Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How To Improve Indoor Air Quality

Ask most people about air quality problems, and they'll look to the outdoors. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) called indoor air pollution one of the United States' top environmental health concerns and has also recognized the need to improve indoor air quality.

The World Health Organization is investigating air pollution, too. In fact, the World Health Organization states that 40% of all buildings pose a serious threat to health because of poor indoor air quality.

Why Do We Need To Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Starting with the energy crisis in the 1970s, we began sealing our homes, offices, and other indoor environments to reduce energy consumption. This has worked except for the fact that most of our indoor environments just re-circulate stale air without ever cleaning it.

The problem is that our homes, cars, offices, hotel rooms, college dorms, and other indoor environments are filled with things we never want to breathe in.

The Three "Hidden" threats To Indoor Air Quality:

Particulates: Indoor air contains solid particles and tiny liquid droplets, up to
20 million per cubic foot in untreated rooms. More than 99% can't be seen, and many particles are small enough to enter your lungs.

Pollen, ash, and dust come indoors from the outside. Pets give off dander. Dust mites thrive in mattresses. And cigarette smoke lingers. Second-hand smoke has been identified as a major health risk.

Microbials: Microscopically small living health hazards, bacteria, fungi, and mold-thrive in moist indoor environments. Mold grows to some degree in almost every man-made structure.

What's worse, mold loves heating and cooling ducts. Every time someone turns on heat, air-conditioning, or ventilation, a variety of microbes may blow into rooms serviced by the ducts. This happens in cars, trucks, office buildings, and hotels, too.

Gases: A variety of gases escape from our carpets, drapes, and furniture. Cleaning
products, copy machines, paints, insect spray, hair spray, and insulation emit gases as well. Many are chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are easy to breathe in. We can't always smell indoor gases, which pose a hidden danger.

Commercial Air Fresheners Don't Improve Indoor Air Quality

Whatever you do don't go plug those air fresheners you bought at the store in the wall thinking they will improve indoor air quality. They actually make the quality of the air worse.

Most household cleaners and air fresheners are made out of chemicals that smell good, but are harmful for you to breathe in. That goes for the car air fresheners too.

Houseplants Improve Indoor Air Quality

Plants take in carbon dioxide and give off pure oxygen so having a healthy plant in each room of your house or office will improve indoor air quality. If you want to improve indoor air quality and the smell of your home or office simply buy flowers.

The Best Way To Improve Indoor Air Quality

The best way you can improve indoor air quality in your home or office is to have a high quality air purifier that gets rid of the particulates, microbials, and gases that are harmful to breathe. There are many different air purifiers out there, some are better than others, but what is important is that you find one that removes the three harmful elements listed above.

The size of the air purifier is also something to consider when you are looking to improve indoor air quality because each square foot of the house, room, or building needs to be treated.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How To Find the Best Treatments For Acne

Whether you are a teenager or an adult, acne is one of the most embarrassing and frustrating skin conditions one can have because it affects your face. If you suffer from acne, you have most likely spent countless hours searching for the best treatments for acne prone skin.

Finding the right treatments for acne isn't easy, because if you use the wrong products on your skin, you can actually cause more breakouts to occur, and even other skin conditions such as eczema. The best treatments for acne are those that use a simple three step process which includes cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing your skin.

Skip Treatments For Acne That Don't Exfoliate

Your skin is made up of several layers and each of those layers were meant to shed. Skin is amazing in its ability to regenerate, so when you exfoliate, you are simply helping to remove the dead skin cells from the surface of your skin to let the new skin underneath shine through. If you suffer from acne, using treatments for acne that include exfoliation is a must.

When you gently scrape off the dead cells on the surface of your skin, you lose the barriers that keep your cleansing products from giving you a deep clean. Once those dead cells are gone from the surface of your skin, your cleanser can really penetrate to the layers where acne actually begins.

Only Use Treatments For Acne That Gently Cleanse

Acne prone skin tends to be more sensitive than normal skin types. When you choose a product to cleanse your skin, make sure that it is a gentle cleanser.
Using a product that is too harsh or a chemical filled, drying, soap can actually make your acne worse.

Using strong cleansing treatments for acne can also cause irritation that is far worse and harder to get rid of than the pimples you are already trying to treat. Look for products that say they are gentle or even all natural.

Choose Treatments For Acne That Also Moisturize

Most people think that the way to treat acne is to dry up your oily skin. While oily skin and acne often go hand in hand, treating your oily skin with super drying treatments for acne can actually increase your problems. When you use a product to dry out your skin and pores, your oil glands react by going into production overdrive.

They tend to produce even more oil, which in turn leads to more clogged pores and even more breakouts. Healthy skin has a balance of moisture in it, so if you are prone to breakouts don't forget to moisturize your skin. Make sure that you choose oil free moisturizers and apply them lightly to your skin after you cleanse it.

Diet - One Of The Best Natural Treatments For Acne

Diet is also a major factor of acne. Why? Well, acne is actually toxins that are released through the skin. You get those toxins primarily from the food you ingest and anything you put onto your skin.

Stay away from fast food, processed food, and foods that contain a lot of oils, such as peanuts. You should eat as many fresh, raw, organic fruits and vegetables as possible.

Exercise - One Of The Best Natural Treatments For Acne

You also need to exercise regularly as a treatment for acne. Sweating is the best natural way for your body to rid of toxins, like the ones that cause acne. Otherwise toxins are forced out of your skin slowly, through zits and pimples.

If you have or are worried about getting acne I recommend that you eat healthy, exercise and find treatments for acne that use a three step process as described above. If you follow these recommendations you should be able to get rid of those unsightly blemishes without having to use lasers, surgery, or prescription medication.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Benefits of a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is essential because it's difficult to feel good without eating nutritious food. If you aren't healthy what do you really have in life?

People usually will not follow a healthy diet because they either don't value their health or they are uneducated about what "real" food actually is.

When you consider the benefits of a healthy diet you may be surprised to learn that an estimated 61% percent of the population of the United States is over weight. What's more, there are an estimated 50% of adults that have so many pounds of weight on their bodies that they are considered obese.

This has gotten out of hand. People need to start to look at their lifestyles and make some serious changes. Be true to yourself and ask:

Do I look good?
Do I feel my best?

Isn't there something you can do, starting right now, to change your health and your diet?

A Healthy Diet Isn't Found At The Drive Thru Window

Giving up on fast food intake is essential to a healthy diet. Processed and fast food is literally "expanding the waist lines of people all over the world," most noticeably in the United States. This unhealthy food is filled with fat, sugar, preservatives and harmful chemicals that cause massive weight gain.

A healthy diet of "real" food is organic or natural food that is free of chemicals, preservatives, or additives. A healthy diet is full of organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and meat (optional) that is freshly bought or prepared. A healthy diet should become a very important value to you if you want to consistently get the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Keep in mind that following a healthy diet doesn't have to taste bad either. There are plenty of helpful organic cook books out there to help you make the same foods you have always loved.

If you want to feel the benefits of a healthy diet replace as much of your processed food as you can with the "real" food listed above. Your body will thank you for it.

After three weeks of following a healthy diet you should see an increase in energy levels, feel better, lose weight, have less stress and anxiety, be motivated, have a healthier complexion, and be committed to following a healthy diet for the rest of your life.

I feel that today more than ever before people are abusing their bodies by not following a healthy diet. Obesity, disease and illness have become ever increasing problems.

People need to wake up, get motivated, and start following a healthy diet today.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Causes and Treatments for Recurrent Sinus Infections

You probably have some idea of what a sinus infection is because almost everyone has had at least one or more in their life. It usually starts off as a simple cold which progressively gets worse with headaches and pains in the sinus cavities of your face.
Most people see their doctor and a course of antibiotics is prescribed as well as a decongestant to help clear the problem. However, what if you have recurrent sinus infections that seem to never go away?

Potential Causes of Recurrent Sinus Infections

Well, let's look at it like this, you know you have recurrent sinus infections if you get three or more per year. Most of the time, a sinus infection may seem repetitive because a previous infection never really cleared itself up. Many people believe that if you have allergies, you are more apt to sinus infections but the fact of the matter is that anyone can develop them.

Other than an infection that has never really cleared up, structural abnormalities are another reason why you may suffer recurrent sinus infections. A deviated septum (the bony protrusion inside the nose that separates the nasal passages) is a cause as well as deformities such as bone spurs inside the sinus cavities. A CT scan is the most common way to find out if these structural issues are the likely cause of your recurrent sinus infections. Enlarged adenoids, polyps in the nasal passageways and even tumors and cleft palate are all possibilities too.

A faulty immune system is another reason why your sinus infections may be recurring. Immunodeficiency issues with such illnesses like cystic fibrosis, AIDS, myeloma, hypothyrodism and even diabetes can contribute to recurrent sinus infections. Gastroesophogeal reflux disease (GERD) can also contribute to repeated infections as can allergies to fungus.

Treatment Options for Recurrent Sinus Infections

When it comes to structural deformities of the nose, surgery is the best way to help put a stop to those recurrent sinus infections. A deviated septum can be straightened and bone spurs can be ground down so there is nothing impeding the drainage of the sinus cavities during an illness. Plus, when a person has recurrent sinus infections, the drainage hole in the sinus cavities is often damaged. To correct this problem, surgery to remove the polyps, adenoids and tumors may be the way to go.

If you have a disease which affects your immune system, you will have a harder time dealing with recurrent sinus infections. An alternative treatment option that we highly recommend is an immune booster that can be found online that works absolute wonders.

Through personal experience, I have enjoyed clear nasal passages and have avoided getting sick for over 4 years and counting because of Nutriferon. Want to watch a quick video on how interferon helps protect your immune system? Go here now.

With GERD, if you can find a treatment plan to keep your reflux problems at a minimum, you can also likely lessen your chances of another sinus infection.

When you have exhausted all possibilities like structural deformities and other health issues contributing to your recurrent sinus infections, you just might have an allergy to fungus. In about 10 per cent of recurrent sinus infection cases, some types of fungal infection are the culprit and guess what? When you take antibiotics like amoxicillin, which is made from a mold, you are actually exacerbating the problem!

With anti-fungal treatment in conjunction with a saline flush of the nasal passages, you will likely see relief from recurrent sinus infections. Of course, only a doctor can make this diagnosis but you can definitely suggest the possibility during your next appointment.

To Your Health,

Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
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