Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How To Keep a Normal Blood Pressure

The dangerous thing about most medical conditions that relate to the heart, such as high blood pressure, are that there are often no symptoms that indicate a problem. The only way to know if your heart is healthy is to see a doctor once a year for a checkup.

Getting a blood pressure reading is imperative in diagnosing high blood pressure. If you haven't had your blood pressure taken before the procedure is painless, non-invasive, and easy.

Basically, the nurse on hand will wrap a cuff around your arm, inflate it and then deflate it, while listening to your heartbeat. What they are looking to determine is the force of the blood circulating through the blood vessels.

There are two numbers in a blood pressure reading and these numbers indicate the force of the blood upon entry and exit from your heart. These numbers are termed systolic and diastolic.

When the nurse or your doctor writes the down the reading it will look like a fraction. The systolic number will be on top while the diastolic number will be on the bottom.

What Is A Normal Blood Pressure Reading?

A normal blood pressure reading is below 120/80. There is a condition that is called pre-hypertensive and it has readings that range from 120/80 up to 139/89. Stage one hypertension is will have a blood pressure reading of 140/90 up to 159/99. Stage two hypertension will show a reading over 160/100.

How To Maintain Normal Blood Pressure

There are many ways to maintain normal blood pressure, but most importantly you need to get regular exercise (30 min. - 1hr a day). Regular exercise will help keep you fit and will give your heart the workout that it needs. Exercising regularly also maintains the flow of your circulatory system thus eliminating any artery clogging or build up that can cause heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

To maintain a normal blood pressure level you also want to eat a diet of organic food (mostly fruit, vegetables and nuts). Minimize the amount of processed food that you eat.

Not only is processed food fattening and addictive it is also made with chemicals (read the ingredients) that are foreign to the human body. These foods leave you at high risk for things like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Stop Smoking And Lower Your Stress

Smoking can also contribute to high blood pressure so stop. Stress is also a big contributor to high blood pressure, and most medical conditions for that matter, so you need to learn how to lower the amount of stress in your life if you want to be healthy.

Take up yoga or tai chi, exercise regularly, learn to meditate, eat right, and you will conquer stress. This is very important as to lower your susceptibility to hypertension; you must learn to handle stress properly.

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Who Else Wants A Bad Breath Remedy?

Have you ever had someone lean over to talk to you, only to find that the smell of their breath is so bad it makes you sick to your stomach? Have you ever worried that you may be the one making people nauseous? Maybe people are telling bad breath jokes about you.

Bad breath, or halitosis, is an affliction that affects many people, both old and young. Most people think that gum or mints are a bad breath remedy, but gum is and mints are merely a temporary solution to the problem.

In order to effectively cure bad breath you need to know the causes.

What Are The Causes of Bad Breath?

In order to find a bad breath remedy you need to know the causes. A common cause of most bad breath cases are the waste products known as volatile sulfur compounds. These compounds are created by anaerobic bacteria in your mouth, which comes from the food that gets stuck between your teeth after eating. That is why it is so important to brush your teeth and floss after every meal.

Brushing and flossing can go a long way as a bad breath remedy just by themselves. You should also use antibacterial mouthwash in the morning and evening.

When you have leftover food stuck in your teeth it increases the amount of food available for the bacteria to grow. It also adds to the attractiveness of the environment where bacteria prefer to live.

Fruits And Vegetables Are a Bad Breath Remedy

When you eat fruits and vegetables the amount of bacteria in your mouth is diminished. That is why people who are on a vegetarian style diet have less to worry about when it comes to bad breath.

The proteins that are in meat cause much of the bacteria that flourish in your mouth. So another natural bad breath remedy is to eat less meat and more fruit and vegetables.

What About A Chronic Bad Breath Remedy?

Chronic bad breath is a condition where you constantly have bad breath due to the presence of oral bacteria that sits on the back of your tongue, a side effect of medication, or some underlying medical condition, such as ketosis. If you have chronic bad breath, it is probably affecting your interactions with other people at work and in your personal life.

If you need a chronic bad breath remedy don't worry as there are medications and natural solutions for your chronic breath condition. Simply follow the above dietary and hygiene advice, see your dentist, or look around online for natural bad breath solutions.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Allergic Reaction - Your Bodies' Natural Response

An allergic reaction is your bodies' natural response to substances that your body is highly sensitive to. Some people's bodies react differently to different substances, which is why everyone is not allergic to the same thing(s). There are also varying degrees of allergic reactions that vary from mild reactions, such as a small rash, to severe reactions that can be fatal.

If you have ever had an allergic reaction it was caused by your exposure to an allergen. Allergens are substances that can promote the production of histamine in our bodies. This histamine is what causes the uncomfortable symptoms that come about when we encounter allergens.

The most common symptoms of an allergic reaction include:

* Severe nasal congestion
* Sneezing
* Runny nose
* Rashes
* Red and itchy eyes
* Clear nasal discharge
* Hives
* Slight swelling

There are many different kinds of allergens that trigger mild allergic reactions in many people, but the most common allergens include:

* Dust
* Pollen
* Mold spores
* Animal dander

The symptoms the above allergens illicit are the usual sneezing, watery eyes and runny noses that occur during seasonal allergies.

What About Severe Allergic Reactions?

There are also common symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. If you or someone you know experiences any of the following symptoms seek medical attention right away:

* Severe swelling
* Abdominal pain
* Difficulty breathing
* Difficulty swallowing
* Vomiting
* Lightheadedness
* Loss of Conciousness

The following things are the most common cause of severe allergic reactions:

* Insect bites
* Insect Stings
* Animal bites
* Food allergies
* Allergies to medication

The allergic reaction triggered by one of these causes can lead to potential death or debilitation of the individual. Some asthmatic patients who suffer other kinds of allergies need to be monitored carefully or have easy access to immediate medical help.

As you can see allergic reactions should be taken very seriously. While most people only have mild reactions the fact that people can have fatal reactions should make you pay close attention to your bodies' reaction to certain substances.

If you are a parent it is important that you pay attention to what your child comes in contact with. That way if your child has an allergic reaction you will be able to pinpoint what caused it and help them avoid that substance in the future. Knowing what your child is allergic to could save their life.

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Who Else Wants a Natural Cellulite Solution?

You are getting ready to go to the beach. You put your swimsuit on, look down and are horrified by the unsightly cellulite that seems to have taken over your thighs. You may have just noticed the cellulite or it might be something you have been self conscious about for a long time.

Either way, beating yourself up about it and feeling bad about the way you look is not a good cellulite solution. What is good is that there are natural cellulite solutions that work, but it takes more than just creams and wraps.

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite is caused by little overfilled fat pockets right under the skin. This causes the cells to take up more space than normal between the skin's connective tissues. The fat then expands these spaces resulting in the overlying skin dimples.

Natural Cellulite Solution #1: Change Your Diet

If you have cellulite then you probably understand at this point that it is not going to go away on its own. It is going to take consistent effort on your part to change your diet as that is the first natural cellulite solution. If you don't take action your cellulite problem will only get worse with age.

Stop making excuses why you can't eat right. All the education you need to learn about eating right and living a healthy lifestyle is on this website. Your fist cellulite solution is to stop eating processed, or "fake" food, and sugar.

Your diet should consist of mainly organic fruits, vegetables and nuts. These foods are "real" foods that are grown naturally in the ground, they way they were intended to be. These foods are also what your body was intended to ingest. Believe me your body was not designed to eat cheetos, microwave dinners, canned food, or soda.

Notice that we are not suggesting that you go on a diet temporarily, we are saying that you must change your diet and lifestyle for good. Yes you can eat your favorite junk foods occasionally, but you need to understand that you have to cut processed food out of your diet as much as you can if you are looking for a natural cellulite solution that works.

A healthy lifestyle isn't something you should be dreading anyway. Once you begin to live a healthy lifestyle you will feel the best you have ever felt in your whole life and will not want to go back to your old ways.

Natural Cellulite Solution #2: Strength Training

I hardly see any cellulite on the people that work out at my gym. It is time to get honest with yourself about your cellulite problem and understand that wishing it away is not the solution. People with cellulite don't have enough muscle in their legs, or areas where the cellulite is appearing. The only way to change that, along with changing your diet, is to do strength and cardio training.

You can use dumbbells, exercise machines, go walking, running, biking, etc. What is important is that you set aside that one hour a day for hard exercise. Not only is exercise a great natural cellulite solution, but it will also give you more energy, motivation, and it will make you feel great about yourself and your body.

Natural Cellulite Solution #3: The Synergie Treatment

Synergie cellulite solution treatment is a relaxing procedure that reduces the appearance of cellulite through a patented vacuum massage technology. It smooths and tightens the skin while improving circulation.

This treatment provides optimal stimulation, stretching and pressure to subcutaneous tissues offering a type of sub-dermal tissue massage not possible through traditional massage techniques. With the vacuum massage, it physically manipulates the collagen fibers and connective tissue, and increases metabolism to the treated area through increased blood circulation. This is how synergie treatment works as a cellulite solution as the result smooths skin texture and reduces the appearance of dimples.

The Real Cellulite Solution

I think that you should get rid of the useless creams, wraps, and poor mental image of yourself. You now have the answers for your cellulite solution. The question is are you going to work at it? Or are you going to continue to be lazy and just wish the cellulite wasn't there?

It is time to be honest with yourself and get that body you have always wanted. Just give the above recommendations a try for three weeks and you will see that a natural cellulite solution does work.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, December 4, 2008

America is in Desperate Need of Some Fitness Motivation

Let's face it. People's health and fitness in the United States has gotten out of hand. Over 60% of the adult population is overweight or obese. Most people take better care of their cars than their own bodies. That is so pathetic, but it is true.

People need to get a grip on their life if they want it to last. The first place people need to look if they want to get healthy and lose weight is fitness motivation. Without good self-motivation techniques all of their fitness efforts will be short lived and they will quickly jump into old habits.

Studies show that people who are highly motivated are more proactive and enthusiastic in what they do that they end up reaching their goal well ahead of the others. If you need help with your fitness motivation hire a personal trainer. Sometimes having someone who keeps you accountable can elevate your motivation.

Why Is Fitness Motivation So Important?

If you can harness the power of fitness motivation, you will be able to achieve a lot in just a short period of time. The key here is to find exercises that you actually enjoy. You don't have to walk or run on a treadmill at the gym in order to work on your fitness. Go for a walk on the beach, hike a mountain, play with your kids outside, ride a bike, play golf, swim, etc. If you have fun, the motivation will be secondary.

The Mental Side Of Fitness Motivation

A big part of fitness motivation and sticking to your goals is having the right mindset and focus. If you are overweight, for example, when you look in the mirror instead of seeing fat and feeling bad, picture the exact body you want to end up with after all of your hard work. Only focus on that image.

Then picture yourself eating right and doing the exercises necessary to achieve that body that you see. If you can do this mental exercise daily it will keep your fitness motivation strong enough for you to reach your goals.

Another way to help your mental focus and to keep your spirits up is to treat yourself every once in a while. Create little goals on the way to your big goal. Every ten pounds you lose, for example, go buy some new clothes to enjoy. Be happy about your progress as you go.

There is simply no excuse for what has happened to the health of our society. People need to wake up and tackle the emotional issues that make them eat and learn the fitness motivation techniques laid out above to get their life back, so it will last. The most important thing is that people make a consistent effort to improve themselves and their life.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
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