When you talk about acne and anti aging skin care you are actually talking about two different things – one is pertaining to the cleaning of your skin and keeping it moisturized well enough to prevent acne from forming and the other is preventing and fighting off the signs of aging.
Most of the time, these two different parts are combined to form one treatment because they overlap in a way. The importance of keeping the skin clean and free of dead cells and excess oil formation while having the skin properly moisturized so it can breathe and fight the dryness that aging causes.
Acne Treatment and Anti-Aging
Acne treatment involves a series of maneuvers that basically keep the skin free from dirt. You'll notice that people who have oily skin are more prone to acne than those who have dry skin types. Basically because the oiliness of the skin attracts dust and dirt, which along with the skin's own dead cells block the sweat pores on the skin, people with oily skin have more blackheads and whiteheads to deal with. Therefore, the first basic requirement is to keep the skin clean and free of excess oil.
This is where it crosses over to anti aging skin care – for the skin to be clean it needs to be washed with a mild exfoliation agent, deeply cleansed and lastly toned with the help of an astringent. Anti-aging skin care too needs all these steps before applying any serum or cream that would fight against the signs of aging on the skin. This is why the treatment is sometimes referred to as the acne anti-aging skin care – since it tackles both the problems at the same time.
Is Acne Anti-Aging Skin Care Really Working?
Most people find that it does. However, the results with the acne control would be visible much sooner than the reversal of aging signs and hence you should be prepared to wait for this. The earliest you can see a difference in the skin texture and its suppleness would be somewhere around four weeks after you started the treatment.
The acne anti-aging skin care is usually best adopted when the skin just started showing signs of aging – such as dryness, fine wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, enlargement of pores, pigmentation and so on. When you apply the acne anti-aging skin care treatment at this time – say at about 35-40 years of age; the results would be dramatically obvious and at the same time it would prevent further deterioration.
The best acne anti-aging skin care should start around 25 plus years of age, when the skin has started experiencing internal damage, though not yet visible from the outside. The collagen layer, the pores, and the texture of the skin – everything starts to change about this time. However, the impact would be seen only some five to ten years later.
Looking for healthier, more luminous skin?
Nutrition Therapy Skin Care System
To Your Health,
Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
New Food Guide Pyramid Offers Better Nutritional Guidance
For those of you who haven't been paying attention, the United States Department of Agriculture updated its decades old food guide pyramid back in 2005.
They did this to try and offer consumers a better guide to healthy eating by not only listing the food groups but also offering guidance about how much of each food group is required to form a healthy, balanced diet. They even took the step to color-code the food guide pyramid to help children have a better understanding of nutrition.

The new food guide pyramid expands on the original one of four food groups and now suggests there should be six. The color rainbow is included on the food guide pyramid with the size of the color stripes showing how much of a particular food group should be consumed in a given day. Not so much the quantity of each group, but the amount in relation to the entire balanced meal plan.
As you can see, the colors of the food group include orange for grains, green for vegetables and red for fruits. Yellow, representing fats and oils, has been added to the new food guide pyramid and milk and dairy products are represented by blue with purple for meat, beans, nuts and fish.
Helping Kids Understand Need For Balance
The widths of the colors on the food guide pyramid are designed to offer a visual idea on how much of each food group should be included in a balanced nutritional diet.
For example, the color yellow is the thinnest stripe indicating fats and oils should represent the smallest amount of the daily diet. Purple is the next thinnest and shows that meat, beans and fish should be limited as well.
Additionally, the new food guide pyramid offers information about how much you need of each group for different reasons. Whether you want to lose weight, maintain your weight or just eat the right foods for better health, the food guide pyramid offers advice on how to do this.
While including regular exercise, to maintain your weight you're advised to eat as many calories as you burn and to lose weight you'll have to burn more calories than you consume.
Eating for health will vary depending on the health issue you're striving to overcome, but the overall guidance offered by the food guide pyramid will benefit just about everyone seeking to eat healthier and more nutritionally balanced meals.
Are you looking for more ideas on eating better, taking vitamins and minerals or staying in shape? Click Here
To Your Health,
Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
They did this to try and offer consumers a better guide to healthy eating by not only listing the food groups but also offering guidance about how much of each food group is required to form a healthy, balanced diet. They even took the step to color-code the food guide pyramid to help children have a better understanding of nutrition.
The new food guide pyramid expands on the original one of four food groups and now suggests there should be six. The color rainbow is included on the food guide pyramid with the size of the color stripes showing how much of a particular food group should be consumed in a given day. Not so much the quantity of each group, but the amount in relation to the entire balanced meal plan.
As you can see, the colors of the food group include orange for grains, green for vegetables and red for fruits. Yellow, representing fats and oils, has been added to the new food guide pyramid and milk and dairy products are represented by blue with purple for meat, beans, nuts and fish.
Helping Kids Understand Need For Balance
The widths of the colors on the food guide pyramid are designed to offer a visual idea on how much of each food group should be included in a balanced nutritional diet.
For example, the color yellow is the thinnest stripe indicating fats and oils should represent the smallest amount of the daily diet. Purple is the next thinnest and shows that meat, beans and fish should be limited as well.
Additionally, the new food guide pyramid offers information about how much you need of each group for different reasons. Whether you want to lose weight, maintain your weight or just eat the right foods for better health, the food guide pyramid offers advice on how to do this.
While including regular exercise, to maintain your weight you're advised to eat as many calories as you burn and to lose weight you'll have to burn more calories than you consume.
Eating for health will vary depending on the health issue you're striving to overcome, but the overall guidance offered by the food guide pyramid will benefit just about everyone seeking to eat healthier and more nutritionally balanced meals.
Are you looking for more ideas on eating better, taking vitamins and minerals or staying in shape? Click Here
To Your Health,
Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Sinus Infections
If you have ever suffered from a sinus infection, you know that the pain, pressure and fatigue can be severe enough to get in the way of daily activities. Most sinus infection sufferers will find relief in a matter of days or weeks, but imagine dealing with those uncomfortable symptoms for twelve weeks or more at a time.
That is precisely what happens when you have a chronic sinus infection. Because these symptoms linger for very long periods of time, a chronic sinus infection can affect your quality of life. Because of this, it's important to understand how to recognize a chronic sinus infection, so that you can work with your doctor in finding the most effective treatment option for you.
Symptoms of Chronic Sinus Infections
The symptoms of a chronic sinus infection are similar to those of an acute infection, except that the symptoms tend to last longer and do not respond to treatments as easily. It is also rare to run a fever with a chronic sinus infection, although many people do with the acute variety of infection.
Other common symptoms include pain and pressure in the face around the sinus cavities, a thick yellow or green discharge from the nose, difficulty breathing through the nasal passages and fatigue. You might also suffer from less common symptoms, like bad breath, teeth or jaw pain and an earache. These symptoms can vary based on the particular sinuses that are involved, so it is a good idea to check with your doctor even if you don’t have all of the classic symptoms of an infection.
Treatment of a Chronic Sinus Infection
In order to properly treat a chronic sinus infection, it will probably be necessary to make an appointment with your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and prescription treatment choices.
The first course of action is often a round of antibiotics that may be taken for as long as twelve weeks or until you are symptom free for at least seven days. You may also receive a prescription for a corticosteroid that will help to bring down the inflammation and swelling inside of the nasal passages and sinus cavities.
Decongestants, antihistamines and expectorants can also provide temporary relief from the congestion and promote drainage. Moisture can also bring relief, in the form of a humidifier, hot packs applied to the face or steam treatments to open airways. If allergies are the cause of the chronic sinus infection, allergy treatment may be part of the remedy as well.
A chronic sinus infection can be severe enough to keep you from many of the activities that you love. The good news is that there are plenty of treatment options available that will effectively kick that infection out for good.
Check this product out - Nutriferon - it worked wonders for me and I can now say I haven't gotten sick in over 4 years!
To Your Health,
Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
That is precisely what happens when you have a chronic sinus infection. Because these symptoms linger for very long periods of time, a chronic sinus infection can affect your quality of life. Because of this, it's important to understand how to recognize a chronic sinus infection, so that you can work with your doctor in finding the most effective treatment option for you.
Symptoms of Chronic Sinus Infections
The symptoms of a chronic sinus infection are similar to those of an acute infection, except that the symptoms tend to last longer and do not respond to treatments as easily. It is also rare to run a fever with a chronic sinus infection, although many people do with the acute variety of infection.
Other common symptoms include pain and pressure in the face around the sinus cavities, a thick yellow or green discharge from the nose, difficulty breathing through the nasal passages and fatigue. You might also suffer from less common symptoms, like bad breath, teeth or jaw pain and an earache. These symptoms can vary based on the particular sinuses that are involved, so it is a good idea to check with your doctor even if you don’t have all of the classic symptoms of an infection.
Treatment of a Chronic Sinus Infection
In order to properly treat a chronic sinus infection, it will probably be necessary to make an appointment with your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis and prescription treatment choices.
The first course of action is often a round of antibiotics that may be taken for as long as twelve weeks or until you are symptom free for at least seven days. You may also receive a prescription for a corticosteroid that will help to bring down the inflammation and swelling inside of the nasal passages and sinus cavities.
Decongestants, antihistamines and expectorants can also provide temporary relief from the congestion and promote drainage. Moisture can also bring relief, in the form of a humidifier, hot packs applied to the face or steam treatments to open airways. If allergies are the cause of the chronic sinus infection, allergy treatment may be part of the remedy as well.
A chronic sinus infection can be severe enough to keep you from many of the activities that you love. The good news is that there are plenty of treatment options available that will effectively kick that infection out for good.
Check this product out - Nutriferon - it worked wonders for me and I can now say I haven't gotten sick in over 4 years!
To Your Health,
Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
Thursday, June 5, 2008
What Ingredients To Avoid When Reading Food Labels
If you are a person that is conscious about what you eat, you will no doubt have come across a lot of nutrition information that is displayed on most of the favorite foods that you buy. Hopefully, this nutrition information is helping you make informed decisions about what to buy and what to leave there on the shelf.
I believe that as we move into the future, more and more Americans will begin to pay attention to the labels and begin to understand what ingredients are good and which ones are to be avoided. This will be a MUST for the people who seem to be hoovering on the obesity line and dangling between wanting to be healthy and actually making an effort to get there.
Suits All Kinds Of People
Where can you get good nutrition information online? There are a bunch of great websites but one that you might want to look at first would be www.nutrition.gov. This site brings information to you from the US Department of Agriculture as well as the National Agricultural Library and is designed to give you resources on all facets of human nutrition for consumers.
You can learn about the latest news with regard to dietary guidelines for different ages, daily recommended servings, the Food Guide Pyramid and the best methods to get the required foods into your daily diet.
The best part is that it's not all that difficult to include the proper foods into your diet and there is nothing complicated about it. A big part of being healthy is that you must have the required nutrition information from a reliable source.
At Diet Health and Fitness, we recommend you look for a nutritionist in your area and speak with them as well. The only way you're going to get on the track to health is if you reach out and find the needed information to get your diet in order. Sometimes the internet can be helpful with providing sites and information on creating a healthy diet and sometimes it may be better to grab an actual hardcover book from a bookstore instead.
If you are serious about learning about the food you're eating and how to live healthier, change your diet and find more resources to living a natural, healthy life we recommend you grab this book Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau. This book will 'wake' you up to the truth about the food in our country, I guarantee it.
Since there is a lot to learn about when it comes to great health, including the benefits of certain herbs, taking multi-vitamins and even daily supplements, we realize you can't learn everything overnight.
We would recommend that you should, whenever possible, consume your nutrients from natural foods instead of consuming those that are manufactured. (Pretty much stay away food that is made by publicly traded companies because the processing of the food by these companies is actually what's creating health problems for so many Americans. It stems from the chemicals and preservatives they add - it's not good for your body. It's not natural. These chemicals are what's causing weight gain and a multitude of other health issues in more and more people every single day.)
As of now, nutrition information is a federal requirement that must be displayed on the food labels which can then be used by consumers to plan their diets. This is important because many people are generally ignorant about what is contained in the foods that we consume, and even though there are also many that do not care to check the nutrition information, it is still the best means of planning a healthy diet.
Being conscious about eating healthy is something that we should all take seriously and it pays to check the nutrition information to weed out those foods from our diet that contain too many additives or whose food preparation process is detrimental to good health.
With that in mind, here are a few ingredients you need to STAY AWAY FROM when you're reading the food labels in the grocery store...
* Aspartame (NutraSweet and Splenda) - these are artificial sweeteners found in sodas and diet sodas which actually make people gain weight. Aspartame (Nutrasweet and Splenda) is also chemically addicting and should have been banned by the FDA years ago and never allowed in the production of food in this country. Click this link to find out the Truth About Splenda.
* High Fructose Corn Syrup - is used by manufacturers for two reasons. First, it is very inexpensive. Secondly, it makes you fatter than the other sweeteners they could use. (If you didn't figure it out yet, food companies make money by selling more food. Chemicals and preservatives make people physically addicted to the foods and therefore come back to buy more week in and week out. The food industry is like every other industry in the world - it's all about money.) Needless to say, stay away from high fructose corn syrup and don't get hooked. Take a peek at this book The Sugar Fix.
* MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) - is a form of rat poison and can be found in Chinese food and many canned foods such as soups and sauces. MSG causes headaches, asthma, heart irregularities, depression and ADD/ADHD. Please grab a copy of this book In Bad Taste, The MSG Complex and get the facts.
You can also use the Food Guide Pyramid found at www.nutrition.gov as a good starting point to plan your diet. It states the basics of what we should consume on a regular basis and you can use it to make necessary adjustments to your diet so that you meet your weight goals and also keep to the proper levels of calorie intake.
Well, there you have it, keep a watchful eye on the food labels at the grocery store from now on and keep learning about the way food is produced in this country and we promise you the benefits of great health will be worth the effort.
I believe that as we move into the future, more and more Americans will begin to pay attention to the labels and begin to understand what ingredients are good and which ones are to be avoided. This will be a MUST for the people who seem to be hoovering on the obesity line and dangling between wanting to be healthy and actually making an effort to get there.
Suits All Kinds Of People
Where can you get good nutrition information online? There are a bunch of great websites but one that you might want to look at first would be www.nutrition.gov. This site brings information to you from the US Department of Agriculture as well as the National Agricultural Library and is designed to give you resources on all facets of human nutrition for consumers.
You can learn about the latest news with regard to dietary guidelines for different ages, daily recommended servings, the Food Guide Pyramid and the best methods to get the required foods into your daily diet.
The best part is that it's not all that difficult to include the proper foods into your diet and there is nothing complicated about it. A big part of being healthy is that you must have the required nutrition information from a reliable source.
At Diet Health and Fitness, we recommend you look for a nutritionist in your area and speak with them as well. The only way you're going to get on the track to health is if you reach out and find the needed information to get your diet in order. Sometimes the internet can be helpful with providing sites and information on creating a healthy diet and sometimes it may be better to grab an actual hardcover book from a bookstore instead.
If you are serious about learning about the food you're eating and how to live healthier, change your diet and find more resources to living a natural, healthy life we recommend you grab this book Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau. This book will 'wake' you up to the truth about the food in our country, I guarantee it.
Since there is a lot to learn about when it comes to great health, including the benefits of certain herbs, taking multi-vitamins and even daily supplements, we realize you can't learn everything overnight.
We would recommend that you should, whenever possible, consume your nutrients from natural foods instead of consuming those that are manufactured. (Pretty much stay away food that is made by publicly traded companies because the processing of the food by these companies is actually what's creating health problems for so many Americans. It stems from the chemicals and preservatives they add - it's not good for your body. It's not natural. These chemicals are what's causing weight gain and a multitude of other health issues in more and more people every single day.)
As of now, nutrition information is a federal requirement that must be displayed on the food labels which can then be used by consumers to plan their diets. This is important because many people are generally ignorant about what is contained in the foods that we consume, and even though there are also many that do not care to check the nutrition information, it is still the best means of planning a healthy diet.
Being conscious about eating healthy is something that we should all take seriously and it pays to check the nutrition information to weed out those foods from our diet that contain too many additives or whose food preparation process is detrimental to good health.
With that in mind, here are a few ingredients you need to STAY AWAY FROM when you're reading the food labels in the grocery store...
* Aspartame (NutraSweet and Splenda) - these are artificial sweeteners found in sodas and diet sodas which actually make people gain weight. Aspartame (Nutrasweet and Splenda) is also chemically addicting and should have been banned by the FDA years ago and never allowed in the production of food in this country. Click this link to find out the Truth About Splenda.
* High Fructose Corn Syrup - is used by manufacturers for two reasons. First, it is very inexpensive. Secondly, it makes you fatter than the other sweeteners they could use. (If you didn't figure it out yet, food companies make money by selling more food. Chemicals and preservatives make people physically addicted to the foods and therefore come back to buy more week in and week out. The food industry is like every other industry in the world - it's all about money.) Needless to say, stay away from high fructose corn syrup and don't get hooked. Take a peek at this book The Sugar Fix.
* MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) - is a form of rat poison and can be found in Chinese food and many canned foods such as soups and sauces. MSG causes headaches, asthma, heart irregularities, depression and ADD/ADHD. Please grab a copy of this book In Bad Taste, The MSG Complex and get the facts.
You can also use the Food Guide Pyramid found at www.nutrition.gov as a good starting point to plan your diet. It states the basics of what we should consume on a regular basis and you can use it to make necessary adjustments to your diet so that you meet your weight goals and also keep to the proper levels of calorie intake.
Well, there you have it, keep a watchful eye on the food labels at the grocery store from now on and keep learning about the way food is produced in this country and we promise you the benefits of great health will be worth the effort.
To Your Health,
Michael Toscano & Brue Baker
Owners / Founders
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