Thursday, October 23, 2008

How To Find the Best Treatments For Acne

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, acne is one of the most embarrassing and frustrating skin conditions one can have because it affects your face. If you suffer from acne, you have most likely spent countless hours searching for the best treatments for acne prone skin.

Finding the right treatments for acne isn't easy, because if you use the wrong products on your skin, you can actually cause more breakouts to occur, and even other skin conditions such as eczema. The best treatments for acne are those that use a simple three step process which includes cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing your skin.

Skip Treatments For Acne That Don't Exfoliate

Your skin is made up of several layers and each of those layers were meant to shed. Skin is amazing in its ability to regenerate, so when you exfoliate, you are simply helping to remove the dead skin cells from the surface of your skin to let the new skin underneath shine through. If you suffer from acne, using treatments for acne that include exfoliation is a must.

When you gently scrape off the dead cells on the surface of your skin, you lose the barriers that keep your cleansing products from giving you a deep clean. Once those dead cells are gone from the surface of your skin, your cleanser can really penetrate to the layers where acne actually begins.

Only Use Treatments For Acne That Gently Cleanse

Acne prone skin tends to be more sensitive than normal skin types. When you choose a product to cleanse your skin, make sure that it is a gentle cleanser.
Using a product that is too harsh or a chemical filled, drying, soap can actually make your acne worse.

Using strong cleansing treatments for acne can also cause irritation that is far worse and harder to get rid of than the pimples you are already trying to treat. Look for products that say they are gentle or even all natural.

Choose Treatments For Acne That Also Moisturize

Most people think that the way to treat acne is to dry up your oily skin. While oily skin and acne often go hand in hand, treating your oily skin with super drying treatments for acne can actually increase your problems. When you use a product to dry out your skin and pores, your oil glands react by going into production overdrive.

They tend to produce even more oil, which in turn leads to more clogged pores and even more breakouts. Healthy skin has a balance of moisture in it, so if you are prone to breakouts don't forget to moisturize your skin. Make sure that you choose oil free moisturizers and apply them lightly to your skin after you cleanse it.

Diet - One Of The Best Natural Treatments For Acne

Diet is also a major factor of acne. Why? Well, acne is actually toxins that are released through the skin. You get those toxins primarily from the food you ingest and anything you put onto your skin.

Stay away from fast food, processed food, and foods that contain a lot of oils, such as peanuts. You should eat as many fresh, raw, organic fruits and vegetables as possible.

Exercise - One Of The Best Natural Treatments For Acne

You also need to exercise regularly as a treatment for acne. Sweating is the best natural way for your body to rid of toxins, like the ones that cause acne. Otherwise toxins are forced out of your skin slowly, through zits and pimples.

If you have or are worried about getting acne I recommend that you eat healthy, exercise and find treatments for acne that use a three step process as described above. If you follow these recommendations you should be able to get rid of those unsightly blemishes without having to use lasers, surgery, or prescription medication.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

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