice that people who have oily skin are more prone to acne than those who have dry skin types. Basically because the oiliness of the skin attracts dust and dirt, which along with the skin's own dead cells block the sweat pores on the skin, people with oily skin have more blackheads and whiteheads to deal with. Therefore, the first basic requirement is to keep the skin clean and free of excess oil.

This is where it crosses over to anti aging skin care – for the skin to be clean it needs to be washed with a mild exfoliation agent, deeply cleansed and lastly toned with the help of an astringent. Anti-aging skin care too needs all these steps before applying any serum or cream that would fight against the signs of aging on the skin. This is why the treatment is sometimes referred to as the acne anti-aging skin care – since it tackles both the problems at the same time.

Is Acne Anti-Aging Skin Care Really Working?

Most people find that it does. However, the results with the acne control would be visible much sooner than the reversal of aging signs and hence you should be prepared to wait for this. The earliest you can see a difference in the skin texture and its suppleness would be somewhere around four weeks after you started the treatment.

The acne anti-aging skin care is usually best adopted when the skin just started showing signs of aging – such as dryness, fine wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, enlargement of pores, pigmentation and so on. When you apply the acne anti-aging skin care treatment at this time – say at about 35-40 years of age; the results would be dramatically obvious and at the same time it would prevent further deterioration.

The best acne anti-aging skin care should start around 25 plus years of age, when the skin has started experiencing internal damage, though not yet visible from the outside. The collagen layer, the pores, and the texture of the skin – everything starts to change about this time. However, the impact would be seen only some five to ten years later.

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To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

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