Monday, April 28, 2008

Three Great Homemade Anti Aging Remedies

If you have crossed 30 years of age and you are a woman, you are likely to be worried about aging and sometimes even have some signs of it, such as fine lines around your eyes, faint laugh lines etc.

In the present day, even men have become conscious about their looks – especially aging of the skin – though basically, they have Mother Nature on their side! While women look old, men look dignified and full of character when they cross into middle age.

Don't Wait until You Can See Your Wrinkles across the Road

You'd be surprised with what you can do at home, without spending too much time, effort or money on reversing the effects of aging. Anti aging does not always mean to have thousands of dollars spent on different medical and cosmetic interventions. Rather it would mean that you lead a disciplined life both with regards to your daily habits as well as with the food you consume. In fact, some of the most effective anti aging products are found right in your kitchen.


Did you know that the humble potato has exceptional anti aging effects? The potato can give you an instant face lift as well as can wipe off the tan and fine wrinkles from your skin? Just cut two slices (as the beauty salons do with cucumber slice when they give a facial) and put these on your eyes for 10 minutes.

For the face you take one medium size potato and about two tablespoons of apple sauce and grind together until it's very smooth. Apply on the face for 15-25 minutes and then wash away with warm water. This will make your skin literally glow from inside.


You must have heard that vitamin supplements can improve the texture of your skin. It would be a great idea to include these into your diet. You can also expose the skin to some topical applications for boosting the result – mix tomato puree and lentil flour in equal proportions. Subsequently add half a teaspoon of lemon juice, and about half an inch of turmeric paste. You can apply this simple anti aging remedy to the face twice or three times a week for best results.


Mash ripe papaya and apply to your face for about 20-30 minutes. Wash away with warm water and add a little moisturizer to experience one of the most luxuriant anti aging facials ever. Papaya can be substituted with ripe (not over ripe) banana for similar results.

We hope these tips will help you stay looking younger and feeling better than ever.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sinus Problem Symptoms: What To Look For

For many people, yearly sinus congestion is an ongoing battle. Allergies can trigger the onset of sinus congestion and discomfort and being aware of sinus problem symptoms can help patients learn what to look for and when to seek a physician's assistance.

Sinus Problem Symptoms: Causes and How To Pursue Treatment

Sinus problem symptoms, for some, can be predictable. People with allergies that occur during a specific season can expect to have sinus problem symptoms. A virus can also cause a sinus infection by damaging the lining of the sinus passages and causing them to become inflamed. Then bacteria that is normally present in the sinus passages becomes trapped and multiplies, causing an infection to occur.

A sinus infection can happen in any of the sinus passages. The sinus symptoms may vary according to which sinus passage is infected. When a person has an Ethmoid sinus infection, which is one that occurs behind the eyes, the sinus problem symptoms are: nasal congestion, pain or pressure by the inner eye and down the nose, headache and fever is a common complaint with this type of sinus infection.

The sinus problem symptoms associated with Maxillary sinus infection, which happens in the sinus passages behind the cheekbones are, pain across the cheekbones or even in the upper teeth, the cheekbones can be red and swollen, fever, and of course a congested nose. Sinus problem symptoms that can happen when a patient has other sinus infections include the above symptoms and headaches in the front of the head, pain when lying down and even double vision can become one of the sinus problem symptoms.

It is important when experiencing sinus problem symptoms to visit with a physician. Untreated sinus infections can be a serious problem and the infection needs medical assistance in order to clear up. Antibiotics are generally the proper course of treatment for a sinus infection, but a physician needs to be seen to determine if there are any other problems.

When a patient is having sinus problem symptoms, they can be extremely uncomfortable. There are some over the counter medicines that can be taken to help relieve some of the sinus problem symptoms such as Mucinex. A physician can give advice on which over the counter medicines will work best for your symptoms.

Sinus problem symptoms are an indication of an infection and a patient needs to pay attention to the symptoms in order to get the best treatment for a possible infection.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Secrets Bottled Water Companies Don't Want You To Know About

As a rule of thumb, you should drink at least 8 cups of natural or purified water daily because 90% of our body is made of water. Water is the key ingredient to life, yet most of the time people drink coffee, soda, alcohol, and store bought fruit juice instead.

Unfortunately, all of the drinks I just listed are incredibly dehydrating, so if you are drinking those, you need to be drinking even more purified water than someone who is not drinking coffee, soda, alcohol or fruit juice.

You should not drink tap water because most tap water, other than in a few select places, is loaded with flouride and chlorine in order to kill off many harmful types of bacteria caused by environmental pollution.

Flouride, even though they use it at the dentists office, is horrible for you to ingest, and can lead to certain cancers. Chlorine ingestion can lead to many types of cancer and weight gain. Both flouride and chlorine are two chemicals that are extremely dangerous toxins to have in your body.

The problem does not stop at tap water, however. Most bottled water is a scam and is awful for you to drink. Why? Because there are hardly any regulations on the bottled water industry. Almost all of the bottled waters are merely acidic tap water from one region, barely filtered, then bottled and shipped somewhere else.

Ever wonder why some bottled waters are more expensive than others? There is a reason. Did you think that your local grocery store has a natural spring out back so they can produce their own brand of great spring water for $3.00 a case? It's tap water.

Why should you believe me? I have a very close friend who worked for a reverse osmosis filtration company, which performed independent tests on all kinds of bottled water to find out which were the healthiest and which were not.

So what water can you drink?

Dasani and Aquafina, although ironically made by soda companies, are the least expensive of the safe bottled waters. They are still made with tap water, but the tap water is filtered using a reverse osmosis filtration system, which removes harmful chemicals, such as flouride and chlorine and makes it less acidic. Reverse osmosis is hands down the best way to purify tap water.

Better still is completely natural spring, or artesian water. Why? Because it's untouched and pure, right from the source and requires no filtration. This water is also loaded with essential minerals to keep your body healthy and naturally has an alkaline pH.

Here are the top bottled water contenders:

* Fiji
* Evian
* Voss
* Volvic
* Penta
* Evamor
* Poland Spring

There are also several smaller bottled water companies that produce very healthy bottled water as well. You can usually find them at your local health food store. If you have any more questions on what bottled water you should buy, I'm sure someone at your local health food store would be more than happy to help you out.

Why is most fruit juice bad to drink? Because most fruit juice that is sold is anything but fresh juice that is healthy for you. The stuff you think is healthy juice is basically soda. Pick up a soda and pick up a sports drink, or a bottle of juice and compare the ingredients. Usually the only difference between them is the carbonated water and the flavoring.

Fresh juice goes bad in about two or three days. Compare that with most juice you can buy at the grocery store, which can last up to a month after you buy it.

Basically the only way to drink really healthy juice is to make the juice yourself at home with a juicer, or go to your local health food store, they usually make fresh juice daily.

Even though fresh juice can provide you with essential vitamins and minerals, it's still not enough to hydrate your body on its own. Most fruit juice is loaded with sugar, which is dehydrating and acidic, so you don't want to consume too much juice anyways.

Water, water, water, is really all you need to drink. It will give you more energy, make you more tolerant to exercise, make your mind clearer and can reduce hunger cravings. Water reduces hunger pangs by 98%, so if you are dieting or trying to lose weight, drink more water. I think that you will be surprised by the results.

As usual, good luck on your journey towards health and wellness!

To Your Health,
Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
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