Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Importance of Yoga For Back Pain Relief

More and more people are starting to understand how important a role yoga plays in living a pain free and healthy life. Yoga has been practiced for centuries to promote both physical and mental well being through exercises, stretches, and meditation. The meditative, or spiritual side, of yoga also has components that are not always practiced by westerners.

Some more trendy "types" of yoga, have emerged that leave out the traditional spiritual components. To really grasp the full benefits that yoga has to offer, however, it is best to follow a traditional method from India.

But from beginners to professionals the results are extraordinary when yoga is used regularly to improve flexibility, increase strength, reduce stress, center the mind and even relieve physical pain.

Of all types of pain, back pain is the most common ailment reported. Chronic or acute back pain, in general, can be very difficult to treat and ease. Using yoga for back pain can be very effective, but it does require special and professional instruction. Yoga poses may appear to be easy, but if done incorrectly can aggravate physical maladies.

Check With Your Doctor First If Your Pain Is Chronic

If you suffer from chronic back pain you should check with your doctor before starting any exercise program. Specifically tell your doctor you plan to practice yoga for your back pain so he can tell you about any movements you need to avoid and any safety modifications you need to make.

Other things to find out from your doctor include the degree to which you can exercise and do yoga. Can you do it for four hours straight? Or only for twenty or thirty minutes at a time?

It all depends on your specific condition. For some people suffering with back pain, yoga is not recommended at all, because the pain is so severe it needs to be treated in other ways, such as surgery. However, yoga can be used as an excellent physical therapy tool for some patients after they have undergone surgery.

After you consult with your doctor find a qualified yoga instructor. Getting a referral from someone you trust would be helpful. Make sure that they practice traditional forms of yoga brought out of India that will teach you meditation as well as physical poses.

Discuss with the instructor that you plan to use yoga for your back pain and share the information given to you by your doctor. An experienced yoga instructor will be invaluable in ensuring that you receive the most relief for your back pain by practicing yoga, without causing further complications.

The practice of yoga focuses on body alignment and awareness, in the belief that every part of the body has an effect on every other part, as well as the body as a whole. Practicing the poses teaches balance, patience and perseverance while toning and strengthening the muscles.

Relaxation techniques are used to refresh the body and clear the mind at regular intervals during a yoga session. Yoga, when practiced regularly can affect positive changes in your health, both physical and mental, that you will see in just a few weeks and can last a lifetime.

To Your Health,

Diet Health & Fitness
'Blog Squad'

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