Based on new information and research provided by nutrition experts, the new My Pyramid establishes guidelines based on the most recent nutrition knowledge. Check out the new nutrition chart to find out if you still meet guidelines!
Good Grains—Some Are Gone
Do you remember how the old nutrition chart began with grains at the bottom? This indicated that consumers should get more daily servings of bread compared with any other food. However, the new food chart dictates that about three ounces of grains—rice, cereal, crackers, or bread—should be eaten every day.
However, you should not just eat any old grains—the new food guide recommends whole grains as opposed to refined grains. Examples of whole grains include whole-wheat flour, bulgur (cracked wheat), oatmeal, whole cornmeal, and brown rice. Subsequently, try to avoid eating white flour, degermed cornmeal, white bread, and white rice.
Fun Fruits And Varied Veggies
The next change in the new nutrition chart has to do with the amount of fruits and vegetables that should be consumed on a daily basis. On the old food chart, these foods were second only to grains. However, now they have become the first priority. Though the exact amount of recommended fruits and veggies you should consume depends on your age and sex, these foods should comprise the bulk of your diet.
What types of fruits and veggies are the best for you? Well, it is recommended that you consume vegetables that are dark green or orange in color. Additionally, eating more beans and dry peas is another recommendation. For fruits, any or all fruits are acceptable, but it is important to stay away from sugary fruit juices.
Dairy Desires And Meat Madness
The next section of the new nutrition chart deals with dairy and meat. It is important to drink lots of milk every day in order to obtain the recommended amount of calcium. People who can’t drink milk for health reasons should get their calcium from other low fat dairy sources, such as cheese and yogurt or find a good calcium supplement.
When it comes to meat and protein, stick to lean meats and poultry. Also, remember that you can get your daily serving of protein from items such as fish, nuts, and beans.
Change Is Good—But What Stayed The Same?
Despite all the changes to the nutrition chart, one aspect has remained the same. The recommendation to limit fat and oil consumption is one consistency throughout both food charts. Some things will never change!
To Your Health,
Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
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