Monday, October 26, 2009

What Qualifies As a Natural Organic Product?

What is a natural organic product? These days the answer to that question has become a bit confusing. Although an organic product is "literally" natural, according to regulations on how the food is grown, processed and labeled, the terms, "all-natural" "natural," and "organic" mean three different things.

You, the consumer, should be aware of the differences between products that are labeled as "organic" and others that are labeled "natural." Organic food is obviously the healthiest and purest food for you to eat, but unfortunately many food companies try to fool you by labeling their products with the word(s) natural or all-natural so you think it is as healthy as organic food, when in fact it is not.

I am not saying that natural food is bad for you, it just is not as healthy as certified organic food. Pay attention to the qualifications listed below so you will know what makes a product organic, or natural.

In the production of organic foods:

* Toxic pesticides are not used
* Soil fertility is maintained and replenished using natural methods such as crop rotation, fertilizer crops, composting etc.
* Regular soil and nutrition analysis are done to test soil fertility and food quality
* Natural methods of topsoil management are used to ensure minimal soil erosion
* Organic farmers aim to preserve and protect natural wildlife, vegetation and water systems
* Organic farmers are concerned about the loss of a variety of species
* No genetically modified seeds are used
* Organic growers collect seeds from the plants in order to preserve biodiversity

You will notice when you go food shopping that most organic food has a label on it that says it is a "certified organic product." Each state has an agency that monitors and certifies organic food growers and producers.

The organic farm fields and processing facilities are inspected, and detailed records are kept. Also periodic testing of the soil and water takes place to ensure that strict standards are being met.

Don't buy any organic food unless it is certified organic. If it is not certified it is more likely to be unsanitary or carry disease.

Natural products are similar to organic food in that they:

* Use minimally processed and do not contain artificial preservatives or additives
* Use natural meats and are not typically given antibiotics, hormones, or any growth promoting products
* In most cases do not use genetically modified products

Natural products differ, however, from organic products in that they are not inspected by an independent organization. Although they are usually healthier than regular processed food, there are no guarantees about the health quality of these products. This is the main concern with many natural products.

However, there are some supplement companies that do rigorous testing on their natural products to ensure their quality is equal to that of organic products. They are few and far between, but if it is a reputable natural health company they will usually provide critical information and the results of the independent testing right on the label.

Whatever you do, don't buy into the "all-natural" phrase. It is simply a loop hole the big food companies have found to fool you that their normal (very unhealthy, processed, food) is natural, when it is not. There is hardly anything natural about it and there isn't any regulation as to what that phrase entails so they can put on just about anything.

Pick up a product that claims to be "all-natural." Read the ingredients and see how "all-natural" it really is.

It is shocking that food companies can play with our health like this. The average consumer does not know the difference between "natural," "all-natural," and "organic."

So, as funny as it sounds there is really no such thing as a natural organic product because "natural" and "organic" have taken on two different meanings. If you are wondering why we have so much confusion over this issue, just thank the big food companies that have manipulated phrases and consumers so they can make more money by jumping on the organic bandwagon.

To Your Health,
Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, October 19, 2009

How To Choose Nutritional Supplements

Walk through any supermarket or retail chain store and you will find rows of health supplements; in fact, go to the mall and you will find entire stores dedicated to them. It is absolutely mind boggling how many there are to choose from, and it leaves a person wondering if they should buy several supplements for their health, or go with a once-a-day vitamin to cure all their nutritional ailments.

In theory, a nutritional supplement is supposed to supply nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids, that are missing from a person's diet and are essential for someone's health. Herbal supplements are also included under the umbrella term "supplements."

Most herbs and botanicals that are found in these supplements are naturally occurring in different parts of the world. Somewhere along the way, someone came up with the idea of bottling and selling them. Some Supplements claim to help you reduce your risk of just about everything, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anxiety and fatigue. And there are also supplements that claim to help increase your motivation, concentration, and your metabolism. So, which do you choose?

First, before you buy anything, you should assess exactly what it is that you are trying to accomplish. Choosing supplements that are designed to work to lower your blood pressure are not going to help with your cholesterol problem. Next, talk to your doctor about your health, if for no other reason than to let them know what you are taking. Sometimes naturally occurring substances, no matter how harmless they seem, can have an adverse reaction to your health when mixed with prescribed medication.

So, when searching for supplements specifically to keep your heart healthy, you should look for those that contain ingredients that address the major risk factors that can lead to heart disease. These include: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, stress and physical inactivity.

Without a doubt, there are a lot to choose from, and you must be careful that you don't get caught buying a product that will provide no benefit at all. Make sure that the company producing the vitamins has published clinical trials of their studies related to the product.

In order for one of these studies to get published in a scientific journal the scientific community as a whole must agree upon the findings. There are not very many natural health companies with published studies. Most companies hire their own scientists and do biased testing on their products.

However, within the good natural health companies there are a number of great products that have been designed by nutritionists and researchers to naturally lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels, reduce stress and increase energy levels throughout the day; as a direct result, these also encourage an increase in physical activity. Some supplements that do just that are Green Tea, folic acid, magnesium, and C and B vitamins.

If stress and anxiety seem to plague your health, don't worry, there's a natural supplement for that. For anyone, you know that short-term stress is unavoidable. Sometimes, chronic or long term stress can be caused by your job, financial worries and your personal relationships. This too may be unavoidable.

Without a major life change, it is often impossible to alter these specific situations; luckily, it is possible to change the way you respond to them. Chronic stress can also lead to depression, which often accompanies heart disease.

One of the supplements you can take to help with anxiety is Ginkgo Biloba, combined with ginger. This supplement has been shown to reduce anxiety caused by chronic stress. Individuals in chronic stress situations should also consider taking extra vitamin C because stress quickly zaps the level of vitamin C in your blood stream. A lack of vitamin C can lead to low energy and can mimic the symptoms of iron deficiency, so it may be worth a check with your doctor to rule out anemia.

In addition to all the above, it is also important to note that a recent 2007 study found that regular supplementation with vitamin E, beta carotene, and vitamin A increased mortality by four, seven, and 16 percent respectively. Not only can supplements help you have more energy and feel better, they can help you live longer too! Who can argue with that?

Overall, most agree that supplements are a good way to fill in the health gaps that your not-always-balanced diet leaves behind. In addition, for those times when you are not able to get a good night's sleep, or you are suffering from a bad week at work, these natural products can help ease your anxiety and make you feel as though you are back on a level playing field.

When it comes to your health you just can't neglect your body and what you are putting into it.

To Your Health,
Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Importance of a Wheatgrass Juice Diet

Wheatgrass is not horse or cattle feed, it is one of the healthiest things you can put into your body. With all of the different healthy diets promoted today I know it is difficult to tell which ones really work and what ones are just ploys for your money. However, a wheatgrass juice diet is the real thing. It does not taste the best, but when you are eating to be healthy you need to eat for your body, not your taste buds.

What The Heck Is Wheatgrass Juice?

Wheatgrass is one of the most popular products being sold in health stores today. One pound of wheatgrass is equivalent to over 100 pounds of nutritious vegetables!

This means that consuming even a small amount of wheatgrass juice allows you to reap many health benefits. You can consume wheatgrass by the shot (a few ounces) or by the glass. If you have never taken wheatgrass you should start by consuming a few ounces daily and then build up to a full glass if you wish.

To extract the nutrients from wheatgrass, it is necessary to squeeze it into a juice form.

Wheatgrass juice is rich in:

* Chlorophyll
* Vitamins
* Amino acids
* Enzymes
* Minerals

Normally, when you think of following a diet for any purpose, it is to lose weight. However most fad diets are only temporary and after a few weeks or months you gain the weight right back. If you want to lose weight the right way and stay healthy you need to follow a diet of organic fruits and vegetables and exercise at least five days a week. Wheatgrass juice fits right in as a supplement to this healthy lifestyle.

Wheatgrass is also a quick energy source because it contains so many natural nutrients and protein. While following a wheatgrass juice diet can be helpful in losing or controlling weight, the benefits don't stop there. It is important to understand all of the benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice.

For example, it halts the development and growth of unfriendly bacteria that may be developing in the body. Additionally, it has been shown to reduce the chance of developing certain types of cancer, and anemia as well.

Wheatgrass cleanses the body of harmful toxins and it has the ability to eliminate bad breath and body odors. It has also been shown to be effective in clearing up the sinuses.

As you can see supplementing wheatgrass juice into your healthy lifestyle is a great choice if you want to increase your vitality and overall health. However, wheatgrass is not enough on its own to make you healthy and fit.

You need to follow a healthy diet of organic fruits and vegetables as well as follow and stick to a good exercise routine.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Top Five Self-Motivation Tips

Self motivation is so crucial for success. You can have all the goals and imagination you want, but without the drive or ambition to take action to achieve those goals you will end up like a lot of people; sitting on the couch filling the void by eating and drinking.

Self Motivation Tip Number One: Involve Others

This self motivation tip deals with pride and making yourself accountable. If you don't have enough motivation to get yourself going everyday tell your co-workers, friends, and family about the tasks that you are setting out to do. Tell them your time frame for achieving those goals. This will make you accountable. Sometimes the sheer will of not failing in front of others is the push you need.

Motivation Tip Number Two: Strive on Time Limits

Procrastination is a huge motivation killer. Put time limits on the project you are doing. Always be very specific with your time limits.

The feeling that there is a time crunch will motivate you to get your project done. Use this self motivation tip on anything you need to get done, whether it is a small or large project. Be careful though and make your time frame realistic, it is not healthy to create unnecessary stress from a goal you set for yourself.

For example, if you need to clean the house, give yourself a reason why it has to be done at a certain time, like: "I have to clean the house before the kids get home from school because it is good for them to have a clean home." Then start as soon as possible, don't wait until 30 minutes before they get home to start, that will create stress and anxiety.

Self Motivating Tip Number Three: Treat Yourself

Just like Pavlov's dog, you need to be rewarded when you finish a goal so that you get satisfaction from it and so you have something to look forward to as a reward for finishing. This self motivation tip is pretty easy.

Just don't wallow in your own pride forever. Always set new goals when one is accomplished. Successful people are always looking for new ways to improve themselves and their lives.

Motivating Tip Number Four: Create a Positive Mindset

Of all the tips this is probably the most important. It's hard to stay motivated when you are giving yourself a hard time. Try to stay positive, even when you really don't want to finish the task or things aren't working out as planned.

For example, instead of thinking of all the reasons why you don't want to exercise think of how great you will feel and how good you will continue to look if you stick to your workout routine. Associate positive feelings with exercising and negative ones to not exercising.

Tip Number Five: Give Yourself a Break And Stay Healthy

You may have problems implementing the other four self motivation tips if you are just trying to hoist too many goals and objectives upon yourself. Your lack of motivation may be due to burnout. If this is the case, then just take a break. You probably deserve it.

Learn to relax and be able to take your mind off of your goal for a while to refresh your mind and body. Work on staying healthy and fit. You will have a hard time thinking of and achieving noteworthy goals if your mind and body aren't healthy. I am not saying you have to push around weights all day, but do the proper amount of exercise that is right for you to feel healthy, fit, and full of vitality.

Also follow a healthy diet to ensure your body is getting the nutrition it needs. You will be surprised at how much your diet and exercise play a role in your overall motivation.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

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